RESTful APIs have been very popular in the last couple years and although there's been a lot of progress on the backend side of things, the front-end still lacks some libraries to make the development process easier. That's when Premiere comes into action.
Although there are some good options available , like Restangular and JS-Data, Premiere comes as a simpler and Object Oriented alternative, focused on APIs; the goal is to bring the same simplicity given by Rails Active Record and Laravel Eloquent to your browser.
To do so, Premiere is centered on working around Models and provides normalization and methods like belongsTo, hasOne, find, all; which can be easily configured to cache and reduce the network usage on your application. To resolve the routes, Premiere uses RESTful standards, so you don't have to configure each one of them manually, to know more, please look at
Premiere has a very simple flow to help handle your request while working doing smart caching, normalization, foreign keys and lets not forget about header parameters, with things like JWT and CSRF tokens.
Premiere Workflow
** Premiere uses Axios to handle HTTP requests
Let's see some code
import {Api, api, Model} from 'premiere';
Api.base = '';
/** Using API directly*/
api.http().get('albums'); // GET'albums'); // POST
/** Using Models*/
class Album extends Model {static path = 'albums';
id: number;
name: string;
date: Date = new Date();
static _normalize\_date_(timestamp: number): Date {
return new Date(timestamp);
static _denormalize\_date_(date: Date): number {
return date.getTime();
Album.all(); // GET; // GET{name: 'new album'});// POST
And if you prefer something on JSFiddle, here you go
There’s a Youtube music player implemented with Premiere + React + MobX, it’s available through Heroku.
Premiere Player_A music player for modern
If you want to know more about Premiere, please refer to the documentation. The project is 100% code coverage, you’re very welcome to collaborate and give suggestions.
Premiere_Javascript ORM for consuming Restful
I hope you enjoy! :)