Breaking Barriers: How 3 Startups Used Outsourcing to Fuel Their Growth Stories (With Numbers!)by@levyoperations
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Breaking Barriers: How 3 Startups Used Outsourcing to Fuel Their Growth Stories (With Numbers!)

by Levy OperationsDecember 6th, 2023
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Discover how 3 startups, including Levy's clients, enhanced growth and efficiency by outsourcing backoffice operations with this in-depth case study.
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In the dynamic world of startups, where innovation races against time, operational efficiency isn't just a goal – it's a lifeline. Picture this: visionary founders and passionate teams, brimming with groundbreaking ideas yet tethered down by the weight of day-to-day operations. This is a common narrative in the startup ecosystem, where the brilliance of innovation often risks being dimmed by the complexities of administrative tasks. But what if there was a way to keep the focus firmly on growth and creativity while seamlessly managing those essential yet time-consuming operations?

Enter the realm of strategic outsourcing – a game-changing approach reshaping the startup landscape. This isn't about offloading tasks to the lowest bidder; it's about empowering businesses with the freedom to innovate, expand, and excel. It's here that companies like Levy emerge as service providers and pivotal partners in the startup journey.

Read on as we delve into the real-life stories of five startups. Each narrative unfolds how strategic outsourcing, particularly with Levy, transformed their operational challenges into stories of triumph. From reclaiming valuable hours to streamlining complex processes, these testimonials are not just success stories – they are a testament to the power of smart collaboration in the startup world.

As we navigate these transformative journeys, remember that every startup has a unique path, but the challenges are often universal. The insights shared here are more than individual success stories; they are blueprints for efficiency, growth, and sustained innovation. So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned founder, join us in uncovering how strategic outsourcing can be the key to unlocking your startup's full potential.

The Operational Odyssey of Parallel Bio

Embarking on a Biotech Venture

Under CEO Robert DiFazio's leadership, Parallel Bio embarked on an ambitious journey in the biotech industry. Their mission was to blend the complexities of organoids with artificial intelligence, aiming to pioneer groundbreaking immunotherapies. While their scientific vision was clear, the operational realities of running a startup soon cast a shadow over their aspirations.

The transition from focusing on scientific research to grappling with the multifaceted demands of business operations is a common challenge for many startups. For a scientist like Robert, delving into the world of HR intricacies, legal compliance, and multi-state registrations was akin to navigating uncharted territory. These operational tasks, crucial for the smooth running of any business, began to consume an inordinate amount of time and resources, detracting from the core focus of scientific innovation.

The Wisdom of Outsourcing Back-Office Operations

Robert recognized the need to streamline these essential yet burdensome tasks, and Parallel Bio turned to the strategic solution of outsourcing their back-office operations. This decision was pivotal! Outsourcing allowed them to hand over complex, time-consuming tasks to seasoned experts. It was not just about finding a service provider but about forming a partnership that understood and aligned with their mission and values.

In this context, Levy's role became instrumental. They offered more than just operational support; they provided a network of expertise that ensured no aspect of Parallel Bio's operations was overlooked. This meant that tasks from HR management to tax filings were handled with precision, allowing the Parallel Bio team to redirect their energies back to what they did best: finding the fastest way to produce better drugs that work for more people.

Reclaiming Time: A Startup's Most Valuable Asset

The most significant benefit of this was the extra time and energy that Parallel Bio was able to reclaim and redirect into their cor emission. For Robert and his team, this meant saving around 10 to 15 hours a week, a substantial amount that could now be invested in research, development, and strategic growth. This efficiency gain was about more than just offloading tasks; it was about streamlining operations to enhance overall productivity and focus.

Parallel Bio's experience sheds light on a broader truth in the startup ecosystem: operational efficiency is key to unlocking a startup's full potential. By entrusting specialized tasks to expert hands, startups can alleviate the burden of back-office complexities and concentrate on their core objectives.

Reflecting on the Strategic Choice of Outsourcing

In retrospect, the decision to outsource back-office operations was not just a tactical move for Parallel Bio; it was a strategic choice that significantly impacted its growth trajectory. It allowed them to maintain their agility and innovation focus, which is crucial in the fast-paced, cut-throat biotech sector.

Learning: A Lesson in Strategic Focus

Parallel Bio's journey is a powerful lesson for startups: operational challenges, if not managed wisely, can impede growth. Outsourcing back-office tasks is a strategic decision that can free up valuable resources, allowing startups to remain focused on their primary goals and drive forward their mission with renewed vigor.

ViralMoment's Transformation with Strategic Outsourcing

What does ViralMoment do?

ViralMoment, under the dynamic leadership of CEO Chelsea Hall, embarked on an ambitious journey in the digital realm. Their mission is to revolutionize how brands engage with audiences through social video, aiming to become a powerhouse in the entertainment industry. However, as ViralMoment began to gain traction and grow their company, operational challenges started to emerge, threatening to derail their creative momentum.

The Operational Bottleneck

Chelsea's passion was evident. She was deeply invested in nurturing her product and user base. Yet, as ViralMoment grew, the backend operations, crucial for any thriving business, became increasingly cumbersome. Tasks such as accounting and insurance, essential for the smooth functioning of the company, consumed an excessive amount of Chelsea's time and focus. This operational overload was not just a hurdle; it was a barrier to innovation and growth.

As Chelsie recognized the need to streamline these operational complexities, ViralMoment turned to outsourcing as a strategic solution. This move was about more than just delegating tasks; it was about realigning the company's focus to its core strengths – creative content and market expansion. Outsourcing backend operations meant that these essential yet non-core activities could be managed by experts, allowing Chelsie and her team to concentrate on providing the best insights for social video.

In this strategic shift, Levy played a crucial role. With their expertise in handling operational intricacies, Levy provided ViralMoment with the support it needed to overcome its backend challenges. Levy helped ViralMoment negotiate and purchase the correct business insurance and handled the onboarding of all of ViralMoment’s contractors, allowing them to grow at a faster pace without eating up any of the team’s precious time. This partnership resulted in significant time savings for Chelsie – approximately 8-10 hours a week. More importantly, it brought about a transformation in how ViralMoment operated, turning previous inefficiencies into streamlined processes.

Beyond Time Savings: Gaining Operational Confidence

The partnership with Levy did more than just free up time; it instilled a newfound sense of confidence within ViralMoment; they no longer had to waste time doing things they were not good at. As the company expanded, building a remote team and catering to a global clientele, the complexities of managing operations grew faster than imaginable. Levy's support in these areas meant Chelsie could face these challenges with assurance, knowing that the operational side of the business was in good hands, capable of scaling with them, and giving her peace of mind that everything was taken care of in the correct way.

Chelsie's experience with Levy highlights a common trend among startups – the struggle with backend operations. Her advice to fellow founders is insightful: focus on your vision and delegate the operational tasks. This approach allows founders to channel their energies into growth and innovation while experts handle the complex and intricate backend machinery.

Learnings: ViralMoment's Leap Forward

For ViralMoment, partnering with Levy was more than an operational decision; it was a strategic move that catalyzed their growth. Chelsie's story is a testament to the transformative power of outsourcing in the startup world. It underscores the importance of focusing on core competencies and leveraging expert support for operational tasks, a strategy that can lead startups to new heights of success.'s Leap Forward with Levy

What does do?

In the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape, emerged as a front-runner to simplify the self-custody of digital assets. At the helm was a CEO deeply immersed in the world of Bitcoin and stablecoins, committed to making Lava a pivotal player in the crypto space. However, the journey of innovation is seldom without its hurdles, and for Lava, these came in the form of operational challenges.

As grew, the CEO found himself increasingly entangled in the web of back-office operations. Managing these tasks single-handedly, from HR duties to IT management, began to take a toll, consuming valuable time that could otherwise be spent on product development and strategic planning. This operational overload was not just a drain on time; it was a diversion from Lava's core mission.

Recognizing the need to streamline operations in order to focus on their primary objectives, turned to outsourcing as a strategic solution. This decision was pivotal in reshaping the company's operational framework. Outsourcing allowed Lava to hand over the repetitive yet essential tasks to a team of specialists, freeing up the CEO and his team to concentrate on the heart of their business – cryptocurrency innovation that would change the world!

Levy's Impact on

Levy's integration into Lava's operations marked a significant turning point. With Levy's expertise, the once cumbersome process of managing back-office tasks became streamlined and efficient. The CEO's weekly schedule, previously packed with administrative duties, was now significantly lighter, with just a short weekly call to synchronize tasks with Levy's team. This shift resulted in a drastic reduction in administrative duties, allowing the CEO to dedicate more time to product-related tasks and propel Lava's business forward.

The CEO of believed that the primary focus of any leader, especially in the tech industry, should be on product development. Levy's specialized knowledge in operational domains meant that Lava could excel in its area of expertise without being bogged down by the repetitive nature of back-office tasks.

The Early-Stage Startup Dilemma

In the early stages of a company, CEOs often find themselves juggling numerous responsibilities. For, tasks like accounting and onboarding could consume up to 20-25 hours a week. Levy's intervention in handling these issues proved to be a game-changer, offering a solution that was more efficient than hiring in-house or part-time employees.

For, the thought of operating without Levy's services was daunting. The company had come to rely heavily on Levy for managing operational tasks, allowing the CEO and his team to focus on their core competencies. Levy's role was critical in ensuring that could continue its growth trajectory without being hindered by operational complexities.

Learnings:'s Operational Transformation's partnership with Levy stands as a powerful example of how strategic outsourcing can revolutionize a startup's operations. By entrusting back-office tasks to Levy, Lava was able to reclaim time and focus, essential for navigating the competitive and fast-paced world of cryptocurrency. This story highlights the importance of recognizing when to delegate and the transformative impact it can have on a startup's journey.


The journeys of Parallel Bio, ViralMoment, and collectively underscore a pivotal lesson for the startup ecosystem: the strategic importance of outsourcing back-office operations. Each of these startups, driven by innovative missions, encountered operational challenges that threatened to impede their growth and distract from their core objectives. However, the decision to partner with Levy marked a turning point, transforming these challenges into opportunities for accelerated growth, enhanced focus, and peace of mind that can only be achieved with the trust that everything is going to be done properly and on time, every time.

The stories of these diverse startups reveal a common thread – the transformative power of strategic outsourcing. By entrusting operational tasks to Levy, these companies were able to reclaim valuable time, streamline processes, and refocus on their primary missions. The benefits extended beyond mere time savings; they encompassed enhanced operational efficiency, access to specialized expertise, and the ability to scale operations seamlessly.

Levy's role in these transformations was not just as a service provider but as a strategic partner. The comprehensive approach to managing back-office tasks, coupled with their understanding of each startup's unique needs and goals, gained through years of experience, made them an indispensable asset. The partnership with Levy allowed these startups to navigate the complexities of growth without being bogged down by the intricacies of operational management.

In short, the experiences of Parallel Bio, ViralMoment, and highlight a crucial strategy for startups aiming to thrive in today's competitive landscape: the strategic delegation of back-office operations. This approach enables startups to maintain their agility, innovate continuously, and stay focused on their growth trajectories. These success stories demonstrate that smart outsourcing is not just about operational efficiency; it's about empowering startups to unlock their full potential and chart a course for sustained success.