In the algorithmic world, challenges such as calculating the 3D surface area of a cube grid are not only intellectually stimulating but also hone problem-solving and logical thinking skills essential in modern software development. This problem, sourced from the HackerRank website, is a classic algorithmic challenge frequently encountered in coding interviews, particularly with tech giants like FAANG.
Imagine a grid where each cell may contain a stack of cubes with varying heights, much like a miniature cityscape with buildings of different sizes. Our task is to calculate the total visible surface area of these stacked cubes. This challenge is akin to estimating the visible exterior of a cityscape composed of buildings of different heights.
1 3 4
2 2 3 -> 60
1 2 4
Each cube in our grid is akin to a small building within a city. The challenge lies in figuring out which parts of these buildings are visible from an external viewpoint.
To assess the side visibility more accurately, we examine each cube in relation to its immediate neighbors:
This analysis involves careful consideration of each cube's position and its relationship with surrounding cubes, allowing us to accurately sum up all the visible areas.
This leads to the idea of a solution: each cell of the grid visits its 4 neighbors, summing all the differences in heights.
To illustrate this concept, let's dive into the example provided and break down the surface area calculation step by step:
1 3 4
2 2 3
1 2 4
Initially, we create a new matrix mirroring the dimensions of our grid. This matrix will progressively be filled with the calculated surface area of each individual cube. For each cube, if its height is greater than zero, it contributes two units to the area (for the top and bottom surfaces). We add these to our surface area matrix.
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
Calculate Side Surfaces: Now, we examine each cube's sides. The side is visible if the cube is taller than its neighboring cube. The visible area is the difference in their heights. We do this for each cube by comparing it with its neighbors (left, right, top, and bottom).
For example, for the cube at (1,2) with height 3:
1 3 4
2 2 3 <- this one
1 2 4
So, the total surface area of this stack of cubes will be:
2(already written in the matrix) + 1(left) + 3(right) + 0 + 0 = 6.
So, let’s update our value:
2 2 2
2 2 6 <- here it is
2 2 2
We perform similar calculations for each cube and update our matrix.
Summing It All Up: Once we calculate the areas for all the cubes, we sum up the values in our surface area matrix. This total gives us the total visible surface area for the entire grid of cubes.
After performing these steps, we end up with a matrix that represents the surface area of each cube, and by summing all these values, we get the total visible surface area for the grid.
4 8 12
6 2 6
4 5 13
After summing this area matrix we get 60 as a final answer. This methodical approach helps in visualizing and understanding the problem, making it easier to implement in a programming context.
Now, let's delve deeper into the formula itself and dissect its components:
An example implementation that, in fact, just implements our derived formula in Python can be found below. It also sums the whole area directly into the resulting variable, not in the intermediate matrix, since we need only the total area.
(0, 1),
(1, 0),
(-1, 0),
(0, -1)
# helper function
def height(A, i, j):
n = len(A)
m = len(A[0])
if 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < m:
return A[i][j]
return 0
def surfaceArea(A):
n = len(A)
m = len(A[0])
area = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m): # outer sum by all the grid
if height(A, i, j) > 0:
area += 2
for (di, dj) in NEIGHBOURS: # inner sum by neighbours
neighbour_h = height(A, i + di, j + dj)
diff_height = height(A, i, j) - neighbour_h
area += max(diff_height, 0)
return area
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