AVC Room Booking System Introductionby@ludo0x21

AVC Room Booking System Introduction

by Ludo0x21
Ludo0x21 HackerNoon profile picture



July 12th, 2020
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Service Overview: Visit and test website here: By default you will be granted as 'Guest' (meaning accessing data is restricted to a minimum) However a system administrator or AVC staff can assign you a role with more elevated privileges so that you can use the provided services (role 'Customer'), or even administrate it. The role 'Sys admin' is reserved for the site administration. If you're a member of a partner organization of the AVC, you need to contact the staff that will grant you with the authorization to book a room for your organization.

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Service Overview

Visit and test website here:

While you're not logged in yet, you can navigate through 4 pages:

  • home (default): presents the room booking service, display a few pictures of the rooms and show performances indicators regarding the service (to be completed)
  • rooms: list all the rooms that the service provide. However, getting more details about rooms requires the user being authenticated
  • login: allow to login, if you have an account on the service
  • register: allow to create an account. By default you will be granted as 'Guest' (meaning accessing data is still restricted to a minimum). However a system administrator or AVC staff can assign you a role with more elevated privileges so that you can use the provided services (role 'Customer'), or even administrate it (roles 'AVC staff' or 'AVC admin'). The role 'Sys admin' is reserved for the site administration.

Once you've registered and logged in with your new account, you can access more details about the booking service.

Go back the 'rooms' page and click on a room card to get more details:


As shown in the screenshot above, the room details view includes:

  • more pictures of the room
  • a description
  • its specifications
  • the supported extra features (like coffee or projector) that you can subscribe when booking
  • the room availability in the coming weeks (the 'grey' area corresponds to the past time, 'red' areas correspond to the time slot that are not available yet).
  • the button 'Book Now' is disabled when your role is 'Guest'. If you're a member of a partner organization of the AVC, you need to contact the AVC staff that will grant you with the authorization to book a room for your organization.

Room Booking Procedure

Now, let's suppose you're now registered with the role 'Customer'. That's also mean that you're a member of one or several partner organizations of the AVC. Then you can book the room, as follow:

Go back the 'rooms' page, select the room you want to book, and click on its card to display the detailed view. You now have the button 'Book now' enabled.


Click the button to display the booking form, as shown below:


Note that the 'Organization' field is already filled if you're a member of only one organization. Otherwise, you need to select the one for which you're booking.

Fill in the form and click 'Submit'.

Congratulations, you've booked the room !

Bookings Overview

Now you're logged in with the 'Customer' role and you are able to make bookings, you can also display an overview of your bookings (in fact, the bookings of the organizations you're member of), by navigating to the 'My Bookings' page:


For each booking that is not already started, you can edit it, change it or cancel it. As soon as the starting time of the event is past, the event can't be modified or cancelled anymore

Service Administration

Let's now get discovering some administrative features. If you're a member of the AVC staff (rôle 'AVC staff'), you have access to new navigation links on the top right corner of the website 'BOOKINGS' and 'CONFIGURE':


'BOOKINGS'' : show you all bookings submitted by the partner organizations. It's very similar to the 'My Bookings' page provided to users with role 'Customer', except that you can display and modify all events, for all organizations.

This overview can be filtered by organization, or by room, or both.

This overview allows to edit bookings, change or cancel them, as soon as they are not already started.

'CONFIGURE': this page allows to configure the service, regarding:

  • the list of partner organizations
  • image
  • the list and specifications of extra services
  • the list of rooms, their respective description, specifications and pictures
  • image
  • some settings regarding the bookings
  • image
  • users administration (view only: changes are only granted if you have the role 'AVC Admin')
  • image
  • the description and pictures of the service presentation page ('home' page)
  • image

    NOW, IT'S YOUR TURN: connect to the site, play with it, change configuration (add rooms, etc).

    Give me a feedback, let me know what is missing, what should be changed, etc...


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