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The Kinetograph's the 1st motion-picture camera. At Kinetograph.Tech, we cover cutting edge tech for video editing.
Part of HackerNoon's growing list of open-source research papers, promoting free access to academic material.
(1) Xueying Mao, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(2) Xiaoxiao Hu, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(3) Wanli Peng, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(4) Zhenliang Gan, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(5) Qichao Ying, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(6) Zhenxing Qian, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China and a Corresponding Author (;
(7) Sheng Li, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (;
(8) Xinpeng Zhang, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China (
Editor's note: This is Part 4 of 7 of a study describing the development of a new method to hide secret messages in semantic features of videos, making it more secure and resistant to distortion during online sharing. Read the rest below.
Datasets. We use Vggface2 [61] for training and FFHQ [15] for validation. We crop and resize facial areas to a fixed 224 × 224 resolution for input images. To analyze quality and performance, we randomly select 100 videos from DeepFake MNIST+ [65] to evaluate the performance.
Fig. 3. Qualitative Analysis of Stego Videos. Original represents frames within the cover videos.
Evaluation Metrics. We employ Bits Per Frame (BPF), quantifying the bits number of secret message per frame in the stego video. To assess robustness, we evaluate secret message extraction accuracy under various scenarios. For security assessment, we use three steganalysis methods [62, 63, 64] to demonstrate our method’s anti-detection capability.
Baselines. To ensure fair comparison in our experiments, we align HiDDeN and LSB to this capacity. Detailed methods of HiDDeN and LSB are available in the supplementary materials. Additionally, due to its PU-based design, PWRN has a limited capacity of 15 BPF when resizing input images to 224 × 224.
This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.