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Enrex continually looks for innovative methods in applying offsetting services in digital industries. One of those focal points is the introduction of a widget, that would trace and offset carbon emissions generated by website attendance. Not only does Enrex concern themselves with cleaning out the cryptocurrency and blockchain environment, but we want provide all of the online world to simple web offsetting operations as well.
We invite you to be one of the first to introduce a CO2-neutral web experience to your site visitors!
ENREX offsets the carbon emissions of your energy consumption (coming from website traffic) and make it carbon-free)! Here is a short tutorial of how it works:
Want to add the widget? Fill in the form
Within this framework Enrex’s team is holding its hopes up high to produce the following outcomes — (i.) an affordable and exciting financial premium plan (called — Freemium) for digital businesses to offset the first 10,000 visits to their particular websites for free; (ii.) attracting more customers and general traffic for the website and creating an environmentally-conscious exposure in the process.
With the future goal of adopting even more targets of NFT collections, businesses in a broader sense in mind, the widget will act as a staple of Enrex’s already impressive gallery of products and services. And as a whole — as a wayfinder for broadening Enrex’s audience.
While Enrex will undoubtedly garner its audience by ‘purchasing’ traffic, so will the businesses and websites serviced. The exchange between customers is all but guaranteed. The widget will epitomise a standard or a sign of approval. It will symbolise said business’s or website’s determination to go into a greener side of the industry — an act of serious position within the environmental concern debate. ‘Widgeting’ your website — announcing your willingness to go carbon neutral.
Within our widget options, which you will be able to access via our website at —
Freemium plan will hold the following conditions: (a) one month is a free trial period of use for any amount of traffic transactions within a particular website; (b) after a trial month period, Enrex provides 10,000 website visits for free.
Within the widget’s properties, you will gain viewership access to full energy consumption and widget usage analytics. Among those, there will be:
Every yearly quarter Enrex will issue an appropriate financial offset instrument to account for that quarter’s calculated energy consumption and CO2 emissions (e.g. renewable energy certificates, carbon allowances, etc.).
In the future, Enrex will most certainly adapt its widget for more than just website activity offsetting. It will branch out into other territories, such as NFT collections, business activities, financial transactions and so on. Be sure to follow closely the upcoming news on this brand new Enrex product.
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