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Seeking a job is often a tedious affair. A lot of it involves networking, finding relevant job openings and following up on different aspects of job application.
I have attempted to build a Notion template which serves as a job application tracker and helps to weave different aspects of a job search making the process more conducive for the end user.
In my experience of a job hunt, I felt that following aspects were of utmost importance
I have tried to incorporate the above aspects into the job tracker in the form of different templates on the notion dashboard
There are Four Template Views on Notion's Job Tracker:
The job application board segregates job based on the status of the application:
A simple drag and drop for a particular board item changes the status of the application.
Job Application Board View on Notion Job Tracker
For a particular job, the application board takes in the following parameters
Parameters for relevant tracking
Different parameters can be filled in as and when the status of the job is changed or the progress is made. For example: As the status of the job application is changed from ‘Applied’ to ‘Interview’, the ‘Interview Date’ & ‘Action Items’ parameters shall be changed accordingly.
Timeline View in Job Application Board
The timeline view gives a prioritized attention for the action items requiring immediate attention. It lists down the perspective companies that require actionable tasks so that the users do not miss out on any follow ups.
It helps the user to keep a tab on the applications without facing any lapses.
Timeline view
Setting up reminders for follow up
Reminders can be set up for follow up dates intimating about the action to be taken up for required job search. The date of follow up can be selected and reminders and subsequently be added to them (as shown below):
Setting up Date/Time reminder
Building a network of relevant contacts is the most important aspect of a successful job hunt. Basic information of the contacts like phone number, email etc. is captured in the dataset.
Rollup feature linking contacts to relevant companies
The rollup feature allows to auto-populate the contact list while entering the details of the position in Job Application Board. This is the link-up between the Contacts and Job Application which helps to link relevant contacts to companies for which the application is sent out.
For example: While selecting the contact for Campaign Manager role at Google, the complete list of contact is displayed so that a relevant contact who works at Google is selected from the list. In case there is no contact working at Google, a new contact can be created in same operation.
Rollup feature to select relevant contact based on company
The view of the contact dashboard can be changed to gallery view to visualize the contact list. Select option → view to change the view of the gallery.
The table feature lists the complete information about the contact and it is useful for entering the information and make corrections, the gallery view on the other hand helps to list down important details of the contacts only
Activity tracker keeps a track on upcoming action items and items which are past due date. It lists out the complete set of activity in the process of job hunt.
Resume editing and drafting is another key aspect for job hunt. Encapsulating proper keywords and showcasing specific skill set based on the job requirement helps to get more calls for job interviews.
The resume builder on Job Tracker keeps different templates of resumes/cover letters which can be edited and saved according to usage
Resume Builder Template in Job Tracker
Now that you’ve gone ahead and duplicated the template, please show some love to the article. (Hint: like icon :p )
I build products and share the tools and methods for the same. Catchup with your product ideas on @productnstuff. Open and enthusiastic on collaborating for projects. Find me on LinkedIn. Cheers!
Previously published here.