This post will show you how to setup a Swarm Cluster, deploy a couple of microservices, and create a Reverse Proxy Service (with Traefik) in charge of routing requests on their base URLs.
If you haven’t already, create a Swarm cluster, you could use the shell script below to setup a cluster with 3 nodes (1 Manager & 2 Workers)
Issue the following command to execute the script:
chmod +x
The output of the above command is as follows:
At this moment, we have 3 nodes:
Our example microservice application consists of two parts. The Books API and the Movies API. For both parts I have prepared images for you that can be pulled from the DockerHub.
The Dockerfiles for both images can be found on my Github.
Create docker-compose.yml file with the following content:
In order to deploy our stack, we should execute the following command:
docker stack deploy — compose-file docker-compose.yml api
Let’s check the overlay network:
docker network ls
Traefik configuration:
docker config ls
To display the configuration content:
docker config inspect api_traefik-config — pretty
And finally, to list all the services:
docker stack ps api
In the list of above, you can see that the 3 containers are being running on node-1, node-2 & node-3 :
If you point your favorite browser (not you IE) to the Traefik Dashboard URL (http://MANAGER_NODE_IP:8080) you should see that the frontends and backends are well defined:
If you check http://MANAGER_NODE_IP/books, you will get a list of books:
If you replace the base URL with /movies:
What happens if we want to scale out the books & movies APIs. With the docker service scale command:
We can confirm that:
Obviously Traefik did recognise that we started more containers and made them available to the right frontend automatically:
In the diagram below, you will find that the manager has decied to schedule the new containers on node-2 (3 of them) and node-3 (4 of them) using the Round Robin strategy: