In this article, I will show you how to migrate data from S3 to Snowball.
Preconditions: In Amazon S3 you must have a bucket with files you need to migrate:
Step 1: Log in to your AWS account. Go to the navigation panel and choose AWS Snow Family
Step 2: Click the button “Order an AWS Snow Family device”.
Also on this page, you can see prices for all devices in AWS Snow Family
Step 3: Write the Job name and choose the job option.
In this tutorial, we will transfer data from the existing Amazon S3 to Snowball. But depending on your task you can choose to import data to Amazon S3 or Use S3 only locally.
After choosing job type we need to click the next button.
Step 4: Choose options based on your requirements and the amount of data.
Choose your device depending on your requirements and the amount of data, etc. After that scroll down and select your AWS S3 bucket from which you will transfer data. And click the Next button.
Step5: Enter key range.(Optional)
By default AWS will transfer all your data from the S3 bucket to Snowball but if you want to transfer only specific data you can write key ranges. (e.g. If you want to transfer only file with logs name you must write the Start and End of key range "log", but if you want to transfer data from latter "a" to latter "d" you can write in Start of key range "a" and at the End of key range "d"). After that click Confirm button. And click Next.
Step6: AWS Services for Snow (Optional)
You can select AWS Services for Snow if you need. When you use AWS IoT Greengrass on your Snowball device, you allow it to collect and analyze data close to where it was created. This allows real-time processing and instantaneous information. AWS IoT Greengrass establishes a secure and reliable connection between your Snowball and other devices on your local network, facilitating seamless communication and coordination between devices.
Also, you can select remote device management to remotely unlock, reboot and monitor your device.
After choosing the needed options clicknext.
Step 7: Encryption, Shipping address, and SNS.
For encryption of your data, you can choose the default KMS key for import-export data and service access type or choose your custom KMS key and access type if you have it.
Then scroll down and fill in your shipping address, Choose shipping speed (depending on your choice it may take one or two days), choose or create the SNS topic for notifications and enter youremail. After that click Next.
Thus, we migrated the data from S3 to Snowball.