
Researcher's Introduction.

by Suelette Dreyfus 6mSeptember 19th, 2023
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Too Long; Didn't Read

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" — Oscar Wilde "What is essential is invisible to the eye" — Antoine De Saint-Exupery "But, how do you *know* it happened like that?" — Reader Due of the seamless nature of `Underground' this is a reasonable question to ask, although hints can be found at the back of the book in the Bibliography and Endnotes. The simple answer to this question is that we conducted over a hundred interviews and collected around 40,000 pages of primary documentation; telephone intercepts, data intercepts, log-files, witness statements, confessions, judgements. Telephone dialog and on-line discussions are drawn directly from the latter. Every significant hacking incident mentioned in this book has reams of primary documentation behind it. System X included. The non-simple answer goes more like this: In chapter 4, Par, one of the principle subjects of this book, is being watched by the Secret Service. He's on the run. He's a wanted fugitive. He's hiding out with another hacker, Nibbler in a motel chalet, Black Mountain, North Carolina. The Secret Service move in. The incident is vital in explaining Par's life on the run and the nature of his interaction with the Secret Service. Yet, just before the final edits of this book were to go the publisher, all the pages relating to the Block Mountain incident were about to be pulled. Why?
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Suelette Dreyfus

Suelette Dreyfus


Tech researcher, journalist, lecturer at University of Melbourne, specializes in tech's impact on whistleblowing.

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About Author

Suelette Dreyfus  HackerNoon profile picture
Suelette Dreyfus @suelettedreyfus
Tech researcher, journalist, lecturer at University of Melbourne, specializes in tech's impact on whistleblowing.



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