Five Startup Resources to Scale Your Startup's Location Based Technology by@gletham
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Five Startup Resources to Scale Your Startup's Location Based Technology

by glennJuly 21st, 2019
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Getting your business off the ground can be a huge challenge. For technology start-ups though, there’s many valuable resources that you can tap into. There’s incubators, startup labs, hackathons, developer programs, and many more opportunities that exist. Here, I quickly touch upon 5 handy resources that any techn startup can leverage to get a boost.

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Getting your business off the ground can be a huge challenge. For technology start-ups though, there’s many valuable resources that you can tap into. There’s incubators, startup labs, hackathons, developer programs, and many more opportunities that exist. Here, I quickly touch upon 5 handy resources that any techn startup can leverage to get a boost.

1. Esri startup program

The Esri Startup Program is a global three-year program that helps startups build mapping and location intelligence into their products and businesses. The program provides access to Esri online services, software, development tools, ready-to-use content, training, support, and co-marketing opportunities. If you’re a startup looking to build on ArcGIS, this program may be for you. Many early-stage startups have come out of the program and launched successful businesses that leverage Esri apps and tools.  Get started HERE

2. Google for startups

This resource from Google is a one-stop shop for all things Google that could interest a location tech startup.  Locate a resource that can support your Google startup at Find communities, ideal for networking, asking advice or questions; get best practices information like insights on how to design, test and take your app to market; access tools, SDKS, and APIs.

3. HERE developer resources

HERE is not only a leading data provider for developers around the World, they also support a vibrant developer ecosystem. Learn about the HERE open location environment and supporting tools where you can build and deploy apps and services via their marketplace. Additionally, the developer portal houses documentation, tools, community resources, SDKS, and APIs to help you deploy your apps. Developers and startups seeking a cloud-based platform should also take time to check out the XYZ, a platform where you can build and deploy maps and web maps (you can start for free at – See also

4. Startup in Residence (Stir)

Startup in Residence helps startups close contracts with government agencies. Stir offers a 16-week remote program connects startups with government agencies to co-develop technology solutions for government challenges. Startups are encouraged to apply to one of the 80+ government challenges. Stir is a wonderful resource where participants can learn about fabulous networking opportunities, funding, and even get connected with a mentor.

5. Incubators and the canvas

A great place to start is to identify local startup resources, or incubators – Most major cities these days have some kind of an incubator or startup hub, for example, in Vancouver BC you can visit the innovate BC resource (, a fine example in Victoria, BC is Viatec (, a local tech hub and launchpad where you can also visit any time for free and use a table in the cafe – monthly co-working desks and offices are also available. Another great example comes from Fort Collins, CO where you can find the Innosphere (, a fabulous community base where startups work, train, gather and play! One resource that got my attention came from Montreal Canada where their local Founder Institute extended its community outreach efforts by developing a map (or startup ecosystem canvass as they like to call it). The idea to create the Canvas was inspired by Brad Feld’s book Startup Communities, which talks about the problems with fragmentation in ecosystems.  See Ottawa also has a canvas or resources. Check it out at To locate a canvas in your area see the resource at – you can always create a canvas yourself if you feel energetic!

These are all fine options to assist any startup

What they all have in common is a feeling of community. Additionally, you’ll be exposed to other like minds and you may even connect with another startup founder who offers a complimentary product or service! Finally, and perhaps most important, get out there and network. Talk to people, share experiences, and surround yourself with others that have already gone through what you are preparing to experience. Attend meetups, dev meets, hackathons, local business mixers, etc… you never know who you’ll make friends with!

Are you a GIS, Geo, or location technology startup experiencing rapid growth and need of assistance with marketing, communications, PR, event support? More information and assistance is available