According to Gang of Four, a creational pattern “Builder” allows to separate and reuse a specific method to build something.
Lets us take an example of a Car, and the user wanted to build two models, i.e., SUV and Sedan. Builder design pattern comes in handy in the above use case, and let's see a step-by-step demonstration.
And let's assume the Car class has the following properties.
public class Car{
public string Name { get; set; }
public double TopSpeed { get; set; }
public bool IsSUV { get; set; }
Basic knowledge of OOPS concepts.Any programming language knowledge.
The article demonstrates the usage of builder design patterns using the C# programming language. So, to begin with, Intro C#
Firstly, let’s implement an abstract class builder extended by different car models like SUV or Sedan as per use case.
The abstract class consists of the following methods
public abstract class CarBuilder
protected readonly Car _car = new Car();
public abstract void SetName();
public abstract void SetSpeed();
public abstract void SetIsSUV();
public virtual Car GetCar() => _car;
Abstract methods for each property of the Car class. A virtual method that outputs the Car class instance.
Now, let’s create a factory that utilizes CarBuilder class to build different car models and returns the instance of the car made.
public class CarFactory
public Car Build(CarBuilder builder)
return builder.GetCar();
Finally, implement different models of cars. Firstly, ModelSuv.cs
public class ModelSuv : CarBuilder
public override void SetIsSUV()
_car.IsSUV = true;
public override void SetName()
_car.Name = "Maruti SUV";
public override void SetSpeed()
_car.TopSpeed = 1000;
Lastly, ModelSedan.cs
public class ModelSedan : CarBuilder
public override void SetIsSUV()
_car.IsSUV = false;
public override void SetName()
_car.Name = "Maruti Sedan";
public override void SetSpeed()
_car.TopSpeed = 2000;
Finally, let's use design patterns to build different car models with the help of
method.static void Main(string[] args)
var sedan = new ModelSedan();
var suv = new ModelSuv();
var factory = new CarFactory();
var builders = new List<CarBuilder> { suv, sedan };
foreach (var b in builders)
var c = factory.Build(b);
Console.WriteLine($"The Car details" +
$"\n--------------------------------------" +
$"\nName: {c.Name}" +
$"\nIs SUV: {c.IsSUV}" +
$"\nTop Speed: {c.TopSpeed} mph\n");
The above usage shows how gracefully we can build different car models using the builder design pattern.
The code pattern is highly maintainable & extensible. If in the future if we need to develop a new model, just the new model needs to extend the CarBuilder class, and it's done.
The following repository shows the above use case implementation using a Builder Design Pattern in the console-based application.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you liked the article. Please provide your feedback in the comment section.
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