5 Easy Ways to Create Newsletters that Convertby@syedbalkhi

5 Easy Ways to Create Newsletters that Convert

by Syed BalkhiMay 25th, 2021
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Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With a potential ROI of 4400%, email marketing is the best way to attract and retain customers. To get the best results out of your email marketing efforts, you need to create effective newsletters that help you convert your readers. So how do you write newsletters that engage your audience and convince them to take action without opting out? Here are five tips to make sure you get the most out of email marketing.

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The marketing business has evolved a lot over the years. Unlike decades ago, marketers now no longer depend only on advertisements to promote their business. The modern form of marketing involves several other ways of promotion too like social media marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, etc.

Out of all of these, however, the most popular and effective one is email marketing. With a potential ROI of 4400%, email marketing is the best way to attract and retain customers. But, to get the best results out of your email marketing efforts, you need to create effective newsletters that help you convert your readers. 

So the question is - how do you write newsletters that engage your audience and convince them to take action without opting out?

Well, let’s find out.

1. Write Impressive Headlines

Unlike the other forms of marketing, email marketing gives you the chance to land right into your subscriber's inbox. So if you can convince them to open it, you can have their undivided attention for the next few seconds. And if your copy is powerful enough they might as well end up converting.

So what do you do to make them click on your email? The answer is - write a captivating headline. Your headline is the first thing that people will notice about your email.

So use it to convince your readers that the message in this email can change their lives and make it easier by helping them solve a problem or conquer their fear.

A great way of doing that is to make it such that it tells people a secret, shares an idea with them, or talks about why you want to do something specific. Of course, you can share tips and tricks too, but that won’t be as exciting to read as it would be to read a secret. To make it even more interesting, you can add numbers in the headline. But make sure you use digits instead of letters for the numbers. For example, you can try writing something like -

‘22 Secrets About the Royal Family That Will Stun You.’

Headlines like this can quickly grab people’s attention and compel them to open the email right away. If you’re not sure how good your headline is, you can use a headline analyzer. There are plenty available on the internet and most of them are free.

2. Use Psychology for More Conversions

Did you know that 69% of millennials experience FOMO on a daily basis? So why not use this as an opportunity to boost your conversions. FOMO or Fear of Missing Out is a powerful psychological phenomenon that triggers anxiety in people for the fear of missing out on a great opportunity. So they try to grab the chance before it runs out.

You must have seen websites running limited sale offers with a countdown to remind people that the sale is ending soon. This is a classic example of marketers using FOMO to boost their sales. When the visitors realize the sale is limited, they try to grab it before it ends. It’s a wonderful way of creating excitement and encouraging people to take action without any further delay.

You can use it in your newsletters too. You can announce a sale, offer a discount coupon with an expiry date or do anything similar to convert your readers.

3. Reward your Readers

Another brilliant way to convert your newsletter subscribers is to reward them for opening it. The process begins when the reader looks at your subject line and opens the email expecting to get what you have promised to offer through your headline. 

So you need to show them how they have benefited by opening the email and prove that your claim is true. The only way of doing that is through an excellent copy. Many marketers even add links to blog posts or attach free downloadable files, case studies, etc., to their emails to make their point. All of these are great ways to retain your readers and convince them that they did the right thing by opening your email.

But you can go the extra mile by offering a free gift to them. For example, you can give away a coupon code for them to redeem or an offer to ensure that they feel rewarded. It’s a brilliant way to encourage them to read your email newsletters. It will also definitely help you convert more readers, boost your sales and increase your profit. 

4. Add a Clear CTA

Always remember that in order to convert your readers, you have to give them a way to get what you’re offering. You can do that by adding a clear and relevant CTA to your newsletter. When you add the CTA your readers know what steps to take next in order to achieve what you’re offering. 

Without that, your visitors will be confused and will be left with no other option but to opt-out. So make sure that you add a relevant CTA to your newsletter. Optimize its text to promote the action you want them to take.

5. Segment your Email List

You must have heard of email segmentation. It is one of the most important steps to work on in order to boost your newsletter conversions. By segmenting your email list it’s easier for you to personalize your emails. 

This implies not just using people’s names in the subject line, but also to the email content by making it more relevant to the readers. To make it even more accurate you can create different emails for your recipients based on their age, gender, location, occupation, and other related information.

By doing that you can create more relevant emails that will instantly increase your conversion rates.

Final Thoughts

Creating newsletters is easy. But using them to boost your conversion needs a proper strategy. Without that, your newsletters will either end in the spam or will be left unopened. If you don’t want that to happen, make sure that newsletters have the power to convince your readers to take action. 

Use simple words to convey your message, keep your paragraphs short, and include one main idea in each of these paragraphs. This will make your newsletter more interesting and people will want to read them too. The idea basically is to make people read one line after the other until they click on the CTA and convert. Once you can do that, converting your subscribers won’t be that difficult.