OFX, aka OFX Image Processing API, is an open standard for creating 2D visual effects and video compositing. It operates in a plugin-like application development model. Essentially, it serves as both a Host - an application providing a set of methods, and a Plug-in - an application or module implementing this set.
This configuration offers the potential for unlimited expansion of the host application's functionality.
Applications such as Final Cut X and DaVinci Resolve Studio, starting from version 16, fully support Apple Metal pipelines. Similar to OpenCL and Cuda, in the case of OFX, you can obtain a descriptor or handler of a platform-specific command queue. The host system also takes responsibility for allocating a pool of such queues and balancing calculations on them.
Moreover, it places the source and target image clip data in GPU memory, significantly simplifying the development of extensible functionality.
With Resolve, things are slightly more complicated. DaVinci announces support for OFX v1.4, albeit with some limitations. Specifically, some methods for working with interface functions are not available for use. To determine which method is available, OFX allows you to examine the supported suite through key/value queries.
Publishing methods in the plugin code are based on C calls. But we will use the OpenFXS C++ shell adapted for C++17. For convenience, I've compiled everything into one repository: dehancer-external taken from the open-source Dehancer project.
In this project, I will be using OpenFXS, a C++ extension to OpenFX that was originally written by Bruno Nicoletti and has become popular over time in commercial and open-source video processing projects.
The original OpenFXS was not adapted to modern C++ dialects, so I updated it to make it compatible with C++17.
OFX, and consequently OFXS, is a standalone software module that is dynamically loaded by the host program. Essentially, it is a dynamic library that is loaded when the main application starts. OpenFXS, like OFX, must publish method signatures. Hence, we use one C method from the code.
To start developing in OpenFXS, you need to agree to a few common sets of classes that are used to create new functionality in your application. Typically, in a new project, you need to inherit from these classes and implement or override some virtual methods.
To create your own plugin on the host system, let's start by familiarizing ourselves with the following public classes and the same method:
One feature that distinguishes the process of shooting video from simply capturing an image in a photo is the dynamic change of scenes and lighting of both scenes as a whole and areas in the image. This determines the way exposure is controlled during the shooting process.
In digital video, there is a control monitor mode for operators in which the exposure level of areas is mapped into a limited set of zones, each tinted with its own color.
This mode is sometimes called "predator" or False Color mode. The scales are usually referenced to the IRE scale.
Such a monitor allows you to see the exposure zones and avoid significant mistakes when setting camera shooting parameters. Something similar in meaning is used when exposing in photography - zoning according to Adams, for example.
You can measure a specific target with an exposure meter and see in which zone it is located, and in real-time we see the zones, neatly tinted for ease of perception.
The number of zones is determined by the objectives and capabilities of the control monitor. For instance, a monitor used with Arri Alexa cameras can incorporate up to 6 zones.
Before proceeding with the example, we need to add some simple proxy classes to implement OpenFXS as a platform for processing source data, such as Metal textures. These classes include:
imetalling::Image2Texture: A functor for transferring data from the clip buffer into a Metal texture. From DaVinci, you can extract a buffer of any structure and packaging of image channel values into the plugin, and it should be returned in a similar form.
To make working with the stream format in OFX easier, you can request the host to prepare data of a specific type in advance. I will use floats packed in RGBA - red/green/blue/alpha.
We inherit the OFXS base classes and write our functionality without going into the details of how the Metal core works:
Additionally, we will need several utility classes built on top of Metal to logically separate the host code and the kernel code on MSL. These include:
imetalling::FalseColorKernel: Our main functional class, a "predator" emulator that posterizes (downsamples) to a specified number of colors.
The kernel code for the "predator" mode could look like this:
static constant float3 kIMP_Y_YUV_factor = {0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721};
constexpr sampler baseSampler(address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear, coord::normalized);
inline float when_eq(float x, float y) {
return 1.0 - abs(sign(x - y));
static inline float4 sampledColor(
texture2d<float, access::sample> inTexture,
texture2d<float, access::write> outTexture,
uint2 gid
float w = outTexture.get_width();
return mix(inTexture.sample(baseSampler, float2(gid) * float2(1.0/(w-1.0), 1.0/float(outTexture.get_height()-1))),
when_eq(inTexture.get_width(), w) // whe equal read exact texture color
kernel void kernel_falseColor(
texture2d<float, access::sample> inTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> outTexture [[texture(1)]],
device float3* color_map [[ buffer(0) ]],
constant uint& level [[ buffer(1) ]],
uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]])
float4 inColor = sampledColor(inTexture,outTexture,gid);
float luminance = dot(inColor.rgb, kIMP_Y_YUV_factor);
uint index = clamp(uint(luminance*(level-1)),uint(0),uint(level-1));
float4 color = float4(1);
if (index<level)
color.rgb = color_map[index];
Initialization of the OFX Plugin
We will begin by defining the class imetalling::falsecolor::Factory.
In this class, we will set a single parameter - the status of the monitor (either on or off). This is necessary for our example.
We will inherit from OFX::PluginFactoryHelper
and overload five methods:
describeInContext(ImageEffectDescriptor&,ContextEnum): Similar to the describe
method, this method is also called when the plugin is loaded and must be defined in our class. It should define properties associated with the current context.
The context determines the type of operations the application works with, such as filter, paint, transition effect, or frame retimer in a clip.
. In other words, our imetalling::falsecolor::Plugin
in which we have defined all the functionalities, both with regard to user events in the host program and rendering (transforming) the source frame into the target one:OFX::ImageEffect *Factory::createInstance(OfxImageEffectHandle handle,OFX::ContextEnum) {
return new Plugin(handle);
At this stage, if you compile a bundle with the OFX module, the plugin will already be available in the host application, and in DaVinci, it can be loaded onto the correction node.
However, to work fully with a plugin instance, you need to define at least the interactive part and the part associated with processing the incoming video stream.
To do this, we inherit from the OFX::ImageEffect class and overload virtual methods:
changedParam(const OFX::InstanceChangedArgs&, const std::string&) - This method allows us to define the logic for handling the event. The event type is determined by the value of OFX::InstanceChangedArgs::reason and can be: eChangeUserEdit, eChangePluginEdit, eChangeTime - the event occurred as a result of a property being edited by the user, changed in a plugin or host application, or as a result of a change in the timeline.
The second parameter specifies the string name that we defined at the plugin initialization stage, in our case, it is one parameter: false_color_enabled_check_box.
You can read the implementation of interactive interaction with OFX in the Interaction.cpp code. As you can see, we receive pointers to the clips: the source one and the memory area in which we will put the target transformation.
We will add another logical layer on which we will define all the logic for launching the transformation. In our case, this is the only method for overriding so far:
At the launch stage, an object with useful properties became available to us: we have at least a pointer to the video stream (more precisely, a memory area with frame image data), and, most importantly, a queue of Metal commands.
Now, we can construct a generic class that will bring us closer to a simple form of reusing kernel code. The OpenFXS extension already has such a class: OFX::ImageProcessor; we just need to overload it.
In the constructor, it has the OFX::ImageEffect parameter, i.e., in it, we will receive not only the current state of the plugin parameters but everything necessary for working with the GPU.
At this stage, we just need to overload the processImagesMetal() method and initiate the processing of kernels already implemented on Metal.
OFX::ImageEffect *instance,
OFX::Clip *source,
OFX::Clip *destination,
const OFX::RenderArguments &args,
bool enabled
) :
/// grab the current frame of a clip from OFX host memory
/// create a target frame of a clip with the memory area already specified in OFX
/// Set OFX rendering arguments to GPU
/// Set render window
/// Place source frame data in Metal texture
source_container_ = std::make_unique<imetalling::Image2Texture>(_pMetalCmdQ, source_);
/// Create empty target frame texture in Metal
destination_container_ = std::make_unique<imetalling::Image2Texture>(_pMetalCmdQ, destination_);
/// Get parameters for packing data in the memory area of the target frame
OFX::BitDepthEnum dstBitDepth = destination->getPixelDepth();
OFX::PixelComponentEnum dstComponents = destination->getPixelComponents();
/// and original
OFX::BitDepthEnum srcBitDepth = source->getPixelDepth();
OFX::PixelComponentEnum srcComponents = source->getPixelComponents();
/// show a message to the host system that something went wrong
/// and cancel rendering of the current frame
if ((srcBitDepth != dstBitDepth) || (srcComponents != dstComponents)) {
/// set in the current processor context a pointer to the memory area of the target frame
void Processor::processImagesMetal() {
try {
if (enabled_)
catch (std::exception &e) {
interaction_->sendMessage(OFX::Message::eMessageError, "#message0", e.what());
To build the project, you will need CMake, and it must be at least version 3.15. Additionally, you will require Qt5.13, which aids in the easy and convenient assembly of the bundle with the plugin installer in the system directory. To initiate cmake, you must first create a build directory.
After creating the build directory, you can execute the following command:
cmake -DPRINT_DEBUG=ON -DQT_INSTALLER_PREFIX=/Users/<user>/Develop/QtInstaller -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/Users/<user>/Develop/Qt/5.13.0/clang_64/lib/cmake -DPLUGIN_INSTALLER_DIR=/Users/<user>/Desktop -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Library/OFX/Plugins .. && make install
Afterward, the installer, called IMFalseColorOfxInstaller.app, will appear in the directory that you specified in the PLUGIN_INSTALLER_DIR parameter. Let's go ahead and launch it! Once the installation is successful, you can start DaVinci Resolve and begin using our new plugin.
You can find and select it in the OpenFX panel on the color correction page, and add it as a node.
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