Ensuring Fair Internet Access: Challenges and Solutions in Traffic Discrimination Detection by@netneutrality
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Ensuring Fair Internet Access: Challenges and Solutions in Traffic Discrimination Detection

by Net Neutrality: Unbiased Internet Access for All!
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Net Neutrality: Unbiased Internet Access for All!


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This conclusion highlights the critical need for detecting net neutrality violations, especially in HTTPS traffic. It summarizes the challenges faced in validating Wehe and proposes a solution using SNI in the TLS handshake for accurate discrimination detection, ensuring fair Internet access for users.
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At NetNeutrality.Tech we treat all data on the Internet the same way and all users have equal access to online content.

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Academic Research Paper

Academic Research Paper

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(1) Vinod S. Khandkar and Manjesh K. Hanawal, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India and {vinod.khandkar, mhanawal}

Abstract & Introduction

Related Work and Background

Challenges in TD Detection Measurement Setup Development

Case Study : Wehe - TD Detection Tool for Mobile Environment

Shortcoming of Wehe on HTTPS Traffic

TD Detection of HTTPS Traffic

Conclusion & References


Net neutrality violation detection is a need of an hour. As many of the ISPs are also content providers these days, they compete with each other, which can lead to one deliberately discriminating the services of the other to gain market share. However, users should have the freedom to choose services as per their wishes. Our work considered various challenges in the detection of traffic discrimination in HTTPS traffic.

As a case study, we validated Wehe, one of the latest tools available to detect traffic differentiation. The described challenges helped us divide the entire tool into multiple interdependent components and validate them independently. Our validation using commercial traffic shaper revealed that traffic in Wehe setup may not mimic the characteristics of HTTPS traffic accessed from the original servers. Hence, middle-boxes may not subject them to intended discrimination. Thus, Wehe may not detect discrimination of HTTPS traffic. Our new method that uses the appropriate SNI parameter value in the initial TLS handshake message overcomes this shortcoming. Hence our work provided a mechanism to detect a wide range of possible discriminations on the Internet.


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This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.

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