how CardChecker changed my development workflowby@amrut007
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how CardChecker changed my development workflow

by Amrut Jadhav3mOctober 29th, 2018
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I have been working as a Full Stack Developer for the last 2 years. I have worked in a small startup and also the opposite, MNC company. When I start with a new company it’s always exciting to work on new projects, technology stack. It’s always easy to understand their system, architecture. Because that’s the basic understanding every developer have. But apart from this, there is one thing, which I always found most difficult to understand, The Development Workflow of a team. Because it is something which not every company have in common. Everyone has its own way of developing products with its pros and cons. And as a part of the company you also have to follow this. I struggled a lot for my initial months to understand development workflow. And beyond that, you also have to explain companies workflow to every newcomer which is an iterative and time-consuming approach. Then I started to think, wouldn’t it be nicer if the company have a system which makes establishing workflow and understanding it, hustles free? This way will ensure that everyone stays inflow and also if someone did a mistake, it will not require a human effort to explain the details of flow to the employee.

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Amrut Jadhav


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