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Terraform is a fantastic tool for managing your cloud infrastructure, especially if your assets are hosted on multiple cloud providers.
Depending on the scale of your organization, you usually start by running these Terraform commands locally while having your code in a Git repository and your remote state in a proper shared online backend. Everything is going well until you realize that having a central codebase is really good but need to go hand in hand with a “out of developer laptop” way to run these Terraform commands.
Developers are now used to do some CI for code and application development. But what about Terraform? How can you apply continuous integration and delivery techniques to your Terraform code?
In this article, we will demonstrate how to build a complete Terraform pipeline using GitLab CI.
In this pipeline, we will consider 3 stages:
We can also consider an additional stage: reverting the last applied set of changes. But as these operations may be sensible, I personally keep them out of CI.
To implement this pipeline, you need to configure some secrets. Most people are using a remote bucket for storing the Terraform state. Access to this storage requires specific credentials depending on your cloud provider.
Let’s demonstrate using Google Cloud Platform and a storage bucket.
First create a new service account for GitLab and save the credential file.
Give this service account the appropriate rights on the Terraform bucket (Storage Owner)Configure the service account credentials as a file variable in your GitLab project CI/CD settings.
Configure the google credentials file in GitLab CI
The process is similar if you are using AWS: you have to configure AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables with the credentials of an appropriately scoped user.
Initialize the GitLab CI Pipeline
Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file at the project root with the following content:
stage: terraform:check
extends: .base-terraform
- terraform fmt -check -recursive terraform/
needs: []
stage: terraform:check
extends: .base-terraform
script: |
for d in $(ls terraform); do
terraform init -input=false -backend=false terraform/$d
terraform validate terraform/$d
needs: []
This base job will be inherited by all the subsequent job and inject the credentials. We take car of triggering our pipeline only if Terraform files are changed in the context of a merge request or a push on a branch.
Static Check for Terraform Code
First thing we want is to ensure the pushed code is formatted correctly as per Terraform’s format command and has no syntax errors courtesy of the validate command
- terraform:check
- terraform:plan
- terraform:apply
name: "hashicorp/terraform"
entrypoint: [""]
# set the google service account credentials from the variables
- terraform version
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- terraform/**
These checks will be the first jobs in our pipeline. They are run in parallel to spare some time. Note that the validate command requires Terraform to be initialized.
Next we want to generate the Terraform plan. We need to initialize Terraform first and then, if you are using the workspace feature, select the adequate workspace. Finally we call the plan command with optional tfvars files if required.
stage: terraform:plan
extends: .base-terraform
STACK: "terraform/mystack"
WORKSPACE: myworkspace
VARS: "-var-file=my.tfvars"
- terraform init -input=false ${STACK}
- terraform workspace select ${WORKSPACE} ${STACK}
- terraform plan -out=${WORKSPACE}.tfplan ${VARS} ${STACK}
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- terraform/**
- my.tfvars
name: ${WORKSPACE}
- ./*.tfplan
- .terraform
expire_in: 1 week
There are some interesting things going on here:
Applying the changes
Last thing to do is to apply the changes.
As we have explained before, we want this step to be manual after reviewing the plan. The reason is that infrastructure changes may be critical or destructive and automatic validation with no human eye may be impossible to implement.
stage: terraform:apply
extends: .base-terraform
PLAN_FILE: myworkspace.tfplan
- terraform apply -auto-approve ${PLAN_FILE}
name: gcp
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
- terraform/**
- my.tfvars
when: manual
We get back our saved plan and .terraform folder from the previous stage and simply run the Terraform command in non interactive mode. This job is created only for the master branch.
If you will, you may implement key metrics from Terraform plan directly in your GitLab GUI using the Terraform MR integration.
Or you can add a testing step for your infrastructure by implementing some Terratest test cases, especially against a “staging” infrastructure environment before deploying to production.
Even if automating Terraform operations is maybe less trendy than automating applications deployment, it’s a must-have to secure your process and keep your IaaC repository as the unique source of truth. As this automation is quick and easy to implement, there is no excuse not to do it now!
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