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Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer
Why this blog? To begin my exploration into recommendation systems, I laid my hands on the most obvious “Restaurant Recommendation” use-case. Nevertheless, in my journey of applying AI/ML to business problems, this was quite an experience on feature engineering, handling geospatial features, intensity of cold-start problems, dealing with extremely imbalanced data (only 1.5% positive classes) and experimenting with deep learning models for content filtering. I intend to document and share these learnings with a hope it will be helpful to ML practitioners.
Where does “restaurant recommendation” fit in? Food delivery services like Zomato, Swiggy partner with restaurants and connect them to its large customer base via its online ordering platform. It typically recommends restaurants to its app-users based on their proximity to customers’ location, prior food choices, ratings of the restaurants and its promotional offers. Customers can order food from multiple locations either from their home, office, friend’s place. Based on the customer’s location or zip-code, restaurants in the neighbourhood are listed to the app users.
Chosen data and its problem statement: The food service delivery data in Kaggle comprises customer’s and restaurant’s meta data. The objective is to build a restaurant recommender system leveraging this data and predict if a customer from a certain location had ordered via a certain restaurant vendor. The target is a binary outcome.
Analysis Outcomes |
So What? |
91% of train customers had ‘DOB’ missing and 99.9% customers had same ‘status’ value. |
These features were deemed not useful in customer profiling. |
Duplicate customer records were present as every update to the customer record was retained. |
Most recent records had the account status verified. Older records were removed. |
No overlap between train and test customer files!! |
This implied, model predictions were for new customers and model approaches to be adopted accordingly. |
19 train customer-locations and 9 test customer-locations had missing latitudes and longitudes. |
Imputed with mean coordinates of respective customer. |
877 train customers had only locations without demographic details |
Null treated as a valid category for the demographic features. |
De-duplication of customer demographic
Transform function in Pandas came in handy
# Check for duplicates
# Exclude chronologically older records
train_customers_dedup = train_customers[train_customers["updated_at"] == train_customers.groupby(["customer_id"])['updated_at'].transform('max')]
Geospatial analysis
Latitudes lie within a range of [-90,90] and longitudes in a range of [-180,180] degrees. Out of 59503 train customer-locations, 58169 of them were valid.
Using customer’s latitude & longitudes, city and country details were fetched using reverse_geocode python package. City and country info would help capture proximity aspects within customers.
import reverse_geocode
coordinates = list(zip(train_locations_valid["latitude"],train_locations_valid["longitude"]))
train_locations_valid[["country_code","city","country"]] = pd.DataFrame(
Continent details were retrieved using pycountry_convert package
import pycountry_convert as pc
country_codes = train_locations_valid["country_code"].dropna().unique()
country_continent_map = {country_code : pc.convert_continent_code_to_continent_name(pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(country_code))
for country_code in country_codes}
train_locations_valid['continent'] = train_locations_valid['country_code'].map(country_continent_map)
10K random customer locations were plotted in the map to understand their geography using folium package. Their coordinates spanned across 2 continents and even in ocean!!
import folium
cust_map = folium.Map(location=[0,0],width='95%',height='70%',zoom_start=2, prefer_canvas=True,max_zoom=9,min_zoom=3,zoom_control=False)
for i in list(np.random.choice(train_locations_valid.index,10000)):
folium.Circle([train_locations_valid.loc[i, 'latitude'], train_locations_valid.loc[i, 'longitude']],radius=10).add_to(cust_map)
sw = train_locations_valid[['latitude', 'longitude']].min().values.tolist()
ne = train_locations_valid[['latitude', 'longitude']].max().values.tolist()
cust_map.fit_bounds([sw, ne])
Spread of customer coordinates
Few customers had ordered from more than 10 locations!
Out of 34523 customers, 7740 customers had ordered from both Africa and South America!
Coordinates belonging to least occurring continent were not removed since they were distributed approximately in the ratio of 70:30
#Count of locations per customer
loc_cnt = train_locations.groupby(["customer_id"])["location_number"].count().reset_index()
plt.hist(loc_cnt["location_number"],bins=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,30]) #there are maximum 30 values for a single customer
plt.title("Frequency of customers with multiple locations",fontsize=14, fontweight ="bold")
plt.xlabel("Number of locations for a customer",fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel("Number of customers",fontsize=13)
#Top 10 cities from where orders are placed
plt.title("Top 10 cities from where orders are placed",fontsize=14, fontweight ="bold")
plt.xlabel("Number of customers",fontsize=13)
Based on above findings, I had to conclude that customer’s coordinates were masked in the data and instances cannot be ignored due to incorrect location.
Same 100 vendors for both train and test customers.
99 of them were in Africa and 1 had the coordinate values outside the prescribed range
Vendor file had information about vendor’s location, ratings, food specialties, operating hours, delivery distance threshold, commission, delivery charges
“Duration of working hours” was derived from “OpeningTime”. strptime method in datetime module was used for this.
Sample values for "Opening Time" feature
def calculate_duration(timings):
Calculates the duration the restaurant functions in a day
close_time = datetime.strptime(timings[1],"%I:%M%p")
except ValueError:
close_time = datetime.strptime(timings[1],"%I%p")
open_time = datetime.strptime(timings[0],"%I:%M%p")
except ValueError:
open_time = datetime.strptime(timings[0],"%I%p")
duration = close_time-open_time
return round(abs(duration.total_seconds())/3600,2)
return np.nan
vendors["timings"] = vendors["OpeningTime"].str.split('-')
vendors["open_duration"] = vendors["timings"].apply(calculate_duration)
Feature “vendor_tag” had codes corresponding to various food_specialities described in feature “vendor_tag_name”. Counting the number of codes present in “vendor_tag” indicates the number of food specialities available in the restaurant.
68 food items were available across all vendors. Each food items was converted to a binary feature to indicate if the vendor sells it or not.
def add_food_cols(row,food_items):
for item in food_items:
row[item] = int(item in(row["vendor_tag_name"].split(',')))
for item in food_items:
row[item] = 0.0
return row
#Food specialities of the vendor
import itertools
vendor_foods = pd.unique(vendors.loc[~vendors["vendor_tag_name"].isna(),"vendor_tag_name"])
food_list = [foods.split(',') for foods in vendor_foods]
food_items = list(set(itertools.chain(*food_list)))
print("Number of food items available across all vendors is ", len(food_items))
print("Sample food items available in ", food_items[:20])
#Create count feature for vendor_tag attribute (Number of food specialities available in the restaurant)
#Create categorical features
vendors = vendors.apply(lambda x: add_food_cols(x,food_items=food_items),axis=1)
Number of food items available across all vendors is 68
Sample food items available in ['Pizzas', 'Cafe', 'Healthy Food', 'Grills', 'Pizza', 'Crepes', 'Ice creams', 'Smoothies', 'Italian', 'Combos', 'Shuwa', 'Family Meal', 'Bagels', 'Thali', 'Hot Dogs', 'Pastry', 'Mandazi', 'Coffee', 'Soups', 'Japanese']
Feature “serving_distance” indicated restaurants serve customers within a range of 2km to 15 kms. 57 restaurants serve customers within 15 kms. However, customers locations were spanning across continents.
Vendor summary features
Summary features for every vendor were derived using orders data given for the train customers.
Further feature engineering was done on the merged customer and vendor features.
Great Circle Distance: This is the shortest distance between customer and vendor coordinates. Courtesy: USGS
The distance calculation was implemented in a vectorized way considering performance using the numpy functions.
def calculate_haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
All args must be of equal length
lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
delta_lon = lon2 - lon1
delta_lat = lat2 - lat1
haversine_angle = np.sin(delta_lat/2.0)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(delta_lon/2.0)**2
haversine_distance = 2 * 6371 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(haversine_angle))
return haversine_distance
train_merged['h_distance_new'] = calculate_haversine(train_merged['longitude_x'],train_merged['latitude_x'],train_merged['longitude_y'],train_merged['latitude_y'])
Distribution of the haversine distance
The peaks in the probability distribution plot corresponds to the isolated clusters of customers location we observed in the map earlier.
There was no overlap between the 35000 train customers and 10000 test customers. The model should be capable to predict entirely for new users. Neither their vendor-interaction data nor their food preferences are available. All we have is their basic demographics and location details.
247 test customers out of 10000 were without metadata. Their gender, location and account status details too were unavailable. These instances were an extreme cold start problem to be dealt with.
Keeping our EDA findings in mind, I ended up experimenting with below approaches:
def calculate_vendor_distances(customer_locations,vendor_locations):
cols = [vendor for vendor in vendor_locations["vendor_id"]]
nbr_customer_locations = customer_locations.shape[0]
customer_vendor_distances = pd.DataFrame(columns=["customer_id","location_number"]+cols)
customer_vendor_distances[["customer_id","location_number"]] = customer_locations[["customer_id","location_number"]]
#compute haversine distance of each vendor against all vendors
for ind1 in vendor_locations.index:
start_latit = np.repeat(vendor_locations.loc[ind1,"latitude"],repeats=nbr_customer_locations,axis=0)
start_longit = np.repeat(vendor_locations.loc[ind1,"longitude"],repeats=nbr_customer_locations,axis=0)
end_latit = customer_locations["latitude"].values
end_longit = customer_locations["longitude"].values
customer_vendor_distances[cols[ind1]] = calculate_haversine(start_longit,start_latit,end_longit,end_latit)
return customer_vendor_distances
train_custvend_distances = calculate_vendor_distances(train_locations[['customer_id', 'location_number', 'latitude', 'longitude']],vendor_locations)
test_custvend_distances = calculate_vendor_distances(test_locations[['customer_id', 'location_number', 'latitude', 'longitude']],vendor_locations)
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def predict_cosine_neighbours(nearest_neighbours,train_custvend_distances, test_custvend_distances, train_custlocn_vendor_order, out_cols):
similarity_scores = cosine_similarity(test_custvend_distances.iloc[:,2:], Y=train_custvend_distances.iloc[:,2:], dense_output=True) #output will be (test.shape,train.shape)
#determine the indices of top 'k' nearest train customers
similar_customerlocn_indices = np.argpartition(similarity_scores, kth = -nearest_neighbours, axis=-1)[:,-nearest_neighbours:] #for every test customer (axis=-1) take the top21 similar train customers
flatind = similar_customerlocn_indices.ravel() #flatten all the indices obtained
test_out_vendor = pd.DataFrame(columns = out_cols)
test_out_vendor[["customer_id","location_number"]] = test_custvend_distances[["customer_id","location_number"]]
#for every vendor
for vend in ordered_vendor_cols:
#obtain the label corresponding to the nearest neighbours that has the maximum votes
vend_y = mode(train_custlocn_vendor_order.loc[flatind,vend].values.reshape(similar_customerlocn_indices.shape[0],-1),axis=1)[0]
test_out_vendor[vend] = vend_y #populate the vendor column in the output DF
test_out_vendor_melt = unpivot_data(test_out_vendor)
return test_out_vendor_melt
def unpivot_data(df):
#reorganize dataframe with multiple vendor cols into single vendor column
df_melt = pd.melt(df,
value_vars=list(df.columns[2:]), # list of days of the week
df_melt["vendor_id"] = df_melt["vendor_id"].str.split("vendor_id_").str[1]
return df_melt
test_out_pred = predict_cosine_neighbours(nn, train_custvend_distances,test_custvend_distances,train_custlocn_vendor_order,out_cols)
Model was trained using class weights to deal with the data imbalance
weight_for_0 = total/neg
weight_for_1 = 2*np.sqrt((total/pos))[train_monvencre_seq,train_custcity_seq,train_custcountry_seq,train_primarytag_seq,train_vendortag_padded,train_ohe_num], Y_train,
epochs=nepochs, batch_size=batch_size,verbose=2,
validation_data=([val_monvencre_seq,val_custcity_seq,val_custcountry_seq,val_primarytag_seq,val_vendortag_padded,val_ohe_num], Y_val),
Since both the classes have equal weightage here, we need to balance their precision and recall. Hence F1-score was used to evaluate these models.
Model Variant |
F1-Score |
Neighbourhood based collaborative filtering |
0.53 |
Content-based filtering - Clustering & Gradient Boosted Trees |
0.60 |
Content-based filtering - Clustering & Random Forest |
0.57 |
Content-based filtering - Deep Learning Model |
0.56 |
You can find code to the notebooks as well as the code for building the GUI on my github and the GUI here.