This article was originally posted on the Monday Morning Haskell blog on February 13th, 2017. Check out the blog for more Haskell content!
We should now have a decent grasp on functors and applicative functors (check out the links if you aren’t!). Now it’s time to take the next step up. We’re going to tackle the dreaded concept of Monads. There are dozens of monad tutorials and descriptions on the internet. This makes sense. Monads are vital to writing any kind of meaningful program in Haskell. They aren’t the hardest concept in functional programming, but they are the biggest roadblock because of their importance. In this series of articles, we’re going to try tackling the concept in small, manageable chunks.
So without further ado, here’s my crack at a definition: A Monad wraps a value or a computation with a particular context. A monad must define both a means of wrapping normal values in the context, and a way of combining computations within the context.
This definition is quite broad. So let’s look at a more practical level to try to make sense of this.
Just like with functors and applicative functors, Haskell represents monads with a type class. It has two functions:
class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> a -> m b -> m b
These two functions correspond to the two ideas from above. The return
function specifies a how to wrap values in the monad’s context. The >>=
operator, which we call the “bind” function, specifies how to combine two operations within the context. Let’s clarify this further by exploring a few specific monad instances.
Just as Maybe
is a functor and an applicative functor, it is also a monad. To motivate the Maybe
monad, let’s consider this code.
maybeFunc1 :: String -> Maybe IntmaybeFunc1 “” = NothingmaybeFunc1 str = Just $ length str
maybeFunc2 :: Int -> Maybe FloatmaybeFunc2 i = if i `mod` 2 == 0 then Nothing Else Just ((fromIntegral i) * 3.14159)
maybeFunc3 :: Float -> Maybe [Int]maybeFunc3 f = if f > 15.0 then Nothing else $ Just [floor f, ceil f]
runMaybeFuncs :: String -> Maybe [Int]runMaybeFuncs input = case maybeFunc1 input of Nothing -> Nothing Just i -> case maybeFunc2 i of Nothing -> Nothing Just f -> maybeFunc3 f
We can see we’re starting to develop a hideous triangle pattern as we continue pattern matching on the results of successive function calls. If we were to add more Maybe
functions onto this, it would keep getting worse. When we consider Maybe
as a monad, we can make the code much cleaner. Let’s take a look at how Haskell implements Maybe
as a monad to see how.
instance Monad Maybe where return = Just Nothing >>= _ = Nothing Just a >>= f = f a
The context the Maybe monad describes is simple. Computations in Maybe can either fail or succeed with a value. We can take any value and wrap it in this context by calling the value a “success”. We do this with the Just
constructor. We represent failure by Nothing
We combine computations in this context by examining the result of the first computation. If it succeeded, we takes its value, and pass it to the second computation. If it failed, then we have no value to pass to the next step. So the total computation is a failure. Let’s look at how we can use the bind operator to combine our operations:
runMaybeFuncs :: String -> Maybe [Int]runMaybeFuncs input = maybeFunc1 input >>= maybeFunc2 >>= maybeFunc3
This looks much cleaner! Let’s see why the types work out. The result of maybeFunc1 input
is simply Maybe Int
. Then the bind operator allows us to take this Maybe Int
value and combine it with maybeFunc2
, whose type is Int -> Maybe Float
. The bind operator resolves these to a Maybe Float
. Then we pass this similarly through the bind operator to maybeFunc3
, resulting in our final type, Maybe [Int]
Your functions will not always combine so cleanly though. This is where do
notation comes into play. We can rewrite the above as:
runMaybeFuncs :: String -> Maybe [Int]runMaybeFuncs input = do i <- maybeFunc1 input f <- maybeFunc2 f maybeFunc3 f
The <-
operator is special. It effectively unwraps the value on the right-hand side from the monad. This means the value i
has type Int
, even though the result of maybeFunc1
is Maybe Int
. The bind operation happens under the hood, and if the function returns Nothing
, then the entire runMaybeFuncs
function will return Nothing
At first glance, this looks more complicated than the bind example. However, it gives us a lot more flexibility. Consider if we wanted to add 2 to the integer before calling maybeFunc2
. This is easy to deal with in do
notation, but more difficult when simply using binds:
runMaybeFuncs :: String -> Maybe [Int]runMaybeFuncs input = do i <- maybeFunc1 input f <- maybeFunc2 (i + 2) maybeFunc3 f
-- Not so nicerunMaybeFuncsBind :: String -> Maybe [Int]runMaybeFuncsBind input = maybeFunc1 input >>= (\i -> maybeFunc2 (i + 2)) >>= maybeFunc3
The gains are even more obvious if we want to use multiple previous results in a function call. Using binds, we would have to continually accumulate arguments in anonymous functions. One note about do notation: we never use <-
to unwrap the final operation in a do-block. Our call to maybeFunc3
has the type Maybe [Int]
. This is our final type (not [Int]
) so we do not unwrap.
Now, let’s examine the Either
monad, which is quite similar to the Maybe
monad. Here’s the definition:
instance Monad (Either a) where return r = Right r (Left l) >>= _ = Left l (Right r) >>= f = f r
Whereas the Maybe
either succeeds with a value or fails, the Either
monad attaches information to failures. Just like Maybe
, it wraps values in its context by calling them successful. The monadic behavior also combines operations by short-circuiting on the first failure. Let’s see how we can use this to make our code from above more clear.
maybeFunc1 :: String -> Either String IntmaybeFunc1 “” = Left “String cannot be empty!”maybeFunc1 str = Right $ length str
maybeFunc2 :: Int -> Either String FloatmaybeFunc2 i = if i `mod` 2 == 0 then Left “Length cannot be even!” else Right ((fromIntegral i) * 3.14159)
maybeFunc3 :: Float -> Either String [Int]maybeFunc3 f = if f > 15.0 then Left “Float is too large!” else $ Right [floor f, ceil f]
runMaybeFuncs :: String -> Either String [Int]runMaybeFuncs input = do i <- maybeFunc1 input f <- maybeFunc2 i maybeFunc3 f
Before, every failure just gave us a Nothing
>> runMaybeFuncs ""Nothing>> runMaybeFuncs "Hi"Nothing>> runMaybeFuncs "Hithere"Nothing>> runMaybeFuncs "Hit"Just [9,10]
Now when we run our code, we can look at the resulting error string, and this will tell us which function actually failed.
>> runMaybeFuncs ""Left "String cannot be empty!">> runMaybeFuncs "Hi"Left "Length cannot be even!">> runMaybeFuncs "Hithere"Left "Float is too large!">> runMaybeFuncs "Hit"Right [9,10]
Notice we parameterize the Either
monad by the error type. If we have:
maybeFunc2 :: Either CustomError Float…
This function is in a different monad now. It won’t be quite as simple to combine this with our other functions. If you’re curious how we might do this, check out this answer on quora.
The IO Monad is perhaps the most important monad in Haskell. It is also one of the hardest monads to understand starting out. Its actual implementation is a bit too intricate to discuss when first learning monads. So we’ll learn by example.
The IO monad wraps computations in the following context: “This computation can read information from or write information to the terminal, file system, operating system, and/or network”. If you want to get user input, print a message to the user, read information from a file, or make a network call, you’ll need to do so within the IO Monad. These are “side effects”. We cannot perform them from “pure” Haskell code.
The most important job of pretty much any computer program is to interact with the outside world in some way. For this reason, the root of all executable Haskell code is a function called main
, with the type IO ()
. So every program starts in the IO monad. From here you can get any input you need, call into relatively “pure” code with the inputs, and then output the result in some way. The reverse does not work. You cannot call into IO code from pure code, the same way you can call into a Maybe
function from pure code.
Let’s look at a simple program showing a few of the basic IO functions. We’ll use do-notation to illustrate the similarity to the other monads we’ve discussed. We list the types of each IO function for clarity.
main :: IO ()main = do -- getLine :: IO String input <- getLIne let uppercased = map Data.Char.toUpper input -- print :: String -> IO () print uppercased
So we see once again each line of our program has type IO a
. (A let
statement can occur in any monad). Just as we could unwrap i
in the maybe example to get an Int
instead of a Maybe Int
, we can use <-
to unwrap the result of getLine
as a String
. We can then manipulate this value using string functions, and pass the result to the print
This is a simple echo program. It reads a line from the terminal, and then prints the line back out in all caps. Hopefully it gives you a basic understanding of how IO works. We’ll get into more details in the next couple articles.
A monad wraps computations in a particular context. It defines functions for wrapping values in its context, and combining operations in the context. Maybe is a monad. We describe its context by saying its computations can succeed or fail. Either is similar to Maybe, except it can add error information to failures. The IO monad is hugely important, encapsulating the context of operations reading from and writing to the terminal, network, and file system. The easiest way to learn monadic code is to use do notation. In this notation, every line has a right-side value of the monad. You can then unwrap the value on the left side using the <-
If you want to get learning about monads, be sure to head over to the blog! We have a new piece this week on the Reader and Writer monads, and demonstrate how they encapsulate different kinds of side effects then we might get from the IO monad.
Hopefully this article has started you off on (finally) understanding monads. If you haven’t written any Haskell code yet and want to get started so you can test your knowledge of monads, be sure to check out our free checklist for getting started with Haskell!
Not quite ready for monads but want to try some different Haskell skills? Check out our recursion workbook. It includes 2 chapters of material on recursion and higher order functions, as well as 10 practice problems with a test harness.
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