How to launch a Node js app behind an Nginx proxy on Amazon EC2 instance in a step by step walkthrough.
You need a few things before we start the launch:
That's it, we are ready to roll!
As your instance is being launched, you need to configure AWS security groups so that you and your website visitors will be able to access your app (and you will be able to connect to it via SSH).
Click Save
Go back to Instances
Ok, so you got your coffee and you can see your new instance status is 'running' and the status checks are green on the AWS EC2 Dashboard? Let's go then and connect to the instance via SSH:
Now the fun begins, we will blast through the installation of all the software you need. You will now be working in your SSH terminal
1. Update the system with the latest packages and basic environment
sudo yum update
2. Install nvm in order to install Node in the next step:
curl -o- | bash
3. Close and re-open your SSH console for the change to take effect
4. Install Node
nvm install node
5. Install Git
sudo yum install git
6. Install yarn. You are wondering why not an npm? Here is an article why you should use yarn. Bottom line, yarn is quicker and more resilient.
curl -o- -L | bash
8. Re-open the terminal window for changes to take effect
9. Clone your Node app from your git repo
git clone<username>/<repository-name>.git <folder-name>
-- or --
git clone https://<username><username>/<repository-name>.git
10. Check if it's there
11. Do you see a new folder with your app? Great, go to your app folder
cd <your-app-folder>
12. Install your app packages
yarn install
13. Install Node process manager to run your node app as a service.
You need a Node process manager so that it takes care of automatically restarting and reloading your app when something goes wrong. We will use PM2 - a very popular and production ready process manager.
yarn global add pm2
14. Launch your node app with the PM2 process manager. The example below assumes your app starts via index.js. Replace index.js with another file, e.g. app.js or server.js depending on how you would normally start your app in Node.
pm2 start index.js --name my-app
15. Make PM2 automatically restart your app if something goes wrong
pm2 startup
Retype the command the console asks you for in order to create the start up configuration. You need to re-type it as copy-paste does not really work in the console!
It is a bit painful but make sure you get this one right as otherwise PM2 will not re-start.
Now save the PM2 set up:
pm2 save
1. Install Nginx
sudo yum install nginx
You will get a warning command to install AWS curated Nginx package - great, that's what we need!
sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12
2. Edit Nginx config to redirect HTTP traffic from port :80 to the port your app is running on the local host.
In the example below I assumed your app is running on port 3000. If your app is running on a different port make sure to reflect that in the line of code proxy_pass; in the configuration below:
Open the editor:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
and edit the config file to contain the following server block (leave everything else as is):
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
server_name localhost;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location / {
Just in case you are new to the nano editor - you can press Ctr + X to finish editing and you will be prompt whether to save the file.
3. Restart Nginx
sudo service nginx restart
4. Set up Nginx to restart automatically if something goes wrong
sudo chkconfig nginx on
You are done! Up and running.
Go to your AWS dashboard with EC2 instances and find the Public DNS (IPv4) for your new instance. If you copy the url into the browser you should be able to see the output from your Node app.
1. You still need to think how to set up a proper domain for your app
I like to use AWS Route 53 and Cloudfront CDN to forward the traffic into the EC2 instance. That gives me resilience, free SSLs certificates and HTTPs redirects without having to worry about further Nginx configurations and management of certificate on the EC2 instance.
2. You need to configure your Nginx proxy headers and learn more about the server and location blocks configurations.
3. You probably want to set up a Git repo with your Nginx configuration files so that you can edit them in a proper code editor and than just pull their latest versions into your EC2 instance
4. Use a proper SSH client like PuTTY from your local machine. It will be a bit faster and smoother experience than the web client via AWS Console
5. Think about the caching strategy for your app