Building a landing page? In need of a webpage to market your product? Struggling to gain more traffic on your website? If you can relate to these questions, this article is just for you!
In this article, we have outlined what people look for in a landing page, how to make your landing page better and what mistakes you need to avoid.
If you Google for landing pages, you will see there are enough landing pages available out there for you already. So how do you make your landing page stand out?
Here are a few points to be taken care of while building a landing page.
While building a landing page, set an objective in mind. For example, if your landing page is about house loans, keep in mind the users who would be looking out for such a page and why would they want to use your service. Make the users your focus and how your service would help them.
The first thing any user will read when they land on your landing page is the introduction. When describing your product or service, address it in such a way that it identifies with the user’s problems instead of just highlighting your brand. Always make a user’s concern your first priority.
Testimonials are something visitors look at immediately after checking out your page. Don’t skip them, make your testimonials highlight the best features of your service and answer the doubts of potential users. Make sure your testimonials are honest and from real people to win the trust of users.
Most websites have a ‘Sign-Up’ button or ‘Click here’ link that leads to contact or subscribe form. Instead of adding a pop-up or redirecting users to a form, insert a form directly on the page. This makes it easier for users to fill in details and saves them the time to look for forms.
Always place the CTA (Call to action) button where it is easily visible to users. Adding a CTA button at the very bottom is not always a good idea as most users will not notice it and might abandon the website. Adding more than one CTA buttons or adding a sticky header with a CTA button visible at all times, even while scrolling will make your website more user-friendly.
Make pricing tables look cleaner by avoiding unnecessary details. Keep it simple and distinguishable. For example, if you have 3 types of pricing policies available for say a free, basic and premium version of your product, make sure an onlooker can easily differentiate between the three. Highlight the popular and most used package or add a discount to it to grab the user’s interest. Place the CTA button right below the description for each type of package available.
Frequently Asked Questions is section a potential buyer would definitely check out of curiosity. Make sure to add a FAQ section on your landing page that answers any doubt a user would have while buying your product or service. Adding this section right after the price table will be better as the user would not have to scroll through the entire page to find this section if they if plan to buy it after checking out the price.
Many users bounce from the website after taking a single look at the landing page. Ever wondered why? There could be a thousand possible reasons, some that are unavoidable, and some that are common mistakes that can be avoided. Some major turn-offs for potential customers include:
Needless to say, an incomplete website acts as a big turn off for a customer. If your website has sections that are not complete or yet to be updated, it is best that they are removed or updated at the earliest. A potential buyer will never consider a service that does not have proper details available.
If your landing page is only compatible with PCs and doesn't work properly on small screens, it will probably drive a lot of users away. When designing a landing page make sure to make it fit for both large and small screens. Display only the vital content in the smaller screens, making it easier for the users to find what they are looking for. Also, fill the empty spaces and fit the display to screen so the user does not have to zoom in.
If you have, say a Sign-Up feature on your landing page that only activates when a user fills in their email id and otherwise looks like a disabled button, it is easy to mistake that the button does not work. This leaves a negative impression about your website on the user. It is best adviced to do error checks (easily achieved by email input type) when including such fields and not disable it.
This section is often neglected but is, in fact, a basic requirement for all websites. A potential customer must be assured that in case of any queries, they will be interacting with real people and not just an automated chatbot. Providing live chat support or a contact form will give a better user experience.
While advertising or doing any kind of marketing campaign, the content in the Ad should be the same as that written in the introduction of the website. This would not mislead the users and only potential customers will visit your page.
These are some of the ways to gain more traffic on your landing page. If you own a landing page or are designing one ( feel free to check out this free MIT-license landing page Marshmallow), make sure you follow these tips.