How to Import json into TypeScriptby@jecelynyeen
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How to Import json into TypeScript

by Jecelyn YeenNovember 28th, 2016
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In ES6/ES2015, you can import json file in your code. For example,

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In ES6/ES2015, you can import json file in your code. For example,

Given you have this example.json` file:

{"name": "testing"}

You could import it in ES6/ES2015 like this.

// ES6/ES2015// app.js

import * as data from './example.json';

const word =;

console.log(word); // output 'testing'

In Typescript, however, the same code will throw error:

Cannot find module 'example.json'

[UPDATE] Solution: Typescript 2.9 supports JSON import!

If you are using Typescript version 2.9, you don’t need to follow solution 2. Here is how you can do it:

In your `tsconfig.json` file, under compiler options, add these two lines:

{"compilerOptions": {"resolveJsonModule": true,"esModuleInterop": true}}

Then you can import json like this:

// Typescript// app.ts

import data from './example.json';

const word = (<any>data).name;

console.log(word); // output 'testing'

Easy Peasy!

Solution: Using Wildcard Module Name

In Typescript version 2 +, we can use wildcard character in module name. In your TS Definition file, e.g. typings.d.ts`, you can add this line:

declare module "*.json" {const value: any;export default value;}

Then, your code will work like charm!

// Typescript// app.ts

import * as data from './example.json';

const word = (<any>data).name;

console.log(word); // output 'testing'

Sample code here:

This solution works well with Angular project too.

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