Grew up on the east coast. Grew old on the west coast. Now, cooking in Colorado.
Deep Thoughts, Drama & Actionable Tips for Crypto & Software Development.
How To Tell Your Own Story: Hype Reels by Meg Adams
Just-In-Case vs. Just-In-Time Learning by Osman Ahmed Osman
The most common problem I’ve seen in product/engineering process by Lily Chen
Digital Asset Ownership: Why It Matters & How Blockchain Will Save The Day by Luke Lappala
Facebook’s (hypothetical) crypto strategy by Monica Desai
Why the Price of Bitcoin Doesn’t Matter by Beautyon
Has Craig Wright Committed Perjury? New Information in the Kleiman Case by Peter McCormack
Why Developers Should NOT Use MacBook Pro by Charlee Li
Build a realtime map using Kotlin by Neo Ighodaro
How to Make Mountains Memorable With Perlin Noise by John David Martin
3 easy steps to writing compound components by Steven Natera
React 16.0–16.3 new features for every day use by Artem Sapegin
A HUGE List of Crypto Influencers to Follow on Youtube by Crowdcreate
Investing VS Trading In Cryptocurrencies by Hansel
Portfolio Diversity: A Technical Analysis by ShrimpyApp
Trading: earning an income or building wealth? by AndyN
Until next time, don’t take the realities of the world for granted.
Kind Regards,