Hi, my name is Fedor. I have 10+ years of experience in software development. I have developed Java enterprise applications for the past eight years. Our company develops trade sites for insurance companies, real estate developers, and government institutions. These sites help companies find the best prices for materials and services and also plan and implement those services efficiently. I have worked on server-side logic, system integration, and electronic signing. Also, I have a strong understanding of the business logic and workflows of trading sites in various industries.
My most recent top story is called "GraphQL vs REST: How To Choose One Over The Other," in which I consider which approach is better to use when developing an API. The article describes the history, basic principles, and examples using REST and GraphQL. The advantages of each approach and the situations in which one is preferable to the other are also considered.
Read Fedor’s top story: https://hackernoon.com/graphql-vs-rest-how-to-choose-one-over-the-other
I am a Java developer, so I write mostly about Java. Even though the language itself is developing quite slowly, a huge, constantly updating eco-system has evolved around it. In my articles, I usually consider Java libraries and frameworks, as well as issues of self-improvement of Java developers.
I usually divide the work of the article into several parts and write in the evenings on weekdays or weekends. First, I outline a plan and write the introduction and conclusion. Then the next day I write the main text of the article. And then, in the final approach, I reread and correct the article several times and design it.
The most challenging thing is picking a topic. The topic guides the rest of the process. I try to select topics that are useful for others, easy to write about succinctly, as well as interesting to me and the audience.
I’m thinking about two options: to be a team leader or a principal engineer. I have not made a choice yet. I would like to manage others because I believe my experience as a developer could be very helpful to junior developers at the company. It’s important to me to continue to grow as a developer, but I am also interested in developing as a manager and leading others. If I choose to become a principal engineer I would like to help develop new products or improve the efficiency of current solutions. I plan to make a choice within a year.
I really like Shu-Puer and Oolong teas. Sometimes I drink so much a day that I can't sleep for a long time afterward 🙂
I am a glider pilot, I have been flying for more than five years. I planned to try flying a glider before studying for an airplane, but gliding turned out to be so interesting and exciting that I still prefer gliders. During the flight, it is constantly necessary to take into account changing weather conditions, the underlying surface, and the landscape.
Despite the fact I’ve been flying for five years, the ability to fly without an engine for hours, travel hundreds of miles and climb higher than some light-engine aircraft still impresses me. Many consider gliders to be one of the most elegant flying machines, and I have to agree with them.
You can expect more Java-related articles, but I’m also considering writing about Kotlin in the near future. Also, if another good article pops into my head, I will definitely publish it on HackerNoon.
The pleasure was all mine. I appreciate you reaching out to me. I like to be a part of the community and appreciate HackerNoon for helping edit and distribute my articles. I’m looking forward to writing more soon.