MVC vs. MVVM: How a Website Communicates With Its Data Modelsby@zluo
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MVC vs. MVVM: How a Website Communicates With Its Data Models

by Z. Michael Luo5mOctober 15th, 2017
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<span>T</span>here’s no singular way in which a website can be structured. The design patterns of websites vary as much as websites vary themselves. Take a look at Facebook. On its surface, Facebook has to be one of the most complex websites people use on a regular basis. As soon as a user lands on their homepage, the website fires off at least half a dozen <a href="" target="_blank">data</a> requests to fill a page with a multitude of components. Each one of these components are designed to render asynchronously so the failure of one component won’t be consequential to the rest of the page. Now compare that to a website like <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>. One of the greatest draws to Google is the fact that their main website has one of the most famously simple user interfaces on all of the web. But underneath, has to be one the most logically complex web applications anyone can ever think of. Every time a user types a character into its search bar, Google taps into a collection of previously searched phrases to generate autocompleted answers that are estimated to be the most relevant to the user.

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Z. Michael Luo


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Z. Michael Luo@zluo



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