Grinding your way from level 41-50 is a pain but seeing players on your friend list at level 50, you wonder when will you ever be on "PoGo mile-50 club".
As a data scientist, your reflex action is to google (or maybe bing)
pokemon go level requirements 40-50
Or if you prefer to ask bard / chatgpt, you would have typed:
What are the level requirements for pokemon go from level 40-50?
Cut-away: We used to talk normally until we regress into communicating with computers by dropping "stopwords" and SEO our keystrokes. And now you want us to go back to typing in full sentences so that computers can try to learn human language?! Maybe those AI models should start understanding:
(╯°□°)╯︵◓ 🪜 how?
This GameRadar guide is a good start but it's just not "data-friendly", lets convert the information into a JSON.
level_guide = {
41: {
'xp': 6_000_000,
'rewards': {
'ultra_balls': 20,
'max_potions': 20,
'max_revives': 20,
'razz_berries': 20,
'incubator': 1,
'xl_candy': 1
'tasks': ['Power up a Legendary Pokemon 20 times',
'Win 30 raids',
'Catch 200 Pokemon in a single day',
'Earn 5 gold medals'
42: {
'xp': 7_000_000,
'rewards': {
'ultra_balls': 20,
'max_potions': 20,
'max_revives': 20,
'nanab_berries': 20,
'incubator': 1,
'premium_pass': 1,
'xl_candy': 1
'tasks': ['Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions',
'Use items to evolve Pokemon 15 times',
'Make 3 Excellent Throws',
'Use 200 berries to help catch Pokemon'
}, ...,
50: {
'xp': 30_000_000,
'rewards': {
'ultra_balls': 50,
'max_potions': 50,
'max_revives': 20,
'super_incubator': 5,
'xl_candy': 2,
'elite_charged_tm': 1,
'incense': 5,
'lucky_egg': 5,
'lure': 5
'tasks': ['Make 999 Excellent throws',
'Catch a Legendary Pokemon in your next five Legendary Pokemon encounters',
'Defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader three times using only Pokemon with 2,500 CP or less',
'Reach Rank 10 in the Go Battle League'
from pprint import pprint
{'rewards': {'incubator': 1,
'max_potions': 20,
'max_revives': 20,
'nanab_berries': 20,
'premium_pass': 1,
'ultra_balls': 20,
'xl_candy': 1},
'tasks': ['Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions',
'Use items to evolve Pokemon 15 times',
'Make 3 Excellent Throws',
'Use 200 berries to help catch Pokemon'],
'xp': 7000000}
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
xp_needed = {k:level_guide[k]['xp'] for k in level_guide}
df_xp = pd.DataFrame(xp_needed.items(), columns=['Level', 'XP'])
ax = sns.lineplot(data=df_xp, x="Level", y="XP")
ax.set_xlim(40, 51)
Oh PoGo, your game designers and devs seriously knows how to keep players "sticky" to the app and buy those ever-inflationary Pokecoins!
So much sacrifice to gratify my childhood nostalgia for cute little monsters on a candy-bar phone.
{'incubator': 1,
'max_potions': 20,
'max_revives': 20,
'nanab_berries': 20,
'premium_pass': 1,
'ultra_balls': 20,
'xl_candy': 1}
Lets try to put them into pictures. First collect the list of image urls and automate some downloading.
import shutil
import requests
import imageio.v2 as imageio
import numpy as np
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from IPython.display import Image as JupyterImage
def download_image(img_url, save_to, thumbnail_size=(25,25)):
response = requests.get(img_url, stream = True)
response.raw.decode_content = True
with open(save_to,'wb') as fout:
shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, fout)
# Create thumbnail
if thumbnail_size:
image =
image.thumbnail(thumbnail_size)'.')[0] + '.thumbnail.png')
img_urls = {'golden_razz_berries': "",
'max_potions': '',
'max_revives': '',
'nanab_berries': '',
'razz_berries': "",
'silver_pinap_berries': '',
'pinap_berries': '',
'ultra_balls': ''}
for i, url in img_urls.items():
download_image(url, f'{i}.png')
to present the rewards.From
def fetch_num_items(level_guide_l, x):
for r in level_guide_l['rewards']:
if r.endswith(x):
return level_guide_l['rewards'][r]
return 0
ball_pots_revs = [{'levels': l,
'potions': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_potions'),
'revives': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_revives'),
'balls': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_balls'),
'berries': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_berries'),
'balls_img': next(r for r in level_guide[l]['rewards']
if r.endswith('_balls')) + '.thumbnail.png',
'potions_img': next(r for r in level_guide[l]['rewards']
if r.endswith('_potions')) + '.thumbnail.png',
'revives_img': next(r for r in level_guide[l]['rewards']
if r.endswith('_revives')) + '.thumbnail.png',
} for l in level_guide
df_bpr = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ball_pots_revs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
def getImage(path, zoom=1):
return OffsetImage(plt.imread(path), zoom=zoom)
# Substitute with `df_bpr['potions_img']` or `df_bpr['revives_img']`
paths = df_bpr['balls_img']
x = df_bpr['levels']
y = df_bpr['balls'] # Substitute with `df_bpr['potions']` or `df_bpr['revives']`
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x, y)
for x0, y0, path in zip(x, y,paths):
ab = AnnotationBbox(getImage(path), (x0, y0), frameon=False)
I wonder how the game devs decide how many reward items to give for the levels. Maybe they did what my teacher used to grade our papers, hold the student essays, walk to the staircase, throw them down the stairs, the nearest get As, the furthest gets Fs.
The game devs must have done the same to the reward items and all the max revives plushies drops the bottom of the stairs.
I would love to mix a bunch of different berries plushie and put them in the fridge whenever we run out of fruits before I go to the store to replenish them.
I guess I could generate them with “un-stable diffusion” on huggingface for now…
Can't you put all the items together?
paths = list(df_bpr['revives_img']) + list(df_bpr['potions_img']) + list(df_bpr['balls_img'])
x = list(df_bpr['levels']) + list(df_bpr['levels']) + list(df_bpr['levels'])
y = list(df_bpr['revives']) + list(df_bpr['potions']) + list(df_bpr['balls'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x, y)
for x0, y0, path in zip(x, y,paths):
ab = AnnotationBbox(getImage(path), (x0, y0), frameon=False)
Q: Can't you try to just group them together if they fall on the same point?!
A: I guess so, but do you really need some "beautiful" infographics just to know whether it's worth it for you to grind up to level 50?
def combine_images(image_filenames, output_filename, pilmode='RGBA', how='v'):
imgs = [Image.fromarray(imageio.imread(i, pilmode=pilmode))
for i in image_filenames]
max_shape = sorted( [(np.sum(i.size), i.size) for i in imgs])[-1][-1]
# Vertical
if how[0].lower()=='v':
imgs_comb = np.vstack([i.resize(max_shape) for i in imgs])
# Horizontal
elif how[0].lower()=='h':
imgs_comb = np.hstack([i.resize(max_shape) for i in imgs])
# Square
elif how[0].lower()=='s':
if len(image_filenames) % 2 != 0: # If odd, add a blank image.'RGBA', max_shape).save('blank.png')
image_filenames += ['blank.png']
combine_images(image_filenames[:len(image_filenames)//2], 'part1.png', how='h')
combine_images(image_filenames[len(image_filenames)//2:], 'part2.png', how='h')
imgs = [Image.fromarray(imageio.imread('part1.png', pilmode=pilmode)),
Image.fromarray(imageio.imread('part2.png', pilmode=pilmode))]
scale = len(image_filenames[:len(image_filenames)//2])
max_shape =(max_shape[0]*scale, max_shape[1]*1)
imgs_comb = np.vstack([i.resize(max_shape) for i in imgs])
imgs_comb = Image.fromarray(imgs_comb)
list_im = ['max_revives.thumbnail.png', 'max_potions.thumbnail.png',
'ultra_balls.thumbnail.png', 'golden_razz_berries.thumbnail.png']
combine_images(list_im, output_filename='rewards-s.png', how='square')
We'll have to group the images together by (x,y) points instead of keeping them in a nice table.
def fetch_num_items(level_guide_l, x):
for r in level_guide_l['rewards']:
if r.endswith(x):
return level_guide_l['rewards'][r]
return 0
ball_pots_revs_ber = [{'levels': l,
'potions': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_potions'),
'revives': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_revives'),
'balls': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_balls'),
'berries': fetch_num_items(level_guide[l], '_berries'),
} for l in level_guide
df_bprb = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ball_pots_revs_ber)
from collections import defaultdict
data_points = defaultdict(list)
for idx, row in df_bprb.iterrows():
x = row['levels']
for i in row.index:
if i != 'levels':
y = row[i]
if y == 0:
next(r for r in level_guide[x]['rewards'] if r.endswith(i)) + '.thumbnail.png'
{(41, 20): ['max_potions.thumbnail.png',
(42, 20): ['max_potions.thumbnail.png',
(50, 50): ['max_potions.thumbnail.png',
(50, 20): ['max_revives.thumbnail.png']})
data_points_imgs = {}
for k, v in data_points.items():
fname = f"{'-'.join(map(str, k))}.png"
if len(v) in [1,2]:
combine_images(v, output_filename=fname, how='horizontal')
combine_images(v, output_filename=fname, how='square')
data_points_imgs[k] = fname
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
import seaborn as sns
x, y = zip(*data_points_imgs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x, y, s=0.01)
plt.xlim([40, 51])
ppp = data_points_imgs.values()
for x0, y0, path in zip(x, y,ppp):
ab = AnnotationBbox(
OffsetImage(plt.imread(path), zoom=1),
(x0, y0), frameon=False)
Also published here.