Experienced tech engineer in multiple fields, domains, and technologies over the years #cloud, #security #smartcontracts
It is the most accepted fact after the great taste of ice-cream. Software engineers absolutely hate open plans or open offices.
They are noisy and tight, distracting, nerve breaking and the last thing they do is to help you enter a state of flow. Unless you are lucky and your colleagues know the pain and behave accordingly.
Unfortunately, the open office is an inevitable resource of our day to day work and it will be for the next few years, even though there are tons of voices against. There are some benefits of open plans though, but I think the cons are way more intense.
Below there are some tips to help you survive
I have touched the subject, in a previous article but I can’t stress it enough. When life gives you lemons, make some lemon juice. And when you get noise, try to get some mental isolation with your earphones. Just like this dog:
Who are you talking to, the most? For both work and non-work purposes. It is usually the surrounding developers and your technical leader. If YOU are the tech lead though, kudos for your promotion first, and second, you also you have one less fella to worry about. :) But also, you are encouraged to promote such good practices, among your teammates.
So, let's say, for example, you are working with a Pomodoro-like technique. Let them know, that unless it is something super-urgent that you want to be distracted again in, at most, X minutes. Usually, people will respect that. And if they can't wait, then a message on the company’s chat application will usually do the work.
If you are working with a pomodoro-like technique, this is part of your productivity system. But if not, make sure you do more of this. Breaks help you rest more and if you are more rested it is less possible to give in to silly distractions.
Thank you CareerAddict.com
Come first at the office or leave last. Not to appear nice to your manager but because, 2 hours of deep work (highly recommended book) can have a better outcome than 8 hours of semi-working, semi-focused.
Even though not everyone is the same, working from home, in general, can make you more productive.
There are a lot of people who work from home when they actually want to get the job done. If your employer is flexible around the location, feel free to take a day from home once in a while.
It is not always that Ben from the next office is doing something bad and rude or Jen is yelling for no reason. There is a chance, you might just be the j*rk here.
So please ensure the following are applied (at the very least, it is not an exhaustive list):
And I could continue for days..the golden rule here is, as Metallica would say _Do unto others as they've done to you_
Thank for taking the time to read this article. I am really hoping to hear your best tips for a matter that we all care about. Till then, happy openoffic-ing.
Originally published at https://perigk.github.io/.