The world is going digital: connected devices spring up left and right, tons of data are becoming available daily, and consumer relationships are often getting formed and managed via social media outlets. These and other trends send business models into flux all over the world, and the US and China are at the spearhead of this trend.
Successful founders and developers understand that market disruption will continue accelerating and innovation is the only path to competitive differentiation.
People, devices, applications, and ‘things’ communicate, responding and adapting in real-time according to need, context, and preferences.
When you are validating your idea or working on your startup, consider the following trends and analyze if your work will fit into the future environment:
Interactions between people, connected devices, and software increasingly influence nearly every dimension of our lives, including transportation, work, social relationships, commerce, and security. Founders must be cognizant of the subscription economy trends to be able to innovate and not to get caught in the shifting business models.