Next time you have an idea 💡 "I know... Why don't I write a script to automate this thing?" Actually, you should not, you should write a CLI instead.
CLI has better structure than scripts. And, CLI uses command flags and help text to prevent you from making silly mistakes. For example:
$ moa --help
Moa makes it easier to run your local node.js apps.
$ moa
-c, --commands=commands [default: start] commands to run.
-h, --help show CLI help
-r, --root=root [default: ../] root path to run.
Have some fun
Scripts are messy and can get out of control.
At Taggun, we run a lot of node.js application. By the way, we make APIs for receipt OCR scanning. And I recommend oclif: The Open CLI Framework by Heroku for creating and managing CLIs.
Install node.js first.
$ npx oclif single moa
? npm package name (moa): moa
$ cd moa
MoaCommand.flags = {
// add --help flag to show CLI version
help:{char: 'h'}),
commands: flags.string({char: 'c', description: 'commands to run. Comma-separated.', default: 'start'}),
root: flags.string({char: 'r', description: 'root path to run.', default: '../'}),
Modify your description in
MoaCommand.description = `Moa makes it easier to run your local node.js apps.
class MoaCommand extends Command {
async run() {
const {flags} = this.parse(MoaCommand)
const commands = flags.commands.split(',')
const {root} = flags
find.file(/(?<!node_modules\/.*)\/package\.json$/, root, files => {
files.forEach(async file => {
const cwd = require('path').dirname(file)
commands.forEach(async command => {
this.log(cwd, `npm run ${command}`)
const npm = spawn('npm', ['run', command], {cwd})
for await (const output of npm.stdout) {
this.log(`${file}: ${output}`)
In this example, you will need to
run npm i
find to install find npm module.This simple CLI will look for all node.js application in the root folder and run
npm run [command]
. Great if you need to run multiple node.js application to start coding../bin/run -c start -c ../taggun/