CSV failų pavertimas grafikais naudojant LLM: nuoseklus vadovaspateikė@neo4j
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CSV failų pavertimas grafikais naudojant LLM: nuoseklus vadovas

pateikė Neo4j41m2024/10/29
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Išbandykite LLM, norėdami konvertuoti CSV failus į grafikų struktūras, tobulinti duomenų modeliavimą Neo4j taikydami pasikartojantį, greitą metodą.
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Kaip sekasi LLM bandant kurti grafikus iš plokščių CSV failų?

Didelė mano darbo dalis yra vartotojų patirties su Neo4j gerinimas. Dažnai duomenų gavimas į Neo4j ir efektyvus jų modeliavimas yra pagrindinis vartotojų iššūkis, ypač pirmosiomis dienomis. Nors pradinis duomenų modelis yra svarbus ir jį reikia apgalvoti, jį galima lengvai pertvarkyti, kad padidėtų našumas, kai didėja duomenų dydis arba vartotojų skaičius.

Taigi, kaip iššūkį sau, maniau, kad pažiūrėsiu, ar LLM galėtų padėti su pradinių duomenų modeliu. Jei nieko daugiau, tai parodytų, kaip dalykai yra susiję, ir suteiktų vartotojui greitų rezultatų, kuriuos jie gali parodyti kitiems.

Intuityviai žinau, kad duomenų modeliavimas yra pasikartojantis procesas, o tam tikrus LLM gali lengvai atitraukti dideli duomenų kiekiai, todėl tai suteikė gerą galimybę naudoti „LangGraph“ duomenų apdorojimui ciklais.

Pasinerkime į raginimus, dėl kurių tai įvyko.

Grafinio modeliavimo pagrindai

Grafinių duomenų modeliavimo pagrindų kursas „GraphAcademy“ supažindins jus su duomenų modeliavimo grafike pagrindais, tačiau pirmiausia vadovaujuosi šiomis nykščio taisyklėmis:

  • Daiktavardžiai tampa etiketėmis – jie apibūdina dalyką , kurį reiškia mazgas.
  • Veiksmažodžiai tampa santykių tipais – jie apibūdina, kaip dalykai yra susiję.
  • Visa kita tampa savybėmis (ypač prieveiksmiais) — Jūs turite vardą ir galite vairuoti pilką automobilį.

Veiksmažodžiai gali būti ir mazgai; jums gali būti malonu žinoti, kad asmuo užsisakė prekę, tačiau šis pagrindinis modelis neleidžia žinoti, kur ir kada prekė buvo užsakyta. Šiuo atveju tvarka tampa nauju modelio mazgu.

Esu įsitikinęs, kad tai gali būti paversta raginimu sukurti grafinio duomenų modeliavimo metodą, kuris būtų visiškai nepriekaištingas.

Iteratyvus požiūris

Trumpai pabandžiau tai padaryti prieš kelis mėnesius ir pastebėjau, kad mano naudojamas modelis lengvai atitrūko dirbant su didesnėmis schemomis, o raginimai gana greitai pasiekė LLM žetonų ribas.

Maniau, kad šį kartą išbandysiu kartotinį metodą, paimdamas raktus po vieną. Tai turėtų padėti išvengti blaškymosi, nes LLM vienu metu turi apsvarstyti tik vieną elementą.

Galutinis metodas apima šiuos veiksmus:

  1. Įkelkite CSV failą į Pandas duomenų rėmelį.
  2. Išanalizuokite kiekvieną CSV stulpelį ir pridėkite jį prie duomenų modelio, laisvai pagrįsto JSON schema.
  3. Nustatykite ir pridėkite trūkstamus unikalius kiekvieno objekto ID.
  4. Peržiūrėkite duomenų modelio tikslumą.
  5. Generuokite „Cypher“ sakinius, kad importuotumėte mazgus ir ryšius.
  6. Generuokite unikalius apribojimus, kuriais grindžiami importavimo teiginiai.
  7. Sukurkite apribojimus ir paleiskite importą.


Greitai pažiūrėjau į Kaggle ir ieškojau įdomaus duomenų rinkinio . Duomenų rinkinys, kuris išsiskyrė, buvo „Spotify“ labiausiai transliuojamos dainos .

 import pandas as pd csv_file = '/Users/adam/projects/datamodeller/data/spotify/spotify-most-streamed-songs.csv' df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) df.head() track_name artist(s)_name artist_count released_year released_month released_day in_spotify_playlists in_spotify_charts streams in_apple_playlists … key mode danceability_% valence_% energy_% acousticness_% instrumentalness_% liveness_% speechiness_% cover_url 0 Seven (feat. Latto) (Explicit Ver.) Latto, Jung Kook 2 2023 7 14 553 147 141381703 43 … B Major 80 89 83 31 0 8 4 Not Found 1 LALA Myke Towers 1 2023 3 23 1474 48 133716286 48 … C# Major 71 61 74 7 0 10 4… 2 vampire Olivia Rodrigo 1 2023 6 30 1397 113 140003974 94 … F Major 51 32 53 17 0 31 6… 3 Cruel Summer Taylor Swift 1 2019 8 23 7858 100 800840817 116 … A Major 55 58 72 11 0 11 15… 4 WHERE SHE GOES Bad Bunny 1 2023 5 18 3133 50 303236322 84 … A Minor 65 23 80 14 63 11 6…

5 eilutės × 25 stulpeliai

Tai gana paprasta, bet iš karto matau, kad tarp kūrinių ir atlikėjų turėtų būti santykiai.

Taip pat reikia įveikti duomenų švarumo iššūkius, nes stulpelių pavadinimai ir atlikėjai yra kableliais atskirtos vertės stulpelyje artist(s)_name.

LLM pasirinkimas

Labai norėjau tam naudoti vietinį LLM, bet anksti sužinojau, kad „Llama 3“ to nepadarys. Jei abejojate, grįžkite į OpenAI:

 from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field from typing import List from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")

Duomenų modelio kūrimas

Duomenų modeliavimo raginimui sukurti naudojau sutrumpintą modeliavimo instrukcijų rinkinį. Turėjau keletą kartų suprojektuoti raginimą, kad gaučiau nuoseklų rezultatą.

Nulinio kadro pavyzdys veikė gana gerai, bet pastebėjau, kad išvestis buvo nenuosekli. Struktūrinės išvesties apibrėžimas JSON išvesties laikymui tikrai padėjo:

 class JSONSchemaSpecification(BaseModel): notes: str = Field(description="Any notes or comments about the schema") jsonschema: str = Field(description="A JSON array of JSON schema specifications that describe the entities in the data model")

Keleto kadrų išvesties pavyzdys

Pats JSON taip pat buvo nenuoseklus, todėl galiausiai apibrėžiau schemą pagal filmų rekomendacijų duomenų rinkinį.

Išvesties pavyzdys:

 example_output = [ dict( title="Person", type="object", description="Node", properties=[ dict(name="name", column_name="person_name", type="string", description="The name of the person", examples=["Tom Hanks"]), dict(name="date_of_birth", column_name="person_dob", type="date", description="The date of birth for the person", examples=["1987-06-05"]), dict(name="id", column_name="person_name, date_of_birth", type="string", description="The ID is a combination of name and date of birth to ensure uniqueness", examples=["tom-hanks-1987-06-05"]), ], ), dict( title="Director", type="object", description="Node", properties=[ dict(name="name", column_name="director_names", type="string", description="The name of the directors. Split values in column by a comma", examples=["Francis Ford Coppola"]), ], ), dict( title="Movie", type="object", description="Node", properties=[ dict(name="title", column_name="title", type="string", description="The title of the movie", examples=["Toy Story"]), dict(name="released", column_name="released", type="integer", description="The year the movie was released", examples=["1990"]), ], ), dict( title="ACTED_IN", type="object", description="Relationship", properties=[ dict(name="_from", column_name="od", type="string", description="Person found by the `id`. The ID is a combination of name and date of birth to ensure uniqueness", examples=["Person"]), dict(name="_to", column_name="title", type="string", description="The movie title", examples=["Movie"]), dict(name="roles", type="string", column_name="person_roles", description="The roles the person played in the movie", examples=["Woody"]), ], ), dict( title="DIRECTED", type="object", description="Relationship", properties=[ dict(name="_from", type="string", column_name="director_names", description="Director names are comma separated", examples=["Director"]), dict(name="_to", type="string", column_name="title", description="The label of the node this relationship ends at", examples=["Movie"]), ], ), ]

Turėjau nukrypti nuo griežtos JSON schemos ir prie išvesties pridėti lauką stulpelio_pavadinimas, kad padėtų LLM sugeneruoti importavimo scenarijų. Aprašymų pavyzdžių pateikimas taip pat padėjo šiuo klausimu, kitu atveju MATCH sąlygoje naudojamos savybės buvo nenuoseklios.


Štai paskutinis raginimas:

 model_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(""" You are an expert Graph Database administrator. Your task is to design a data model based on the information provided from an existing data source. You must decide where the following column fits in with the existing data model. Consider: * Does the column represent an entity, for example a Person, Place, or Movie? If so, this should be a node in its own right. * Does the column represent a relationship between two entities? If so, this should be a relationship between two nodes. * Does the column represent an attribute of an entity or relationship? If so, this should be a property of a node or relationship. * Does the column represent a shared attribute that could be interesting to query through to find similar nodes, for example a Genre? If so, this should be a node in its own right. ## Instructions for Nodes * Node labels are generally nouns, for example Person, Place, or Movie * Node titles should be in UpperCamelCase ## Instructions for Relationships * Relationshops are generally verbs, for example ACTED_IN, DIRECTED, or PURCHASED * Examples of good relationships are (:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie) or (:Person)-[:PURCHASED]->(:Product) * Relationships should be in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE * Provide any specific instructions for the field in the description. For example, does the field contain a list of comma separated values or a single value? ## Instructions for Properties * Relationships should be in lowerPascalCase * Prefer the shorter name where possible, for example "person_id" and "personId" should simply be "id" * If you are changing the property name from the original field name, mention the column name in the description * Do not include examples for integer or date fields * Always include instructions on data preparation for the field. Does it need to be cast as a string or split into multiple fields on a delimiting value? * Property keys should be letters only, no numbers or special characters. ## Important! Consider the examples provided. Does any data preparation need to be done to ensure the data is in the correct format? You must include any information about data preparation in the description. ## Example Output Here is an example of a good output: {example_output} ## New Data: Key: {key} Data Type: {type} Example Values: {examples} ## Existing Data Model Here is the existing data model: {existing_model} ## Keep Existing Data Model Apply your changes to the existing data model but never remove any existing definitions. """, partial_variables=dict(example_output=dumps(example_output))) model_chain = model_prompt | llm.with_structured_output(JSONSchemaSpecification)

Grandinės vykdymas

Norėdami pakartotinai atnaujinti modelį, kartojau raktus duomenų rėmelyje ir perdaviau kiekvieną raktą, jo duomenų tipą ir pirmąsias penkias unikalias reikšmes raginimui:

 from json_repair import dumps, loads existing_model = {} for i, key in enumerate(df): print("\n", i, key) print("----------------") try: res = try_chain(model_chain, dict( existing_model=dumps(existing_model), key=key, type=df[key].dtype, examples=dumps(df[key].unique()[:5].tolist()) )) print(res.notes) existing_model = loads(res.jsonschema) print([n['title'] for n in existing_model]) except Exception as e: print(e) pass existing_model

Konsolės išvestis:

 0 track_name ---------------- Adding 'track_name' to an existing data model. This represents a music track entity. ['Track'] 1 artist(s)_name ---------------- Adding a new column 'artist(s)_name' to the existing data model. This column represents multiple artists associated with tracks and should be modeled as a new node 'Artist' and a relationship 'PERFORMED_BY' from 'Track' to 'Artist'. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 2 artist_count ---------------- Added artist_count as a property of Track node. This property indicates the number of artists performing in the track. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 3 released_year ---------------- Add the released_year column to the existing data model as a property of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 4 released_month ---------------- Adding the 'released_month' column to the existing data model, considering it as an attribute of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 5 released_day ---------------- Added a new property 'released_day' to the 'Track' node to capture the day of the month a track was released. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 6 in_spotify_playlists ---------------- Adding the new column 'in_spotify_playlists' to the existing data model as a property of the 'Track' node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 7 in_spotify_charts ---------------- Adding the 'in_spotify_charts' column to the existing data model as a property of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 8 streams ---------------- Adding a new column 'streams' to the existing data model, representing the number of streams for a track. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 9 in_apple_playlists ---------------- Adding new column 'in_apple_playlists' to the existing data model ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 10 in_apple_charts ---------------- Adding 'in_apple_charts' as a property to the 'Track' node, representing the number of times the track appeared in the Apple charts. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 11 in_deezer_playlists ---------------- Add 'in_deezer_playlists' to the existing data model for a music track database. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 12 in_deezer_charts ---------------- Adding a new property 'inDeezerCharts' to the existing 'Track' node to represent the number of times the track appeared in Deezer charts. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 13 in_shazam_charts ---------------- Adding new data 'in_shazam_charts' to the existing data model. This appears to be an attribute of the 'Track' node, indicating the number of times a track appeared in the Shazam charts. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 14 bpm ---------------- Added bpm column as a property to the Track node as it represents a characteristic of the track. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 15 key ---------------- Adding the 'key' column to the existing data model. The 'key' represents the musical key of a track, which is a shared attribute that can be interesting to query through to find similar tracks. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 16 mode ---------------- Adding 'mode' to the existing data model. It represents a musical characteristic of a track, which is best captured as an attribute of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 17 danceability_% ---------------- Added 'danceability_%' to the existing data model as a property of the Track node. The field represents the danceability percentage of the track. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 18 valence_% ---------------- Adding the valence percentage column to the existing data model as a property of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 19 energy_% ---------------- Integration of the new column 'energy_%' into the existing data model. This column represents an attribute of the Track entity and should be added as a property of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 20 acousticness_% ---------------- Adding acousticness_% to the existing data model as a property of the Track node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 21 instrumentalness_% ---------------- Adding the new column 'instrumentalness_%' to the existing Track node as it represents an attribute of the Track entity. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 22 liveness_% ---------------- Adding the new column 'liveness_%' to the existing data model as an attribute of the Track node ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 23 speechiness_% ---------------- Adding the new column 'speechiness_%' to the existing data model as a property of the 'Track' node. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY'] 24 cover_url ---------------- Adding a new property 'cover_url' to the existing 'Track' node. This property represents the URL of the track's cover image. ['Track', 'Artist', 'PERFORMED_BY']

Keletą pakeitimų, susijusių su raginimu tvarkyti naudojimo atvejus, galų gale radau modelį, kuriuo buvau labai patenkintas. LLM pavyko nustatyti, kad duomenų rinkinį sudaro takelis, atlikėjas ir ryšys PERFORMED_BY, kad būtų galima sujungti šiuos du dalykus:

 [ { "title": "Track", "type": "object", "description": "Node", "properties": [ { "name": "name", "column_name": "track_name", "type": "string", "description": "The name of the track", "examples": [ "Seven (feat. Latto) (Explicit Ver.)", "LALA", "vampire", "Cruel Summer", "WHERE SHE GOES", ], }, { "name": "artist_count", "column_name": "artist_count", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of artists performing in the track", "examples": [2, 1, 3, 8, 4], }, { "name": "released_year", "column_name": "released_year", "type": "integer", "description": "The year the track was released", "examples": [2023, 2019, 2022, 2013, 2014], }, { "name": "released_month", "column_name": "released_month", "type": "integer", "description": "The month the track was released", "examples": [7, 3, 6, 8, 5], }, { "name": "released_day", "column_name": "released_day", "type": "integer", "description": "The day of the month the track was released", "examples": [14, 23, 30, 18, 1], }, { "name": "inSpotifyPlaylists", "column_name": "in_spotify_playlists", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of Spotify playlists the track is in. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [553, 1474, 1397, 7858, 3133], }, { "name": "inSpotifyCharts", "column_name": "in_spotify_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Spotify charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [147, 48, 113, 100, 50], }, { "name": "streams", "column_name": "streams", "type": "array", "description": "The list of stream IDs for the track. Maintain the array format.", "examples": [ "141381703", "133716286", "140003974", "800840817", "303236322", ], }, { "name": "inApplePlaylists", "column_name": "in_apple_playlists", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of Apple playlists the track is in. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [43, 48, 94, 116, 84], }, { "name": "inAppleCharts", "column_name": "in_apple_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Apple charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [263, 126, 207, 133, 213], }, { "name": "inDeezerPlaylists", "column_name": "in_deezer_playlists", "type": "array", "description": "The list of Deezer playlist IDs the track is in. Maintain the array format.", "examples": ["45", "58", "91", "125", "87"], }, { "name": "inDeezerCharts", "column_name": "in_deezer_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Deezer charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [10, 14, 12, 15, 17], }, { "name": "inShazamCharts", "column_name": "in_shazam_charts", "type": "array", "description": "The list of Shazam chart IDs the track is in. Maintain the array format.", "examples": ["826", "382", "949", "548", "425"], }, { "name": "bpm", "column_name": "bpm", "type": "integer", "description": "The beats per minute of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [125, 92, 138, 170, 144], }, { "name": "key", "column_name": "key", "type": "string", "description": "The musical key of the track. Cast the value as a string.", "examples": ["B", "C#", "F", "A", "D"], }, { "name": "mode", "column_name": "mode", "type": "string", "description": "The mode of the track (eg, Major, Minor). Cast the value as a string.", "examples": ["Major", "Minor"], }, { "name": "danceability", "column_name": "danceability_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The danceability percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [80, 71, 51, 55, 65], }, { "name": "valence", "column_name": "valence_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The valence percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [89, 61, 32, 58, 23], }, { "name": "energy", "column_name": "energy_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The energy percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [83, 74, 53, 72, 80], }, { "name": "acousticness", "column_name": "acousticness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The acousticness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [31, 7, 17, 11, 14], }, { "name": "instrumentalness", "column_name": "instrumentalness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The instrumentalness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [0, 63, 17, 2, 19], }, { "name": "liveness", "column_name": "liveness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The liveness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [8, 10, 31, 11, 28], }, { "name": "speechiness", "column_name": "speechiness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The speechiness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [4, 6, 15, 24, 3], }, { "name": "coverUrl", "column_name": "cover_url", "type": "string", "description": "The URL of the track's cover image. If the value is 'Not Found', it should be cast as an empty string.", "examples": [ "", "", ], }, ], }, { "title": "Artist", "type": "object", "description": "Node", "properties": [ { "name": "name", "column_name": "artist(s)_name", "type": "string", "description": "The name of the artist. Split values in column by a comma", "examples": [ "Latto", "Jung Kook", "Myke Towers", "Olivia Rodrigo", "Taylor Swift", "Bad Bunny", ], } ], }, { "title": "PERFORMED_BY", "type": "object", "description": "Relationship", "properties": [ { "name": "_from", "type": "string", "description": "The label of the node this relationship starts at", "examples": ["Track"], }, { "name": "_to", "type": "string", "description": "The label of the node this relationship ends at", "examples": ["Artist"], }, ], }, ] [ { "title": "Track", "type": "object", "description": "Node", "properties": [ { "name": "name", "column_name": "track_name", "type": "string", "description": "The name of the track", "examples": [ "Seven (feat. Latto) (Explicit Ver.)", "LALA", "vampire", "Cruel Summer", "WHERE SHE GOES", ], }, { "name": "artist_count", "column_name": "artist_count", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of artists performing in the track", "examples": [2, 1, 3, 8, 4], }, { "name": "released_year", "column_name": "released_year", "type": "integer", "description": "The year the track was released", "examples": [2023, 2019, 2022, 2013, 2014], }, { "name": "released_month", "column_name": "released_month", "type": "integer", "description": "The month the track was released", "examples": [7, 3, 6, 8, 5], }, { "name": "released_day", "column_name": "released_day", "type": "integer", "description": "The day of the month the track was released", "examples": [14, 23, 30, 18, 1], }, { "name": "inSpotifyPlaylists", "column_name": "in_spotify_playlists", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of Spotify playlists the track is in. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [553, 1474, 1397, 7858, 3133], }, { "name": "inSpotifyCharts", "column_name": "in_spotify_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Spotify charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [147, 48, 113, 100, 50], }, { "name": "streams", "column_name": "streams", "type": "array", "description": "The list of stream IDs for the track. Maintain the array format.", "examples": [ "141381703", "133716286", "140003974", "800840817", "303236322", ], }, { "name": "inApplePlaylists", "column_name": "in_apple_playlists", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of Apple playlists the track is in. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [43, 48, 94, 116, 84], }, { "name": "inAppleCharts", "column_name": "in_apple_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Apple charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [263, 126, 207, 133, 213], }, { "name": "inDeezerPlaylists", "column_name": "in_deezer_playlists", "type": "array", "description": "The list of Deezer playlist IDs the track is in. Maintain the array format.", "examples": ["45", "58", "91", "125", "87"], }, { "name": "inDeezerCharts", "column_name": "in_deezer_charts", "type": "integer", "description": "The number of times the track appeared in the Deezer charts. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [10, 14, 12, 15, 17], }, { "name": "inShazamCharts", "column_name": "in_shazam_charts", "type": "array", "description": "The list of Shazam chart IDs the track is in. Maintain the array format.", "examples": ["826", "382", "949", "548", "425"], }, { "name": "bpm", "column_name": "bpm", "type": "integer", "description": "The beats per minute of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [125, 92, 138, 170, 144], }, { "name": "key", "column_name": "key", "type": "string", "description": "The musical key of the track. Cast the value as a string.", "examples": ["B", "C#", "F", "A", "D"], }, { "name": "mode", "column_name": "mode", "type": "string", "description": "The mode of the track (eg, Major, Minor). Cast the value as a string.", "examples": ["Major", "Minor"], }, { "name": "danceability", "column_name": "danceability_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The danceability percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [80, 71, 51, 55, 65], }, { "name": "valence", "column_name": "valence_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The valence percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [89, 61, 32, 58, 23], }, { "name": "energy", "column_name": "energy_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The energy percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [83, 74, 53, 72, 80], }, { "name": "acousticness", "column_name": "acousticness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The acousticness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [31, 7, 17, 11, 14], }, { "name": "instrumentalness", "column_name": "instrumentalness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The instrumentalness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [0, 63, 17, 2, 19], }, { "name": "liveness", "column_name": "liveness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The liveness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [8, 10, 31, 11, 28], }, { "name": "speechiness", "column_name": "speechiness_%", "type": "integer", "description": "The speechiness percentage of the track. Cast the value as an integer.", "examples": [4, 6, 15, 24, 3], }, { "name": "coverUrl", "column_name": "cover_url", "type": "string", "description": "The URL of the track's cover image. If the value is 'Not Found', it should be cast as an empty string.", "examples": [ "", "", ], }, ], }, { "title": "Artist", "type": "object", "description": "Node", "properties": [ { "name": "name", "column_name": "artist(s)_name", "type": "string", "description": "The name of the artist. Split values in column by a comma", "examples": [ "Latto", "Jung Kook", "Myke Towers", "Olivia Rodrigo", "Taylor Swift", "Bad Bunny", ], } ], }, { "title": "PERFORMED_BY", "type": "object", "description": "Relationship", "properties": [ { "name": "_from", "type": "string", "description": "The label of the node this relationship starts at", "examples": ["Track"], }, { "name": "_to", "type": "string", "description": "The label of the node this relationship ends at", "examples": ["Artist"], }, ], }, ]

Unikalių identifikatorių pridėjimas

Pastebėjau, kad schemoje nebuvo jokių unikalių identifikatorių, ir tai gali tapti problema importuojant ryšius. Suprantama, kad skirtingi atlikėjai išleis dainas tuo pačiu pavadinimu , o du atlikėjai gali turėti tą patį pavadinimą.

Dėl šios priežasties buvo svarbu sukurti takelių identifikatorių, kad juos būtų galima atskirti didesniame duomenų rinkinyje:

 # Add primary key/unique identifiers uid_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(""" You are a graph database expert reviewing a single entity from a data model generated by a colleague. You want to ensure that all of the nodes imported into the database are unique. ## Example A schema contains Actors with a number of properties including name, date of birth. Two actors may have the same name then add a new compound property combining the name and date of birth. If combining values, include the instruction to convert the value to slug case. Call the new property 'id'. If you have identified a new property, add it to the list of properties leaving the rest intact. Include in the description the fields that are to be concatenated. ## Example Output Here is an example of a good output: {example_output} ## Current Entity Schema {entity} """, partial_variables=dict(example_output=dumps(example_output))) uid_chain = uid_prompt | llm.with_structured_output(JSONSchemaSpecification)

Šis veiksmas tikrai reikalingas tik mazgams, todėl iš schemos ištraukiau mazgus, paleidau kiekvieno grandinę ir sujungiau ryšius su atnaujintais apibrėžimais:

 # extract nodes and relationships nodes = [n for n in existing_model if "node" in n["description"].lower()] rels = [n for n in existing_model if "node" not in n["description"].lower()] # generate a unique id for nodes with_uids = [] for entity in nodes: res = uid_chain.invoke(dict(entity=dumps(entity))) json = loads(res.jsonschema) with_uids = with_uids + json if type(json) == list else with_uids + [json] # combine nodes and relationships with_uids = with_uids + rels

Duomenų modelio apžvalga

Dėl sveiko proto verta patikrinti modelio optimizavimą. Model_prompt atliko gerą darbą nustatant daiktavardžius ir veiksmažodžius, tačiau sudėtingesniame modelyje.

Viena iteracija *_playlists ir _charts stulpelius laikė ID ir bandė sukurti srauto mazgus ir IN_PLAYLIST ryšius. Manau, kad tai įvyko dėl to, kad buvo daugiau nei 1 000, įskaitant formatavimą kableliu (pvz., 1 001).

Puiki mintis, bet gal kiek per protinga. Tačiau tai rodo, kaip svarbu turėti žmogų, kuris suprastų duomenų struktūrą.

 # Add primary key/unique identifiers review_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(""" You are a graph database expert reviewing a data model generated by a colleague. Your task is to review the data model and ensure that it is fit for purpose. Check for: ## Check for nested objects Remember that Neo4j cannot store arrays of objects or nested objects. These must be converted into into separate nodes with relationships between them. You must include the new node and a reference to the relationship to the output schema. ## Check for Entities in properties If there is a property that represents an array of IDs, a new node should be created for that entity. You must include the new node and a reference to the relationship to the output schema. # Keep Instructions Ensure that the instructions for the nodes, relationships, and properties are clear and concise. You may improve them but the detail must not be removed in any circumstances. ## Current Entity Schema {entity} """) review_chain = review_prompt | llm.with_structured_output(JSONSchemaSpecification) review_nodes = [n for n in with_uids if "node" in n["description"].lower() ] review_rels = [n for n in with_uids if "node" not in n["description"].lower() ] reviewed = [] for entity in review_nodes: res = review_chain.invoke(dict(entity=dumps(entity))) json = loads(res.jsonschema) reviewed = reviewed + json # add relationships back in reviewed = reviewed + review_rels len(reviewed) reviewed = with_uids

Realiame scenarijuje norėčiau tai paleisti keletą kartų, kad pakartotinai patobulinčiau duomenų modelį. Aš nustatyčiau maksimalią ribą, tada kartočiau iki to momento arba duomenų modelio objektas nebesikeičia.

Generuokite importo ataskaitas

Iki to momento schema turėtų būti pakankamai tvirta ir apimti kuo daugiau informacijos, kad LLM galėtų sugeneruoti importavimo scenarijų rinkinį.

Vadovaujantis Neo4j duomenų importavimo rekomendacijomis , failas turėtų būti apdorojamas kelis kartus, kiekvieną kartą importuojant vieną mazgą arba ryšį, kad būtų išvengta smalsių operacijų ir užrakinimo.

 import_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(""" Based on the data model, write a Cypher statement to import the following data from a CSV file into Neo4j. Do not use LOAD CSV as this data will be imported using the Neo4j Python Driver, use UNWIND on the $rows parameter instead. You are writing a multi-pass import process, so concentrate on the entity mentioned. When importing data, you must use the following guidelines: * follow the instructions in the description when identifying primary keys. * Use the instructions in the description to determine the format of properties when a finding. * When combining fields into an ID, use the apoc.text.slug function to convert any text to slug case and toLower to convert the string to lowercase - apoc.text.slug(toLower(row.`name`)) * If you split a property, convert it to a string and use the trim function to remove any whitespace - trim(toString(row.`name`)) * When combining properties, wrap each property in the coalesce function so the property is not null if one of the values is not set - coalesce(row.`id`, '') + '--'+ coalsece(row.`title`) * Use the `column_name` field to map the CSV column to the property in the data model. * Wrap all column names from the CSV in backticks - for example row.`column_name`. * When you merge nodes, merge on the unique identifier and nothing else. All other properties should be set using `SET`. * Do not use apoc.periodic.iterate, the files will be batched in the application. Data Model: {data_model} Current Entity: {entity} """)

Šiai grandinei reikalingas kitoks išvesties objektas nei ankstesniuose žingsniuose. Šiuo atveju svarbiausias yra šifro narys, bet taip pat norėjau įtraukti raktą „chain_of_thought“, kad paskatinčiau minties grandinę:

 class CypherOutputSpecification(BaseModel): chain_of_thought: str = Field(description="Any reasoning used to write the Cypher statement") cypher: str = Field(description="The Cypher statement to import the data") notes: Optional[str] = Field(description="Any notes or closing remarks about the Cypher statement") import_chain = import_prompt | llm.with_structured_output(CypherOutputSpecification)

Tada tas pats procesas taikomas kartoti kiekvieną iš peržiūrėtų apibrėžimų ir generuoti šifrą:

 import_cypher = [] for n in reviewed: print('\n\n------', n['title']) res = import_chain.invoke(dict( data_model=dumps(reviewed), entity=n )) import_cypher.append(( res.cypher )) print(res.cypher)

Konsolės išvestis:

 ------ Track UNWIND $rows AS row MERGE (t:Track {id: apoc.text.slug(toLower(coalesce(row.`track_name`, '') + '-' + coalesce(row.`released_year`, '')))}) SET = trim(toString(row.`track_name`)), t.artist_count = toInteger(row.`artist_count`), t.released_year = toInteger(row.`released_year`), t.released_month = toInteger(row.`released_month`), t.released_day = toInteger(row.`released_day`), t.inSpotifyPlaylists = toInteger(row.`in_spotify_playlists`), t.inSpotifyCharts = toInteger(row.`in_spotify_charts`), t.streams = row.`streams`, t.inApplePlaylists = toInteger(row.`in_apple_playlists`), t.inAppleCharts = toInteger(row.`in_apple_charts`), t.inDeezerPlaylists = row.`in_deezer_playlists`, t.inDeezerCharts = toInteger(row.`in_deezer_charts`), t.inShazamCharts = row.`in_shazam_charts`, t.bpm = toInteger(row.`bpm`), t.key = trim(toString(row.`key`)), t.mode = trim(toString(row.`mode`)), t.danceability = toInteger(row.`danceability_%`), t.valence = toInteger(row.`valence_%`), = toInteger(row.`energy_%`), t.acousticness = toInteger(row.`acousticness_%`), t.instrumentalness = toInteger(row.`instrumentalness_%`), t.liveness = toInteger(row.`liveness_%`), t.speechiness = toInteger(row.`speechiness_%`), t.coverUrl = CASE row.`cover_url` WHEN 'Not Found' THEN '' ELSE trim(toString(row.`cover_url`)) END ------ Artist UNWIND $rows AS row WITH row, split(row.`artist(s)_name`, ',') AS artistNames UNWIND artistNames AS artistName MERGE (a:Artist {id: apoc.text.slug(toLower(trim(artistName)))}) SET = trim(artistName) ------ PERFORMED_BY UNWIND $rows AS row UNWIND split(row.`artist(s)_name`, ',') AS artist_name MERGE (t:Track {id: apoc.text.slug(toLower(row.`track_name`)) + '-' + trim(toString(row.`released_year`))}) MERGE (a:Artist {id: apoc.text.slug(toLower(trim(artist_name)))}) MERGE (t)-[:PERFORMED_BY]->(a)

Norint pasiekti nuoseklių rezultatų, prireikė tam tikros inžinerijos:

  • Kartais Cypher įtrauktų MERGE teiginį su keliais apibrėžtais laukais, o tai geriausiu atveju nėra optimalu. Jei kuris nors iš stulpelių yra nulinis, visas importavimas nepavyks.
  • Kartais rezultatas būtų apoc.period.iterate , kurio nebereikia, ir aš norėjau kodo, kurį galėčiau vykdyti su Python tvarkykle.
  • Turėjau pakartoti, kad kuriant ryšius reikia naudoti nurodytą stulpelio pavadinimą.
  • LLM tiesiog nesilaikytų instrukcijų, kai naudotų unikalų identifikatorių mazguose kiekviename ryšio gale, todėl prireikė kelių bandymų, kad jis laikytųsi aprašyme pateiktų nurodymų. Tarp šio raginimo ir „model_prompt“ buvo šiek tiek pirmyn ir atgal.
  • Atgalinės varnelės buvo reikalingos stulpelių pavadinimams, kuriuose yra specialiųjų simbolių (pvz., energija_%).

Taip pat būtų naudinga padalyti tai į du raginimus – vieną mazgams ir kitą santykiams. Bet tai kitos dienos užduotis.

Sukurkite unikalius apribojimus

Toliau importavimo scenarijai gali būti naudojami kaip pagrindas sukurti unikalius duomenų bazės apribojimus:

 constraint_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(""" You are an expert graph database administrator. Use the following Cypher statement to write a Cypher statement to create unique constraints on any properties used in a MERGE statement. The correct syntax for a unique constraint is: CREATE CONSTRAINT movie_title_id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (m:Movie) REQUIRE m.title IS UNIQUE; Cypher: {cypher} """) constraint_chain = constraint_prompt | llm.with_structured_output(CypherOutputSpecification) constraint_queries = [] for statement in import_cypher: res = constraint_chain.invoke(dict(cypher=statement)) statements = res.cypher.split(";") for cypher in statements: constraint_queries.append(cypher)

Konsolės išvestis:


Kartais šis raginimas grąžintų teiginius apie indeksus ir apribojimus, suskaidydamas kabliataškį.

Paleiskite importavimą

Kai viskas buvo vietoje, atėjo laikas vykdyti ethe Cypher teiginius:

 from os import getenv from neo4j import GraphDatabase driver = GraphDatabase.driver( getenv("NEO4J_URI"), auth=( getenv("NEO4J_USERNAME"), getenv("NEO4J_PASSWORD") ) ) with driver.session() as session: # truncate the db"MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") # create constraints for q in constraint_queries: if q.strip() != "": # import the data for q in import_cypher: if q.strip() != "": res =, rows=rows).consume() print(q) print(res.counters)

QA duomenų rinkinyje

Šis įrašas nebūtų baigtas be tam tikro duomenų rinkinio kokybės užtikrinimo naudojant GraphCypherQAChain:

 from langchain.chains import GraphCypherQAChain from langchain_community.graphs import Neo4jGraph graph = Neo4jGraph( url=getenv("NEO4J_URI"), username=getenv("NEO4J_USERNAME"), password=getenv("NEO4J_PASSWORD"), enhanced_schema=True ) qa = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm( llm, graph=graph, allow_dangerous_requests=True, verbose=True )

Populiariausi menininkai

Kas yra populiariausi atlikėjai duomenų bazėje?

 qa.invoke({"query": "Who are the most popular artists?"}) > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain... Generated Cypher: cypher MATCH (:Track)-[:PERFORMED_BY]->(a:Artist) RETURN, COUNT(*) AS popularity ORDER BY popularity DESC LIMIT 10 Full Context: [{'': 'Bad Bunny', 'popularity': 40}, {'': 'Taylor Swift', 'popularity': 38}, {'': 'The Weeknd', 'popularity': 36}, {'': 'SZA', 'popularity': 23}, {'': 'Kendrick Lamar', 'popularity': 23}, {'': 'Feid', 'popularity': 21}, {'': 'Drake', 'popularity': 19}, {'': 'Harry Styles', 'popularity': 17}, {'': 'Peso Pluma', 'popularity': 16}, {'': '21 Savage', 'popularity': 14}] > Finished chain. { "query": "Who are the most popular artists?", "result": "Bad Bunny, Taylor Swift, and The Weeknd are the most popular artists." }

Panašu, kad LLM populiarumą vertino pagal atlikėjo dainų skaičių, o ne bendrą srautų skaičių.

dūžiai per minutę

Kurioje trasoje BPM didžiausias?

 qa.invoke({"query": "Which track has the highest BPM?"}) > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain... Generated Cypher: cypher MATCH (t:Track) RETURN t ORDER BY t.bpm DESC LIMIT 1 Full Context: [{'t': {'id': 'seven-feat-latto-explicit-ver--2023'}}] > Finished chain. { "query": "Which track has the highest BPM?", "result": "I don't know the answer." }

Sifrų generavimo raginimo tobulinimas

Šiuo atveju Cypher atrodo gerai ir teisingas rezultatas buvo įtrauktas į raginimą, tačiau gpt-4o negalėjo interpretuoti atsakymo. Panašu, kad „GraphCypherQAChain“ perduodama CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT gali susidoroti su papildomomis instrukcijomis, kad stulpelių pavadinimai būtų išsamesni.

Visada naudokite išsamius stulpelių pavadinimus „Cypher“ sakinyje naudodami etiketę ir ypatybių pavadinimus. Pavyzdžiui, naudokite „person_name“, o ne „vardas“.

GraphCypherQAChain su pasirinktiniu raginimu:

 CYPHER_GENERATION_TEMPLATE = """Task:Generate Cypher statement to query a graph database. Instructions: Use only the provided relationship types and properties in the schema. Do not use any other relationship types or properties that are not provided. Schema: {schema} Note: Do not include any explanations or apologies in your responses. Do not respond to any questions that might ask anything else than for you to construct a Cypher statement. Do not include any text except the generated Cypher statement. Always use verbose column names in the Cypher statement using the label and property names. For example, use 'person_name' instead of 'name'. Include data from the immediate network around the node in the result to provide extra context. For example, include the Movie release year, a list of actors and their roles, or the director of a movie. When ordering by a property, add an `IS NOT NULL` check to ensure that only nodes with that property are returned. Examples: Here are a few examples of generated Cypher statements for particular questions: # How many people acted in Top Gun? MATCH (m:Movie {{name:"Top Gun"}}) RETURN COUNT { (m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-() } AS numberOfActors The question is: {question}""" CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["schema", "question"], template=CYPHER_GENERATION_TEMPLATE ) qa = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm( llm, graph=graph, allow_dangerous_requests=True, verbose=True, cypher_prompt=CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT, )

Daugumos atlikėjų atliekami kūriniai

Grafikai puikiai pateikia ryšių skaičių pagal tipą ir kryptį.

 qa.invoke({"query": "Which tracks are performed by the most artists?"}) > Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain... Generated Cypher: cypher MATCH (t:Track) WITH t, COUNT { (t)-[:PERFORMED_BY]->(:Artist) } as artist_count WHERE artist_count IS NOT NULL RETURN AS track_id, AS track_name, artist_count ORDER BY artist_count DESC Full Context: [{'track_id': 'los-del-espacio-2023', 'track_name': 'Los del Espacio', 'artist_count': 8}, {'track_id': 'se-le-ve-2021', 'track_name': 'Se Le Ve', 'artist_count': 8}, {'track_id': 'we-don-t-talk-about-bruno-2021', 'track_name': "We Don't Talk About Bruno", 'artist_count': 7}, {'track_id': 'cayï-ï-la-noche-feat-cruz-cafunï-ï-abhir-hathi-bejo-el-ima--2022', 'track_name': None, 'artist_count': 6}, {'track_id': 'jhoome-jo-pathaan-2022', 'track_name': 'Jhoome Jo Pathaan', 'artist_count': 6}, {'track_id': 'besharam-rang-from-pathaan--2022', 'track_name': None, 'artist_count': 6}, {'track_id': 'nobody-like-u-from-turning-red--2022', 'track_name': None, 'artist_count': 6}, {'track_id': 'ultra-solo-remix-2022', 'track_name': 'ULTRA SOLO REMIX', 'artist_count': 5}, {'track_id': 'angel-pt-1-feat-jimin-of-bts-jvke-muni-long--2023', 'track_name': None, 'artist_count': 5}, {'track_id': 'link-up-metro-boomin-don-toliver-wizkid-feat-beam-toian-spider-verse-remix-spider-man-across-the-spider-verse--2023', 'track_name': None, 'artist_count': 5}] > Finished chain. { "query": "Which tracks are performed by the most artists?", "result": "The tracks \"Los del Espacio\" and \"Se Le Ve\" are performed by the most artists, with each track having 8 artists." }


CSV analizė ir modeliavimas yra daugiausiai laiko reikalaujanti dalis. Sukūrimas gali užtrukti daugiau nei penkias minutes.

Pačios išlaidos buvo gana pigios. Per aštuonias eksperimentavimo valandas turbūt išsiunčiau šimtus užklausų ir galiausiai išleidau dolerį.

Norint pasiekti šį tašką, teko susidurti su keliais iššūkiais:

  • Kad raginimai būtų teisingi, prireikė kelių pakartojimų. Šią problemą būtų galima išspręsti patikslinus modelį arba pateikus keletą pavyzdžių.
  • JSON atsakymai iš GPT-4o gali būti nenuoseklūs. Man buvo rekomenduotas json-repair , o tai buvo geriau nei bandymas priversti LLM patvirtinti savo JSON išvestį.

Matau, kad šis metodas gerai veikia „LangGraph“ diegime, kai operacijos vykdomos nuosekliai, todėl LLM gali sukurti ir patobulinti modelį. Kai išleidžiami nauji modeliai, jiems taip pat gali būti naudingas tikslinimas.

Sužinokite daugiau

Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos apie žinių grafiko kūrimo proceso su LLM supaprastinimą, žr. skiltį Didelių kalbų modelių panaudojimas naudojant Neo4j . Skaitykite „Neo4j GraphRAG“ darbo eigos kūrimas naudojant „LangChain“ ir „LangGraph“, kad sužinotumėte daugiau apie „LangGraph“ ir „Neo4j“. O jei norite sužinoti daugiau apie koregavimą, peržiūrėkite Žinių diagramas ir LLMs: Tikslus derinimas vs. Retrieval-Augmented Generation .

Funkcijos vaizdas: grafiko modelis rodo takelius su PERFORMED_BY ryšiu su atlikėjais. Nuotrauka autorės.

Norėdami sužinoti daugiau apie šią temą, prisijunkite prie mūsų lapkričio 7 d. NODES 2024, mūsų nemokamos virtualios kūrėjų konferencijos apie išmaniąsias programas, žinių diagramas ir AI. Registruokis dabar!

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Neo4j is the world's leading graph database, with native graph storage and processing..