Most people are afraid of being alone with their thoughts.
They fill every moment with noise, distraction, and cheap dopamine. Social media. Netflix. Group hangouts. Mindless scrolling.
Anything to avoid the discomfort of their own company.
But the truth?
The most productive time you will ever have is the time that seems most "boring" compared to others.
Those hours of solitude. The long walks where you work through complex problems in your head. The mornings spent in deep focus while the rest of the world is still sleeping.
This is your hidden advantage in a world that can't tolerate silence or stillness.
Look around you.
The average person checks their phone 96 times a day. That's once every 10 minutes.
They bounce between meetings, calls, and collaborative work. They mistake busyness for productivity and motion for progress.
And at the end of the day, what do they have to show for it?
A bunch of half-finished tasks. A mind scattered in a thousand directions. And the nagging feeling that despite all their activity, they haven't moved the needle on anything that truly matters.
Here's the brutal truth: Constant stimulation is making you stupid.
Your brain needs periods of quiet and boredom to:
But most people can't tolerate even five minutes without reaching for their phone.
They've conditioned their minds to crave the next hit of novelty, and they're paying for it with their creative potential.
Are you willing to be different?
Some of history's greatest thinkers understood the power of solitude.
Einstein took long walks alone to solve physics problems. Newton discovered gravity during a period of isolated study when universities closed due to the plague. Maya Angelou rented hotel rooms where she would write in solitude for hours.
This isn't coincidence. It's causation.
Deep work requires deep focus, and deep focus requires isolation from distraction.
When you create space for yourself to think deeply, you're not being antisocial or unproductive. You're giving yourself the most valuable gift possible: uninterrupted thought.
This is where breakthroughs happen. Where connections form that others miss. Where you develop the clarity to see opportunities invisible to the chronically distracted.
In a world optimized for shallow work and instant gratification, your ability to go deep is your superpower.
Remember being bored as a kid?
Not the pleasant boredom of a lazy summer day. The excruciating, "I-have-nothing-to-do" boredom that drove your parents crazy.
That boredom wasn't useless. It was the catalyst for creativity.
When there's nothing to entertain you, your mind is forced to entertain itself. It starts making connections, generating ideas, and solving problems. It craves stimulation, so it creates it.
Boredom is the space where creativity is born.
Today's world has engineered boredom out of existence. There's always something to watch, read, or listen to. Always someone to talk to.
But at what cost?
Studies show that children who experience boredom develop better problem-solving skills and greater creativity. Adults who embrace boredom report higher levels of creativity and productivity.
The most successful people I know deliberately create boredom blocks in their schedules – times when they do nothing but think, reflect, and let their minds wander.
They understand that insights rarely come from consuming more information. They come from giving your mind space to process what you already know.
In 2011, Steve Jobs was working on what would become one of Apple's most revolutionary products: Siri.
But he wasn't in a lab. He wasn't in a meeting. He wasn't even at his desk.
He was walking.
Jobs was famous for his walking meetings. He believed that walking sparked creativity and allowed for deeper conversations than sitting in a conference room.
One particular walk with his biographer Walter Isaacson reveals his thinking:
"If you just sit and act, then you're going to die," Jobs told Isaacson during one of their walks. "Taking a walk gives you time to think about a problem differently."
During these seemingly "boring" walks, Jobs made some of his most important decisions and had his most creative insights.
This wasn't unique to Jobs. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Charles Darwin all incorporated long walks into their daily routines.
They understood that movement combined with solitude creates the perfect conditions for breakthrough thinking.
The next time you're stuck on a problem, don't call another meeting. Take a walk alone instead.
Bill Gates has a strange habit.
Twice a year, he disappears for a "Think Week" – seven days of complete solitude in a secluded cabin. No phone, no internet, no family, no friends. Just books, notebooks, and time to think.
During these periods of intense solitude, Gates reads, reflects, and maps out the future of Microsoft and his foundation. Many of Microsoft's pivotal strategic shifts originated during these "boring" weeks in the woods.
Gates isn't alone. Jack Dorsey does 10-day silent meditation retreats. Ray Dalio attributes much of his success to his meditation practice.
Naval Ravikant starts each day with an hour of solitude.
These aren't coincidences. These are strategic choices by some of the world's most successful people.
They know what most don't: Innovation happens in isolation, not in collaboration.
Teams are great for execution, but breakthrough insights almost always come from individual thought.
If you want to think thoughts no one has thought before, you need to create conditions no one else is creating. And that usually means embracing solitude in a world addicted to connection.
You don't need a cabin in the woods or a week away from civilization to harness the power of "boring" productivity.
Here's how to start:
Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task.
Block out 2-3 hours in your calendar for uninterrupted focus. Turn off notifications. Close your door. Tell people you're unavailable.
Then work on your most important project with complete focus.
The first few times will be uncomfortable. Your mind will crave distraction. Push through it. Like any muscle, your focus gets stronger with use.
Two hours of true deep work will produce more value than eight hours of distracted shallow work.
The simplest productivity hack is also the most powerful: a daily walk with no phone, no podcasts, no music.
Just you and your thoughts.
Start with 20 minutes. Let your mind wander. Notice what emerges when you're not filling your brain with input.
Ask yourself open-ended questions:
Walking physically changes your brain chemistry in ways that enhance creative thinking.
The combination of light physical activity and distraction-free thinking creates the perfect conditions for insights.
Once a week, schedule an hour of pure boredom.
Sit in a chair. No phone. No book. No music. No journaling. Just you and your thoughts.
The first 20 minutes will be excruciating. Your mind will beg for stimulation. Give it nothing.
After about 30 minutes, something magical happens. Your brain, starved for input, starts generating its own. Ideas emerge. Connections form. Problems that seemed unsolvable suddenly have obvious solutions.
This is your mind doing what it was built to do before we started bombarding it with constant stimulation.
Boredom isn't the absence of thought. It's the beginning of deeper thought.
Most people are drowning in information while starving for wisdom.
They consume endless content without giving themselves time to process it.
Try this instead:
You already know enough to be wildly successful. The problem isn't lack of information. It's lack of implementation.
When you create boundaries around information consumption, you force yourself to metabolize what you've already learned rather than constantly seeking the next insight.
Let's be honest: there's nothing sexy about sitting alone with your thoughts.
When someone asks what you did yesterday, "I took a two-hour walk and thought about my business strategy" doesn't sound as impressive as "I had meetings with three potential clients and launched a new marketing campaign."
But results speak louder than activity.
The most successful people have the courage to be boring.
They're willing to do the unsexy work of thinking deeply, planning carefully, and executing with focus. They're comfortable saying no to distractions that others can't resist.
While everyone else is trying to look busy and important, they're creating space for the thought and focus that actually moves the needle.
Don't mistake their quietness for inaction. The still waters run deep.
You will never reach your potential if you can't tolerate being alone with your thoughts.
There, I said it.
The ability to think deeply for extended periods is becoming increasingly rare and increasingly valuable. As the world gets noisier, the advantages of silence grow stronger.
The most valuable work you'll ever do won't happen in meetings or on collaborative documents or in crowded coworking spaces.
It will happen in moments of isolation that would bore most people to tears.
Your competitive advantage lives in the space between stimuli.
In the quiet moments when others reach for their phones, you reach for deeper thoughts. In the morning hours when others are still sleeping, you're solving problems. In the walks that others fill with podcasts, you're generating ideas.
This is how you win.
Not by working more hours. Not by being perpetually busy. Not by constant collaboration.
But by embracing the boring, silent spaces where true productivity lives.
The question is – are you comfortable enough with yourself to find out what's waiting for you in the silence?
Thank you for reading.
– Scott