Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part X - Exceptions Handlingby@alexandermakeev
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Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part X - Exceptions Handling

by Alexander MakeevApril 25th, 2023
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In this part of creating your own programming language, we’ll implement raising exceptions with the detailed stack trace and provide the exceptions handling in Ruby syntax.
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Welcome to the next part of creating your own programming language. In this part, we’ll continue improving our toy language by implementing Exceptions. Here are the previous parts:

  1. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch
  2. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part II - Dijkstra's Two-Stack Algorithm
  3. Build Your Own Programming Language Part III: Improving Lexical Analysis with Regex Lookaheads
  4. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch Part IV: Implementing Functions
  5. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part V - Arrays
  6. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part VI - Loops
  7. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part VII - Classes
  8. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part VIII - Nested Classes
  9. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part IX - Hybrid Inheritance

The full source code is available over on GitHub.

1. Exceptions model

First, we’ll define the syntax rules of how we will throw and handle an Exception simular to Ruby syntax:

  1. To throw an Exception, we’ll be using the raise keyword:

  1. We should be able to provide a message with additional information about the error:
raise "This is an Exception"

  1. We can specify an error as an instance of a class or any other expression:
class Exception [message]

raise new Exception ["This is an Exception message"]

  1. To provide more detailed information about a raised Exception, we’ll be collecting and printing the stack trace as a list of statements that the program was doing to reach the statement raising an Exception:
 1:  do_something []
 3:  fun do_something
 4:      new Test :: do_something_else []
 5:  end
 7:  class Test
 9:      fun do_something_else
10:          do_even_more []
11:      end
13:      fun do_even_more
14:          raise "A message that describes the error."
15:      end
17:  end


A message that describes the error.

at Test#do_even_more:14

at Test#do_something_else:10

at do_something:4

at test.toy:1

  1. To handle an Exception, we’ll be using the following blocks of code:
	# Statements raising an Exception
	# Handle an Exception
	# Always executed

  1. To access the raised Exception within the rescue block, we can declare an arbitrary variable after the rescue keyword:
	# Statements raising an Exception
rescue error
	# Access and handle an Exception using `error` variable
    print error

2. Lexical analysis

In this section, we will cover lexical analysis as the first stage of the compiling process that divides the source code into language lexemes such as keyword, variable, operator, etc.

To define the lexemes in this toy-language implementation, I’m using the regex expressions listed in the TokenType enum:

package org.example.toylanguage.token;

public enum TokenType {

Every line of toy-language code is processed through these regex expressions, and with the help of LexicalParser, we transform source code into Token lexemes. To parse new words declared in the Exception rules (raise, begin, rescue, ensure), we need to add them to the Keyword lexeme’s regex expression:

public enum TokenType {

3. Syntax analysis

In this section, we’ll convert the lexemes received from the lexical analysis into the final statements.

3.1 Converting lexemes into statements

To convert declared Keyword lexemes into statements, we need to define statements. To implement a statement, we’re using the Statement interface. The implemented RaiseExceptionStatement should contain a raised expression in it:

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class RaiseExceptionStatement implements Statement {
    private final Expression expression;

    public void execute() {
        // TODO raise an Exception

The statement to handle an Exception will also implement the Statement interface, but unlike the RaiseExceptionStatement, it should include nested statements for each of these three blocks:

	# Begin block
rescue error 
	# Rescue block
	# Ensure block

Each of these statements, being an implementation of CompositeStatement, will contain nested statements within itself, allowing multiple statements to be executed. To write an Exception in the error variable for the rescue block, we’ll define the errorVariable as a String field:

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class HandleExceptionStatement implements Statement {
    private final CompositeStatement bodyStatement;
    private final CompositeStatement rescueStatement;
    private final CompositeStatement ensureStatement;
    private final String errorVariable;

    public void execute() {
	    // TODO handle an Exception

The next step is to transform Exception tokens into the RaiseExceptionStatement and HandleExceptionStatement implementations. To convert tokens into statements, we use StatementParser. In this specific case, to convert the Keyword token, we need to modify the StatementParser#parseKeywordStatement(Token token) method, that parses an operator depending on the first word that statement starts .

Let’s add new first words in the switch block to raise and handle an Exception: the raise for RaiseExceptionStatement and the begin for HandleExceptionStatement:

package org.example.toylanguage;

public StatementParser {
    private void parseKeywordStatement(Token token) {
        switch (token.getValue()) {
            case "raise":
            case "begin":
                throw new SyntaxException(String.format("Failed to parse a keyword: %s", token.getValue()));

In order to create the RaiseExceptionStatement, we only need to read the expression that is being raised. To read expressions, we use the ExpressionReader class, which parses a complete expression until it reaches the beginning of the next statement:

private void parseRaiseExceptionStatement() {
    Expression expression = ExpressionReader.readExpression(tokens);

After creating the RaiseExceptionStatement, we need to add it to the StatementParser#compositeStatement as a nested statement in the outer statement:

private void parseRaiseExceptionStatement() {
    Expression expression = ExpressionReader.readExpression(tokens);
    RaiseExceptionStatement statement = new RaiseExceptionStatement(expression);

To create HandleExceptionOperator, we need to read three blocks: begin (body), rescue, and ensure, not forgetting to read the end word at the end, which stands for the end of the Exception handling operator:

private void parseHandleExceptionStatement() {
    // read begin block
    CompositeStatement beginStatement = ...;

    // read rescue block
    CompositeStatement rescueStatement = ...;
    String errorVariable = ...;

    // read ensure block
    CompositeStatement ensureStatement = ..;

    // skip the end keyword, "end");

    // construct a statement
    HandleExceptionStatement statement = new HandleExceptionStatement(beginStatement, rescueStatement, ensureStatement, errorVariable);

Let’s start with the begin block. To parse nested statements inside it, we’ll need to use the StatementParser#parse(StatementParser, CompositeStatement, DefinitionScope) method. As the first argument, it accepts the StatementParser instance of the outer block of code. The second argument is the CompositeStatement, which will accumulate all the nested statements in a parsed block. The third argument is DefinitionScope, which is used to write all the structures (classes and functions) declared inside a parsed block. If we want to restrict the structures declared inside the begin block to be accessed from the outer block we should open a new DefinitionScope:

// read begin block
CompositeStatement beginStatement = new CompositeStatement();
DefinitionScope beginScope = DefinitionContext.newScope();
StatementParser.parse(this, beginStatement, beginScope);

The StatementParser#parse(StatementParser, CompositeStatement, DefinitionScope) method will read all the nested statements until we reach a finalizing word standing for the end of this block. Currently, to check if we met the finalizing word, we use StatementParser#hasNextStatement(). Let’s add new rescue and ensure words to make sure to stop parsing statements when we met these blocks:

public class StatementParser {
    private boolean hasNextStatement() {
        if (!tokens.hasNext())
            return false;
        if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Operator, TokenType.Variable, TokenType.This))
            return true;
        if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword)) {
            return !tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword, "elif", "rescue", "ensure", "else", "end");
        return false;

Next, let's read the second rescue block. It can be missing if a user doesn't want to catch and handle an Exception:

// read rescue block
CompositeStatement rescueStatement = ...;
String errorVariable = ...;
if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword, "rescue")) {; // skip rescue word

Before reading the nested statements, let’s check if the user specified a variable to refer to the raised Exception:

// read rescue block
CompositeStatement rescueStatement = ...;
String errorVariable = null;
if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword, "rescue")) {; // skip rescue word

    if (tokens.peekSameLine(TokenType.Variable)) {
        Token error =;
        errorVariable = error.getValue();

Now let’s read the nested statements as we previously read the begin statements:

// read rescue block
CompositeStatement rescueStatement = null;
String errorVariable = null;
if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword, "rescue")) {; // skip rescue word

    if (tokens.peekSameLine(TokenType.Variable)) {
        Token error =;
        errorVariable = error.getValue();

    rescueStatement = new CompositeStatement();
    DefinitionScope rescueScope = DefinitionContext.newScope();
    StatementParser.parse(this, rescueStatement, rescueScope);

And finally, let’s finish the third ensure block. It can be optional as the rescue block:

// read ensure block
CompositeStatement ensureStatement = null;
if (tokens.peek(TokenType.Keyword, "ensure")) {; // skip rescue word

    ensureStatement = new CompositeStatement();
    DefinitionScope ensureScope = DefinitionContext.newScope();
    StatementParser.parse(this, ensureStatement, ensureScope);

3.2 Executing Exception statements

3.2.1 RaiseExceptionStatement

When we execute the RaiseExceptionStatement, each of the subsequent statements should be notified that the program crashed, and the execution should be stopped. To share this event between other statements, we’ll introduce the ExceptionContext class that will hold the Exception details:

package org.example.toylanguage.context;

public class ExceptionContext {
    private static Exception exception;
    private static boolean raised;

    public static class Exception {
        private final Value<?> value;

        public String toString() {
            return value.toString();

The Exception class will provide detailed information about the raised Exception, including records of the application's movement within it to print the stack trace.

Next, we’ll add a few methods to raise and handle the exception:

public class ExceptionContext {

    public static void raiseException(Value<?> value) {
        exception = new Exception(value);
        raised = true;

    public static void rescueException() {
        exception = null;
        raised = false;

    public static boolean isRaised() {
        return raised;

Next, let’s complete the RaiseExceptionStatement#execute() and notify other statements with ExeceptionContext:

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class RaiseExceptionStatement implements Statement {
    private final Expression expression;

    public void execute() {
        Value<?> value = expression.evaluate();

In case a user didn’t provide the error expression, we can print a default text expression:

public class RaiseExceptionStatement implements Statement {
    private final Expression expression;

    public void execute() {
        Value<?> value = expression.evaluate();
        if (value == NullValue.NULL_INSTANCE) {
            value = new TextValue("Empty exception");

Knowing that the ExceptionContext will be notified about a raised Exception, we should check that no subsequent statements will be executed if the Exception is raised. Currently, all statements in any block of code are executed by the CompositeStatement implementations. For every CompositeStatement implementation where we iterate nested statements with CompositeStatement#statements2Execute, we need to set validation after each executed statement in case there is an Exception occurred and in positive case stop the execution:

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class CompositeStatement implements Statement {

    public void execute() {
        for (Statement statement : statements2Execute) {

            // stop the execution in case Exception occurred
            if (ExceptionContext.isRaised())

            //stop the execution in case ReturnStatement is invoked
            if (ReturnContext.getScope().isInvoked())

package org.example.toylanguage.statement.loop;

public abstract class AbstractLoopStatement implements CompositeStatement {


    public void execute() {
        try {

            while (hasNext()) {

                try {

                    // execute inner statements
                    for (Statement statement : getStatements2Execute()) {

                        // stop the execution in case Exception occurred
                        if (ExceptionContext.isRaised())

                        // stop the execution in case ReturnStatement is invoked
                        if (ReturnContext.getScope().isInvoked())

                        // stop the execution in case BreakStatement is invoked
                        if (BreakContext.getScope().isInvoked())

                        // jump to the next iteration in case NextStatement is invoked
                        if (NextContext.getScope().isInvoked())
                } finally {
                    MemoryContext.endScope(); // release each iteration memory


        } finally {
            MemoryContext.endScope(); // release loop memory

With these changes being set, the statements will stop execution after a raised Exception statement. At the end of program execution, we should if the Exception has been raised and print an Exception message:

package org.example.toylanguage;

public class ToyLanguage {

    public void execute(Path path) {
        String source = Files.readString(path);
        LexicalParser lexicalParser = new LexicalParser(source);
        List<Token> tokens = lexicalParser.parse();

        try {
            CompositeStatement statement = new CompositeStatement();
            StatementParser.parse(tokens, statement);
        } finally {

            if (ExceptionContext.isRaised()) {


To print an Exception, we’ll be using the ExceptionContext#printStackTrace() method, which later on will display the records of the application’s movement as well:

public class ExceptionContext {

    public static void printStackTrace() {

3.2.2 HandleExceptionStatement

To handle an Exception, let’s finish the HandleExceptionStatement#execute() implementation. It will consist of three parts for each of the defined blocks:

public class HandleExceptionStatement implements Statement {
    private final CompositeStatement beginStatement;
    private final CompositeStatement rescueStatement;
    private final CompositeStatement ensureStatement;
    private final String errorVariable;

    public void execute() {
        //begin block

        // rescue block

        // ensure block

Each of the blocks should be executed in a new MemoryScope, restricting access to the variables declared in the nested block from the outer block:

//begin block
try {
} finally {

The rescue block is optional and should be executed only if we caught an Exception in the ExceptionContext:

// rescue block
if (rescueStatement != null && ExceptionContext.isRaised()) {


   try {
    } finally {

If this block rescues an Exception, we should inform the ExceptionContext that the error has been caught:

// rescue block
if (rescueStatement != null && ExceptionContext.isRaised()) {


    try {
    } finally {

Lastly, for this block, we should initialize the error variable provided by a user with the Exception’s value retrieved from ExceptionContext:

// rescue block
if (rescueStatement != null && ExceptionContext.isRaised()) {

    if (errorVariable != null) {
        MemoryContext.getScope().setLocal(errorVariable, ExceptionContext.getException().getValue());


    try {
    } finally {

The third ensure block may also be optional as the rescue block:

// ensure block
if (ensureStatement != null) {
    try {
    } finally {

3.3* Adding stack trace

In this subsection, we’ll collect records of the application's movement during its execution and display a complete stack trace for raised exceptions:

A message that describes the error.

at Test#do_even_more:14

at Test#do_something_else:10

at do_something:4

at test.toy:1

3.3.1 Defining traced statement

To collect a stack trace, each of our Statement implementations should contain information about the block name and the row number. We can transform the Statement interface into an abstract class defining these two fields: blockName and rowNumber:

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public abstract class Statement {
    private final Integer rowNumber;
    private final String blockName;

    public abstract void execute();

The rowNumber can be accessed from the Token containing a word that marks the start of a statement:

public class StatementParser {

    private void parseKeywordStatement(Token rowToken) {
        switch (rowToken.getValue()) {
            case "print":
            case "input":
            case "if":
            case "class":
            case "fun":
            case "return":
            case "loop":
            case "break":
            case "next":
            case "assert":
            case "raise":
            case "begin":
                throw new SyntaxException(String.format("Failed to parse a keyword: %s", rowToken.getValue()));


The structures in the toy-language we currently have are classes and functions.

To set ClassStatement#blockName, we can use the class name obtained from ClassDetails#getName():

public class StatementParser {

    private void parseClassDefinition(Token rowToken) {
        // read class details
        ClassDetails classDetails = readClassDetails();

        // add class definition
        ClassStatement classStatement = new ClassStatement(rowToken.getRow(), classDetails.getName());

        //parse class's statements


To set FunctionStatement#blockName, we can use the function name. In addition to the name, we can specify a class name if the function is declared inside the class:

public class StatementParser {

    private void parseFunctionDefinition(Token rowToken) {
        Token type =;

        //add function definition
        String blockName = type.getValue();
        if (compositeStatement instanceof ClassStatement) {
            blockName = compositeStatement.getBlockName() + "#" + blockName;
        FunctionStatement functionStatement = new FunctionStatement(rowToken.getRow(), blockName);


Other statements do not define structures and can reuse classes’ and functions’ block names by referring to the outer block of code with StatementParser#compositeStatement#getBlockName(), e.g.:

public class StatementParser {

     private void parsePrintStatement(Token rowToken) {
        PrintStatement statement = new PrintStatement(rowToken.getRow(), compositeStatement.getBlockName(), expression);


    private void parseInputStatement(Token rowToken) {
        InputStatement statement = new InputStatement(rowToken.getRow(), compositeStatement.getBlockName(), variable.getValue(), scanner::nextLine);


With the current way of creating the root CompositeStatement, we have to provide a root name in the ToyLanguage class, which could be defined as a file name:

public class ToyLanguage {

    public void execute(Path path) {
        String sourceCode = Files.readString(path);
        List<Token> tokens = LexicalParser.parse(sourceCode);

        try {
            CompositeStatement statement = new CompositeStatement(null, path.getFileName().toString());
            StatementParser.parse(tokens, statement);
        } finally {

            if (ExceptionContext.isRaised()) {

3.3.2 Collecting stack trace

Now each Statement contains the block name and the row number. Let’s add a collection of statements to the ExceptionContext#Exception:

public class ExceptionContext {
    private static Exception exception;
    private static boolean raised;

    public static boolean raiseException(Value<?> value) {
        exception = new Exception(value, new Stack<>());
        raised = true;

    public static void rescueException() {
        exception = null;
        raised = false;

    public static boolean isRaised() {
        return raised;

    public static void addTracedStatement(Statement statement) {
        if (isRaised()) {

    public static void printStackTrace() {

    public static class Exception {
        private final Value<?> value;
        private final List<Statement> stackTrace;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("%s%n%s",
                            .map(st -> String.format("%4sat %s:%d", "", st.getBlockName(), st.getRowNumber()))

The ExceptionContext#addTracedStatement(Statement) should be invoked by every Statement containing an Expression after calling Expression#evaluate():

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {

    public void execute() {

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class PrintStatement extends Statement {

    public void execute() {
        Value<?> value = expression.evaluate();

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class RaiseExceptionStatement extends Statement {

    public void execute() {
        Value<?> value = expression.evaluate();
        if (value == NullValue.NULL_INSTANCE) {
            value = new TextValue("Empty exception");

package org.example.toylanguage.statement;

public class ReturnStatement extends Statement {

    public void execute() {
        Value<?> result = expression.evaluate();

4 Wrap up

In this part, we implemented a simple model to raise and handle exceptions. One more step towards making a complete programming language. Here are some examples you can run: raise_exception.toy and handle_exception.toy.

Photo by Tony Pepe on Unsplash