Making your developers test their own code is bad business, and you should feel bad for doing it. The last thing a dev wants to do after completing complex work on a feature is test it across a bunch of different platforms, devices, and scenarios. Yet, it’s increasingly expected as organizations
As quickly and often as modern software changes, it’s easy to fall into wagon ruts: critical paths you follow as your most likely
Although software development testing is essential, it doesn’t mean you should make your devs QA testers. They’re more prone to these wagon ruts because it’s hard to judge your own work. (Think about an important proposal or email you’ve written. Without spellcheck or a volunteer reader, would you have noticed your mistakes?) A second set of eyes is a crucial part of the dev cycle workflow, so don’t skimp on quality assurance in software testing.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and software testing is the prevention. Some bugs are minor, only making your product look less polished. However, delivering bad bugs to your customers can lead to expensive mistakes, such as missed invoices and data loss. Without QA, customers
Testing saves your business time, money, and embarrassment. Delivering bug-laden software erodes trust; customers rightfully judge you when they run across one because it was your job to fix it—not theirs. When you’re not holding up your end of the bargain, it won’t take customers long to move on.
Software testing is an important part of any dev cycle (especially
Putting the manual QA burden on the shoulders of devs is a bad move for morale and velocity. QA testing is a detailed and time-intensive task; it’s not the best use of a dev’s time, education, and experience. Devs are coding and user experience experts—they don’t necessarily need to know your business well enough to perform proper tests. That’s your problem to solve.
Good QA testing by a group of trained professionals gives your dev team a safety net. It makes devs more comfortable doing what they do. But that hasn’t stopped some big-name companies from firing QA teams and unceremoniously dumping QA work on their devs.
Microsoft had an entire army of QA testers prior to 2015 that tirelessly tracked bugs and prepared reports to organize things for devs between Windows updates. But Microsoft
Windows customers are now using beta builds for Windows 11, and Microsoft relies on
Expecting too much of devs is unfair. It’s a form of moral injury, according to a
Now you know firing QA teams is a mistake. Luckily, there is a simple fix.
Quality assurance in software testing is a specialization that doesn’t require the same level of coding genius your devs have. However, it does require you to liaise with other business units and have a general idea of how to translate their demands.
Software development is complicated, and even a highly skilled dev will work on one specific section, completely oblivious to how the rest of the system works. Their expertise lies in coding and developing software solutions; they aren’t experts in software development testing. You don’t know everything happening throughout your own business, so how can you expect that of your devs?
The money you might be trying to save today by overloading your devs will come back to haunt you, whether it’s by losing your best workers to a competitor or driving away customers. The fact is that nobody should be your test cases except
Big tech keeps firing its first line of defense against a tidal wave of problems. Don’t make the same mistake: Maintain and support your QA team!
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