I’m doing my part! Would you like to know more?by@knut.svanholm
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I’m doing my part! Would you like to know more?

by Knut Svanholm3mJune 14th, 2017
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<span>I</span> have a regular job which gives me a steady income and enables me to support my family. Like many people I live in a house which I had to loan money from a bank to buy. Like many people I pay taxes and I receive my paycheck in an inflationary, government issued currency. And like some people I understand how these mechanisms keeps me, the hamster, running in my wheel. But I also have a lot of spare time and I’m connected to the internet most of the time. On the internet I can do a lot of things that I can’t do anywhere else. I can reach out to like minded individuals all over the planet and I can educate myself and I do. I recently graduated from a Massive Open Online Course in digital currencies at the University of Nicosia and I can highly recommend it. Finding out about this new technology has changed my life in ways that a regular job never could. I’ve always been curious about new technologies and I’ve always been fascinated by breakthroughs that question the norm. Bittorrent technology for instance. How fast things change when you change the rules of the game. It makes you see how rigged it was before the change.

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Knut Svanholm

Knut Svanholm


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