383 Stories To Learn About Career Adviceby@learn
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383 Stories To Learn About Career Advice

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Learn everything you need to know about Career Advice via these 383 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Career Advice via these 383 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

Whether you're 17 or 55, we could all use some career advice every now and then.

1. Ex-Twitter Employee Rejected at New Job For Asking 'Political Questions'

Think it's easy finding a job after Twitter? Think again.

2. Can You Join the Startup World Without Quitting Your Job?

(a.k.a. How to Invest Like a Sophisticated Poker Player)

3. Resolving the Career Identity Crisis That Comes With Pivoting

Pivoting in your career is often something positive. Still, it can come with unexpected negative feelings.

4. Is Cyber Security Hard? How to Find Your Way in

Cybersecurity is a broad, changing, challenging and complex field. To get into it, go beyond application forms with the tips described here.

5. My 45-min Product Design Interview Experience

What is Product Design interview, how it differs from system design interview, and how to pass it successfully.

6. 9 Top Career Tips from a Google Director of Engineering Making $1.5 Million

How much do directors make at Google? A director of engineering makes $1.5 million and explains how he did it on Blind.

7. Must-have Soft Skills for a DevOps Engineer

Essential skills for DevOps Engineer to boost your career with no stress

8. 6 Steps to Grow Into A Lead Engineer At FAANG

If you are a software engineer in one of the FAANG companies or similar you are probably one among the thousands of engineers  at the company. How do you go from starting fresh as a junior engineer to leading a team in say 5 years?

9. How I Became a 100x Developer - As a Junior

The 10x / rockstar developer is a myth. Long live the 100x situational developer!

10. Supporting the Elderly: Tips for Working on a Legacy PHP Codebase

A few tips on how to wrangle an old codebase with none of the comforts or practices you might be expecting.

11. A 5-Point Growth Strategy for Web Hosting Resellers

This article presents some of the best tips for hosting resellers to find a reliable web hosting provider and also how to earn a steady income

12. The Generational Divide in Software Developers

Thirty years ago our managers enabled uninterrupted work. Today they throw as many interruptions at us as they can manage. Independent work is derided.

13. How to Transition to Product Management [Part 2- From Zero to Product Manager]

This article is Part 2 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role.  In this post, I provide four essential steps to transition to a PM role

14. How Working in a Big Silicon Valley Company Stalled My Career Growth

The problem is, without side projects, open-source contributions, or a blog - I’ve realized I couldn't grow my skills.

15. You Needn’t Be Perfect as Software Developers, Live Your Life

We know that the software community has a multidisciplinary structure. In such a situation, you should not feel inadequate.

16. 3 Habits That Will Help You Become a Top Developer

Who/what, according to you, is a programmer’s best friend? Some say coffee, others say keyboard shortcuts but I think it is Stack Overflow.

17. Work From Home: What Works and What Doesn't

I read many articles and studies on remote work, tried them on myself, and now decided to share what I found most valuable for myself.

18. How to Get Into Tech and Become a Senior Engineer in 4 Years

As software continues to eat the world, more and more people ask me about "getting into tech," i.e. a successful Software Engineer easily making around $350,000 in total annual compensation. I get asked this a lot because I had very little coding experience when I decided to make a career change into software. Four years after making that decision, I entered Twitter as a Senior Software Engineer with a compensation package I couldn't even dream of making elsewhere. I often look back and refer to my career change as the best decision I made in my life.

19. Four Things to do Before and After You're Laid Off

One of the hardest things to deal with about a layoff is that it is unexpected for the person laid off. Take these steps to deal with it if /when it happens.

20. My Path to Becoming a Software Developer

My story begins way back in the 2004–2005 school year at Rio Linda High School. I was taking two advanced placement (AP) classes: calculus and physics. I had phenomenal teachers: Mr. Bautista and Mr. Gavrilov. I’m pretty sure they could teach calculus and physics to a cat, Schrodinger's cat, that is.

21. 7 Best Tech Career Paths of The Future

From technology and innovation to economies, the world has been experiencing a plethora of changes in recent times. Business, as usual, is no more an alternative for any industry. The traditional careers may or may not have their way into the future. With these rapid transitions, there are a lot of new career options that may rule the future.

22. How Imposter Syndrome Affects Developers

Imposter syndrome is a feeling in software development. Not only does beginners or mid-level developers face this problem, but also the experienced coders.

23. Building Dev Tools and Designing C#: An interview with Facebook's Eric Lippert

About: Eric Lippert

24. 7 Tips that will Make You a Better Front End Developer

Being a front end developer is a challenging job. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, there are always ways you can improve and raise the quality of your work. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort to learn and improve the skill. Begin to build good habits like proper planning and even learning when to say no. Here are seven tips that will make you a better front end developer.

25. Why I Left Engineering Management and Moved Back to Individual Contribution

Thinking of transitioning away from Engineering Manager to Individual Contributor? That is exactly what I did! Let me tell you a little bit about it.

26. Data Science vs Artificial Intelligence. Here’s the Difference

What are the differences between the contributions of a data scientist and an Artificial Intelligence engineer? Let us compare job roles and the benefits.

27. Choosing Your First Programming Language: A Beginners' Guide

Choosing the best programming language to learn first can be overwhelming. We are reviewing popular languages and giving resources to learn them for FREE.

28. How To Make a Living Freelancing and Working Remotely

Working remotely has become familiar with fewer people working in offices and more from their own homes. Freelancers generally set their own work hours.

29. Your Resident McAfee Engineer on Cybersecurity, AI, and Career Growth

Hey! I'm a Software Dev Engineer at McAfee Enterprise; nominated for four 2021 Noonies by writing about Authentication, Remote work, Covid, and Remote Teams.

30. Software Architecture Basics: From Developer to Software Architect

Journey from a Developer to an Architect Role by expanding the focus and understanding of Software Engineering and solving problems in a group.

31. How to Get a Recruiter to Work Harder for You

Here’s the secret to getting a recruiter to work harder for you.

32. What Exactly is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?

Amazon finds what it believes to be the bottom 6% of employees to put on a performance improvement plan. Here’s everything you might want to know about PIPs.

33. Focus on These Skills If You're Worried About AI Taking Your Job

Three types of skills for software developers and designers worried about the mass adoption of AI

34. How To Start An IT Career From Scratch

This story is for the people who doesn't have any experience in IT industry, whether you are completely new to job market or have some experience in other fields yet want to start over a new career.

35. How the Job Market Is Being Misrepresented to You

Here are some ways job seekers are misinformed about the job market.

36. Motivation from Mathematics: Hire for Slope, not Y-Intercept

Forget about the y-intercept; slope is the only thing that matters in the long run.

37. How to Jump-Start Your Career as a Junior Full-Stack Developer

Are you looking to start a career as a full-stack developer? Find these tips&tricks for developers, by developers. Happy coding!

38. Getting to the Promised Land of Software Engineering

A software engineer navigating the benefits of good communication in a remote workplace

39. How to Keep Earning a Salary While Transitioning Into a Role as a Product Manager

How to switch successfully to a role in product management.

40. Video Games Can Help Kids Choose Future Careers

Netflix documentary series on video games: High Score. Video games were the exact reasons I chose to study computers in college and work in IT.

41. Don't Stop at Writing Code, Create Business Value

Knowing the business needs/problems can help engineers to grow faster. If you don’t know WHAT and WHY, you can’t think of HOW.

42. "Listen to Your Parents More,"says myCashback CEO Sarun Vichayabhai

myCashback is the most innovative e-commerce startup in Asia. Learn more about it in this interview with the CEO.

43. Why Professions Are Adding Analytics to Their Skillsets

There are many different forms of data analytics, and these have different applications in business.

44. Get a Job in Tech: Tim's Experience as a Developer Advocate

How I become a developer advocate.

45. Remote Work, Different Timezones, and Bear Chronotypes

In 9 to 5 office jobs, most meetings are scheduled mid-morning, which is the most productive time for Bears, effectively reducing peak performance time by half.

46. Delivery Manager In Your Early 20s: The Secrets To Rapid Career Growth

In this article, Karyna Prykhodko, a Junior Delivery Manager at Innovecs, shared secrets and useful advices to rapid career growth.

47. What it Means to be a Senior Software Engineer

How can we measure whether an engineer deserves to receive the Senior title? What engineers should do to get to this stage of career development?

48. Worried About Recent Layoffs? is Looking For Talent and Plans to Double its Workforce

The second-largest crypto options exchange, aims to double its workforce amidst layoffs.

49. Why I Use YouTube as a LinkedIn Replacement

For those lucky few who have not heard of recruiter spam, it is the torrential flow of DMs called “InMail” that recruiters send to nearly anyone.

50. Stay Competitive in Your Crypto Job Search by Following These Tips

Do you want to get crypto jobs in 2023? Here is how to stand out in the competitive job market and more.

51. A Guide to Surviving in a Tech Company as a Non-Technical Staff

You have just started working in a prestigious tech company. But the problem is that you have 0% knowledge about tech. Here's how you can survive.

52. Six Life Benefits of Waking Up at Five AM Everyday

Discover how the 5AM Club can benefit software engineers, their career, life and health.

53. How to Ace Your Interview Assignment to Land Your Next Front-end Job

Let’s have a quick look at how to make your next front-end interview assignment look as good as possible.

54. How Burnout Can Take Over Your Professional Life

Burnout is an intense word and can lead to professional and personal dissatisfaction, depression, and social isolation.

55. Top 5 Career Options and Online Courses for Python Developers (2021)

Here are a few job roles that you can fill after completing your Python learning.

56. The Roadmap To Becoming A Great CTO: Skills, Strategy, and Rewards

What is the role of a CTO in small to mid-stage companies? How do you get the job and how do you do well in the role?

57. Why Backend and DevOps Roles May Become One in the Future

I believe that the job duties of “back-end” and “DevOps” engineers will coalesce to include almost everything that “the user doesn’t see”.

58. Why Your Coding Portfolio Needs Libraries and Packages

Building a job-ready portfolio of coding projects doesn't happen overnight, here's why you should include libraries and packages in yours.

59. Critical Tips to Learn Programming Faster

Looking to understand the critical factors to learn programming faster are listed here.

60. Selling Your Million-Dollar Idea to Management

The relevance and priority of a new idea to management depends heavily on how you package it. Here is a step-by-step guide to get them excited about your idea.

61. Future-Proof Your Career by Building a Strong Online Presence

Having a strong online presence accelerates your career and gives you optionality. Yet, many knowledge workers are getting left behind.

62. How Did You Become A Data Scientist?

Every data professional has a unique story as to how they entered the field of data science. Here is my career path origin story.

63. 10 Companies to Bet the Future of Your Career On

If you’re interested in great rewards, a career with a heavy tilt toward stock-based compensation could be right for you, depending on your risk tolerance.

64. Don't Have Time for the Things You Love? Here's How to Solve That

The surefire way to ensure you always have time for the things you love doin.

65. How to Get a Job in Tech: Alyze Sam's Experience as a Female Tech Co-Founder

If a disabled nurse can make it in tech, why can't YOU!?

66. HackerNoon is Hiring Again!!

HackerNoon is hiring for 2 Junior Editors and 2 Junior Sales Reps. Visit to learn more.

67. Using Reflective Writing and ChatGPT to Create a Solid Resume

Create an effective résumé by using a narrative of your work history and AI tools. Reduce complexity when you are stuck and need to reflect before the résumé.

68. Understanding Stock As a Component of Total Compensation

Stock options. Many employees of startups and corporations get to hear this term when their compensation is being discussed.

69. How to Decide Whether to Leave or Stay at Your Current Workplace During the Great Resignation

Use this checklist to see if your workspace is a good place to be, or if it's time to move on.

70. 7 Ways To Make Your Software Engineering Resume Stand Out

Software engineering is an in-demand skill with lots of job opportunities. As more people enter the field, tempted by big salaries and the promise of job security, it is increasingly important to make sure that your resume stands out for those top-tier jobs. Here are a few tweaks you can make to your resume so that it ends up at the top of every hiring manager’s pile.

71. From a Googler's Scratchpad — How to Shape Your Resume for a Google Job Interview

Google Job Interview tips, Resume writing tips for FAANG

72. Demystifying Software Engineering: Being Approached to Build a Feature or Tool (Part 1)

The aim of this series of posts is to help demystify what it’s like to do software work and tasks in a professional environment.

73. Eugene Cozac on Creating His Own Framework and Becoming a Top-tier Developer

Today, to become a junior-level web developer you don’t need even a college degree. There are tons of bootcamps and short-term programs for those who would like

74. 4 Steps to Actually Finish your Side Project

We’ve all seen the graveyard of abandoned projects folders. Desperately competing for attention but failing in the glow of a new adventure or app that will change the world. I use to do that all the time, now I finished 4 apps, and 2 other projects within the last year by applying the following steps.

75. That Time I Applied to 600 Jobs

“I love job searching,” says no one ever.

76. Why Social Media Makes it Hard to Rest

Only when there is something worth sharing do we think we are worth resting.

77. How to Become a MarTech Developer in 2021

You've heard of different job titles, like frontend developer, backend developer, full-stack developer, etc. Have you heard of MarTech developer?

78. Don't Make These 6 Common Junior Dev Mistakes!

In this article, we'll take a look at 6 of the most common mistakes junior developers make and offer advice on how to avoid them.

79. 6 Pitfalls to Avoid When Transitioning To a Data Science Career

If you are considering the transition to a data science career these are common mistakes and traps you'll want to avoid.

80. What Is Impostor Syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills or talents and has a fear of being exposed as a fraud.

81. #MyStartInTech: Interview With Fulvio Giannetti, CEO of Lybra.Tech

.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.

82. How to Build the Perfect CV to Land a Data Science Role

Looking to make your data scientist resume more attractive to employers?

83. Few Hacks For Your Next Tech Resume

Here's every mistake (or advice) I can think of when building your resume based on my humble experience reviewing more than 500 resumes as Head of Engineering at a tech company.

84. Forget Quiet Quitting, fatFIRE is the Newest Workplace Trend

All the talk about quiet quitting makes it seem like everyone hates their jobs and is just sleepwalking through the workday, but that’s not the case -here's why

85. 6 Essential Tips to Level Up Your Tech Resume

A good resume is a doorway to an interview and a potential job offer. Here’s the good news: the tech industry is always growing and has many high-paying opportunities. Every year, dozens of new technology companies are founded and new positions for entry-level to managerial-level positions are created.

86. How to Optimise LinkedIn for Software Developers

Linkedin is a worldwide home for employees, employers and career-minded individuals. The platform houses over 700 million members in over 200 countries...

87. Debunking 6 Common Stereotypes About Working in IT

Stereotypes about IT still live on. However, every year they seem less and less witty to IT specialists. In this post we've taken apart the most popular ones.

88. Why Interviewing As A Developer Is Complete Nonsense

Learn what a developer goes through on every job search

89. Professional Development in Tech: Steps for Creating a Productive Routine

If you're looking to advance your career in the field of tech, these 6 proactive steps can help you in your professional development.

90. What I Learned in My First Year as a Product Manager

Expectations, surprises, and lots of learning.

91. How to Win as an Associate Software Engineer

Being a new engineer can be challenging, but you can rock the role if you know how. Hint: not deleting the production database helps.

92. The Quiet Quitting Trend and Why You Should Not Follow It

According to Blind, white-collar tech professionals have lost 100,826 jobs so far this year. Here is how you can avoid getting laid off this time.

93. "Once you know the rules, you are free to break them"

Rules were not meant to be broken, but there's always a reason to walk on the wild side. Make sure you know how to decide when it is appropriate to do so.

94. A Guide to Remote Working as a Beginner

are you a freelancer or a remote employee or contractor working on a remote basis? if you’re any of this then this guide is for you.

95. You Are the Cure to Imposter Syndrome in Data Science

Imposter syndrome is a common experience for data scientists. But there are ways to tackle it and succeed despite it.

96. #MyStartInTech: Interview with Karen Catlin, Advocate for Inclusive Workplaces

.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.

97. 8 Common Career Limiting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Career Limiting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

98. My Advice As an Ex-Tech Recruiter to Self-Taught Programmers

As a former tech recruiter for some of the hottest tech startups in the Bay Area and NYC, I’ve seen first-hand what companies look for in candidates for software engineering, machine learning, data science, tech management, directorship and the like.

99. 6 Most Important Things Every Junior Developer Should Know

My very first software development job was for my parent’s company. I had been poking around on a Commodore 64 for a couple of years and even had a few working pieces of code on Floppy disks that I would take over to my friends house and copy for them to use (Old School Github). Mom and Dad bought a new computer system that did not do what they needed it to do. My sheer luck, the system was written in a dialect of BASIC. Since I pretended to know BASIC, I stepped up and was officially a software developer.

100. Transitioning to Product Management: Resume Writing Tips for Novices

Useful tips on how to write your resume if you are looking for a product manager job.

101. Leading By Letting Go. How To Quit Disturbing Your Engineering Team From Growing

In this article, Taras Lazoriv, Advanced Software Engineer at Innovecs, shares his leadership experience and thoughts on growing an engineering team.

102. 3 Ways to Help Prevent New Hire Churn in Tech Industries

How can you make the process of adding new members to your team effective and fast? And how can you help them fit in as well?

103. 6 Tips for Getting a Pay Raise in IT

Here are 6 tips for getting a pay raise in IT.

104. What No One Told Me About Being a Product Manager at an Early Stage Startup

Over a year ago, I asked around, searched for books or articles, went to several talks but found very little advice on being a product manager at an early-stage startup. Now, though still early in my journey, I want to take a moment to reflect on some lessons I have learned so far and look towards the future. If any of these resonate with you, please reach out and let’s chat!

105. How To Fight Imposter Syndrome As a Programmer

I’ll never forget the time I spent a summer at Facebook. I had an opportunity most people can only dream of. I stepped into a robust engineering culture and a community of mission-driven people. The perks were everything you’ve heard of and more. I ate at gourmet cafeterias, rode free commuter buses with Wi-Fi, and had all the free tech gear I wanted.

106. What Exactly is a Tech Job?

Any job that deals within the tech ecosystem and requires some basic knowledge and understanding of technology is a tech job.

107. How Data Scientists Can Become More Marketable

This headline may seem a bit odd to you. After all, if you’re a data scientist in 2019, you’re already marketable. Since data science has a huge impact on today’s businesses, the demand for DS experts is growing. At the moment I’m writing this, there are 144,527 data science jobs on LinkedIn alone.

108. 5 Most In-Demand Tech Skills to Learn and Empower Your Tech Career

If you want to empower your tech career or if you want to switch into a tech career, here are the most in-demand tech skills you can learn.

109. Should You Devote Your IT Skills to the Military, or Explore Your Talent as a Civilian?

I lived in a very rough area and was desperate to get out of it.

110. The Thing Most Developers Get Wrong On Interviews

As an interviewee your main priority is to help the interviewer visualize what kind of employee you'll be at their company, and how your previous experience and achievements makes you a great for the position.

111. Assessing Personal Career and Progress

Taking a pause from something that we do in order to keep track of something that is needed some attention is very important.

112. Hacking Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Career Success

A look at how emotional intelligence as a conscious practice can be the missing key to your success.

113. How the Tech Industry Discourages Multi-Passionates

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I sometimes regret specializing in a front end development framework. Mainly because I inadvertently pigeonholed myself into work with outdated technology. What I realized I might have been accidentally implying in that post is that the tech industry therefore prefers multi-passionate people. I wanted to correct this implication because it is extremely incorrect, in fact I would argue that it is the opposite. There are not a lot of creative jobs in the tech industry, at least not if you are a developer. This is what makes it especially difficult for multi-passionate folks.

114. 6 Proven Tips to Become a Technical Content Writer

How did it all start?

115. Should You Become a Programmer ??

A lot of people are thinking about becoming programmers. Some, because they just like computers in general and think that coding should be a fun challenge for them, others maybe because they’ve heard that programmers have very high paying jobs. Either way, most people don’t know what are they going to work at a job as a programmer. Some think that it will be like in movies.

116. Interview with a Product Manager at Microsoft

Felix is a Product Manager at Microsoft in the Azure cloud services organization. He’s got a very cool background: he’s started his own company and has gone to business school amongst a lot of other things. I had the chance to ask him some questions about his job.

117. 10 Female Software Developers Helpful Advice For New Devs

Currently, women only represent 27.5% of software developers globally (source at bottom of article). The software developer community has a long way to go to reach gender equality and one of the ways to do this is to help highlight female developers.

118. Can Asterix Get a Job in Cybersecurity?

Are cybersecurity practitioners able to look beyond their own limitations to to resolve the cyber shortage? Is there a shortage or is it a farce?

119. I Live for People and Ideas

Check out my HackerNoon interview about my Noonie award nomination!

120. Our Careers and Our Identity Capital

Identity capital is the accumulation of our personal assets, in other words, a culmination of things that make us who we are.

121. Top 10 IT Certifications That Get You The Highest-Paying Jobs in 2021

Let’s discuss the Top 10 IT Certifications in 2021 that offer high-paying jobs including ITIL, CISSP, The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Cert, and more

122. 10x10: Ten Life Lessons from a Developer After Ten Years in the Industry

After 10 years I realised, there are a bunch of things I wish I would have known before I started programming. Or at least I wish I would have learned sooner.

123. I want to be a Web Developer, but where do I start?

The demand for experienced web developers grows steady for years. Learn how you can become a web developer yourself with these simple tips.

124. How to Network Effectively and Enhance Your Career Growth

This article is about why networking is important to your success, and what you can do to improve your networking skills throughout the course of your career.

125. The Illusion of Productivity with Expensive Gadgets

The curse of being a student is having a huge amount of educational fees unless you are sponsored by someone. Especially when you are having higher expenses on your educational essentials, you run short on money to manage your desk setup like the one you’ve seen on Youtube. But wait, it is really necessary to have a perfect setup?

126. 10 Things Every New Developer Should Know

Tips for New Developers starting a new career.

127. My Damn Good Advice for Junior Developers

A client emailed me a while back and asked what advice I’d give to someone just starting out on their career.

128. #MyStartInTech Story: Interview With Nick Hansen, CEO of Luxor.Tech

In this interview, Nick Hansen, CEO, Luxor.Tech, talks about how he got his start in the tech world.

129. What You Can Learn From a Young Developer's Missteps

Shaun an 18-year adult who just got Internet-connected at his home. Having enthusiasm about the engineering of electronic devices and how the technology works. Exploring the vast Internet universe he quickly discovered the person who develops a program for a computer and machines is a software engineer. Perhaps, the boy didn’t have an idea, software engineering was just a leaf in a tree of technology. Having too few options to study technology he start studying Computer Engineering in his nearby college denying the fact that the field contains a majority of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry where Shaun was always lacking behind at his school days.

130. Asking Questions Makes You Look Smarter

Junior developers are afraid of looking dumb. They think that seeming stupid will hinder their career progression. Nothing could be further from the truth.

131. How to EFFECTIVELY Manage Young Product Managers

The ultimate guide on how to manage young PMs in your team. Includes Dos and Don’ts, examples and modus operandi using which I wish I was led/managed early on when I started as a PM. Also, young PMs could takeaway lessons from here on what to expect and ask from your managers.

132. How to Get a Developer Job with No Experience (Like I Did)

There's a lot that you can do to improve your chances of getting that first job in tech. Your programming skills are not the end of it. Without experience, you will need to take steps to convince employers that you deserve a chance. Here's how I did it.

133. 4 Career Advancing Reminders for Junior Devs

Ask questions, ask for help, always be learning, and participate in code reviews. Often.

134. I'm a Self Taught Developer, and I Feel Stuck!

Let's dive in to some of the common mistakes in your early self-taught dev career, steps on how to avoid them, and what you should be doing instead.

135. What Working at Amazon Taught Me About Growth and Engineering


136. The 13 Highest Paying Cities for Software Engineers in the U.S Midwest

Among the top 100 best-paying cities for software engineers in the U.S., 13 are in the Midwest, as reported by over 5 million verified professionals on Blind.

137. Self Study Helps Law School Graduate Become a Software Engineer at Amazon

A change of heart and access to a repository of information prompted a law school graduate to purse a career as a programmer.

138. Focus on the Small Victories, Instead of Those Ambitious Goals

Do you celebrate big victories, audacious goals, and major milestones? You must. We all do. But, what happens after a big goal is met?

139. Why Working in a Startup Is More Rewarding Than a Career in Big-Tech

Five reasons of why working in a startup might be more rewarding than position in a big-name company for specialists, who are focused on career achievements.

140. How To Break The “Senior Engineer” Career Ceiling

I have met many engineers whose career progression seemingly stops at “senior engineer”. It happens for many reasons:

141. How I Got Myself FIRED as a Software Developer and How You Can Do It Too

— Hey — Hi, yeah, so because of budget constraints we decided to replace you — Uhm, ok — Ok, thanks

142. How to Find a Job in Crypto and Blockchain in 2022

Interested in crypto jobs? Understand the market and learn the 15 best ways you can find opportunities

143. The One Data Science Project Idea That’ll Impress Interviewers

Let’s talk about the one and only project you need to build, that’ll help you gain fullstack data science experience, and impress interviewers on your interviews if your goal is to jumpstart your career in data science.

144. A Philosophy of "Learning By Doing"

Let's change the youth's perception of learning by doing.

145. 4 Tips That Will Help You Become More Organized as a Developer

Learn how to be more efficient and effective as a software engineer with this simple organizational pattern that anyone can follow.

146. From Science to Soup: The Power of Transferable Skills

Discover how these top five skills can lead to new career opportunities.

147. The Secrets to Building a World-Class Software Engineering Team to Create Cutting-Edge Products

Skilled IT workers are challenging to find and keep – and the talent shortage is bound to continue in 2022. But there’s a recipe that’s guaranteed to work...

148. 7 Hard Truths for New Software Developers

If you’re coming out of your education (whether that is self taught, a university degree, or bootcamp), it’s important to know that your expectations for your career in the tech workforce may not align with actual industry practice and culture.

149. Computer Science Degrees: Are they Worth Getting in 2021?

Is a computer science degree worth it? For me, partially. For you? You tell me.

150. Tips for Engineering Graduates

Mechanical Engineering Graduates, here are some tips to kick-start your career. Because we know how difficult and challenging it is in this domain, with so many unanswered questions, especially for beginners.

151. Why you don't Need Management Experience for a Leadership Role

You have probably noticed that most management positions require previous management experience. How can you get that experience without getting the job?

152. How to Plan Like a Pro: Part 1 of 2

The first part of an educational blog covering general planning. This specifically focuses on the why's of planning.

153. Working in a Startup Is More Rewarding Than a Career in Big-Tech: Karim Fanous

Noonies interview with Karim Fanous, and I’m the VP of Engineering at strongDM.

154. #MyStartInTech: Interview with Isabel Gutierrez-Pils, Co-Organizer of Madison Women in Tech

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

155. How To Build Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem refers to how we view and respect ourselves. Because it is founded on our views and beliefs about ourselves, changing them can be challenging.

156. How to Survive a Layoff or Furlough During COVID-19

COVID-19 has closed down thousands of businesses, stores, and restaurants have millions of workers laid off or put on furlough. As of April 30, 2020, 30 million working Americans filed an initial unemployment claim - that’s nearly 20% of the total workforce. Laid off employees are totally removed from a company, removed from a company’s payroll, and lose all employer-provided benefits.

157. From Mid-level Developer to Engineering Manager: A Story of Professional Growth

Cheslav Novytskyi, Engineering Manager at Innovecs, shares his experience which may be useful for software developers in advancing their careers

158. What Careers are Available in the Blockchain Industry?

Want to make your career in Blockchain Technology? Here is the best possible option you must adopt after Blockchain Certifications.

159. A Beginner's Guide to Public Speaking: My Experience With My First Speech

Having a public speech seems easy. In some ways, it really is. But the first time can be hard. Here's my thought after my first experience in public speaking.

160. A Developer’s Github Profile is Just as Important as their Resume Itself

The more you can fill in with relevant information about yourself and your skills, the more you’ll stand out and be memorable to your potential employer.

161. Junior Interviews Will Never Change

The author compares the interview process in 2012 and 2020s. You will know how it happens from companies side. What you have to get an offer.

162. Tech Jobs Are Among The Best Paying Jobs In 2021

Tech jobs have gained an increasingly important status in the modern world. See what type of jobs are among the best paying ones.

163. What is a Mobile Developer and Why are they in High Demand?

An expose on why web development is in high demand and how to join the crew.

164. How to Deal with a Coworker Making More Money Than You

As many companies increase pay to attract new talent in an increasingly competitive Job market some workers are finding themselves left behind. What do they do?

165. Learning How To Learn Is One of The Most Valuable Skills You Can Learn

Ever been stuck not knowing how to learn to code? Look no further than here! In this guide I will teach you 3 ways to learn more efficiently and effectively.

166. How to Get a Job in Cybersecurity 

Good mentors, and a willingness to take opportunities that come up (and abandon those that aren't working out) can take you a long way in a career.

167. How I Became a Developer in 7 months After 5 Years of Unrelated Experience

Anyone I asked for advice was against me quitting the stable job to explore completely uncharted territory, and that too with a child. But eventually, I quit.

168. Are Cybersecurity Careers Future Proof?

Are the cybersecurity careers of tomorrow still going to be there in the face of relentless automation?

169. Getting Your First Job As A Junior Developer: The Psychological Perspective

Illuminating the psychology behind Junior Dev hiring

170. How To Become a Senior Developer: Thinking one Level Ahead

The skills needed to get a promotion are quite different from those you need to land a job. Promotions require a different approach to your skills, value, and relationships in your organization. How does one strike a careful balance between passion, ambition, and talent that is needed to get your next promotion?

171. How to Prepare For a Mock Interview — Daniel Habib

Programming mock interviews can be time consuming and intimidating - here's how to make sure you didn't just waste your time

172. 15 Secrets Every Job Seeker Needs to Know

There are a lot of things that job seekers need to know in order to be successful in their search. However, there are some secrets that can be even more helpful

173. Buying an iPhone Landed me my First Job as a Developer

Buying an iphone gave me a great idea, that resulted in my first job as a develop, here's how!

174. Do Marketers Need a Special Web3 Education?

Marketers interested in web3 technologies, such as blockchain and DApps, may benefit from learning and practicing.

175. 12 Effective Communication Tips Every Software Engineer Should Imbibe

How to improve your communication skills as a software engineer and increase your effectivity

176. When Things Go Wrong, What Happens to Total Compensation?

There is an agreement that if you do your job properly, you will be compensated for it. But what happens to total compensation when things go badly wrong?

177. The Cringiest Part of a Writer’s Job

A mental model to help you accept criticism as a freelance writer.

178. Use These 11 Meta-Skills to Accelerate Your Career

Zain Kahn goes over 11 meta-skills to accelerate your career. ``

179. SMART Goal-Setting: The Technique to Achieve All Your Goals in 2023

Harsh Makadia explains how to achieve your goals in 2023.

180. Testing and failing

It is not 'if I fail then I will do X'; it is 'when I fail I will do X'. Slightly changing her words, the phrase above belongs to Brené Brown, Dare to Lead, and they are perfect to start this short piece about testing and failure. Everything written is not my knowledge, but of great people like Jeff Hunter, John Maxwell and Brené Brown, I am just interpreting their wisdom. A special thanks to Shane Parrish, I have learned a lot from his interviews and comments.

181. How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome While at Meta

My experience with Imposter Syndrome at Meta and how I overcame it

182. 20 Ways to Stand Out in a Hiring Process (That Doesn’t Involve Your Resume)

20 ways to stand out in a hiring process that don’t involve your resume.

183. Should You Care About Your Cover Letter?

Few years ago, when I was leading one of the top Belgian Applicant Tracking System, I had the opportunity to work closely with many HR professionals. Throughout my career I also hired a lot of people myself both for my companies and for others. As I keep seeing this topic arising on LinkedIn I went back to my blogging archives to republish an article on cover letters. I can’t wait to get your feedback.

184. How to Ace ML Interviews: Get Your Foot in the AI Door

An interview with the Director of Perception at Zoox, Ruijie (RJ) He, with the goal of demystifying what is a good profile to get an ML engineer job and perform

185. 5 Tips for Negotiating Your Compensation

Getting paid what you are worth can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know your worth.

186. Job Hunting: Are Technical Tests Worth Your Time?

How to - hopefully - not drive yourself up the wall preparing and fretting over technical tests.

187. Building Your HR Career in IT: Tips to Master Tech Recruitment

One of the key requirements for working in IT, for HRs included, is being digitally literate and using technologies to boost productivity. Let's dive deeper.

188. Working with Job Recruiters: Everything You Might Want to Know

This is everything you might want to know about job recruiters from a 20-plus-year veteran of the recruiting industry.

189. How To Ask For Feedback As a New Software Developer

One of the best ways to grow as a software developer is by frequently asking for feedback from the people you work closely with.

190. The Best Way to Find Software Developer Jobs in Switzerland

If you want to find a job in Switzerland - This step by step guide tells you: how to find job, what is important when applying and what are the formalities!

191. A PSA On Being the Average Of The 5 People You Spend The Most Time With

I am pretty sure you’ve heard the saying that you are the average of the 5 people surrounding you, right? I have something to tell you that it is terrifying: It is bullshit, because it's worse.

192. Comparing the Workplace Characteristics of IT Companies When Searching for an IT Job

Let’s try to systematize the difference between the companies that you can find on the job market.

193. Solving Post-Pandemic Burnout: How to Make Sabbaticals More Feasible

With all the insanity of the last year, Summer 2021 has seen plenty of people quitting their jobs. The only question is how to afford that change. Here's how.

194. “Everyone Starts Out Dependent”: David Roberts on Building a Career in Tech

I believe: Anyone can become a great programmer. The best developers rarely get the job. To build a great team, hire decent human begins first, tech second

195. #MyStartInTech: Interview With Guim Gonzalez, Founder & CEO of Xatet Technologies

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

196. How I've Navigated a 30-Year Career in IT and Software Development

During Career Day in High School a teacher pointed out that only if you had advanced math skills could you be successful in Computer Programming.

197. Constantly Changing Technologies Can be Very Helpful for Your Programming Career

Constantly changing technologies may seem like something that would harm your career but taking the opportunity to branch out can be incredibly helpful.

198. My Take on The Mass Layoff at Twitter HQ

Bad managment can fire you at an instant if they can pay for it

199. The "5 to 9 Product Manager"

What to look for when hiring Product Managers. What Product Managers can do to stand out from the crowd.

200. How To Prepare For A Cybersecurity Manager Job Interview

I couldn't find any good resources on how to interview prep for a management role in cybersecurity, so I decided to make one.

201. Why a Career in Motion Graphics Is a Good Option for Tech Savvy Students in 2023

Today, there’s no shortage of roles in the tech space for young aspiring professionals to pursue. From becoming a coder with a lucrative salary to an app developer with room to grow at a company, there are seemingly endless career options for students interested in technological processes.

202. Why Communication is Important for Software Developers

In this article you will learn different approaches you can use to improve your communication skills as a software developer.

203. The "Great Regret" and How to Avoid it when Switching Jobs

This article addresses things to take note of, before you switch jobs to avoid the "Great regret"

204. Building a Software Engineer Career Without Compromising Balance

In this article, Daria Nesvitailo, shares thoughts on balanced growth, professional development methods, and what it means to be an engineering leader.

205. #MyStartInTech: An Interview With Patrick de Laive, Co-Founder of TNW

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

206. 22 Top Tech Companies Hiring Remote Workers in 2021

These are the 22 Top Tech Companies filling remote job positions in 2021. The list includes Citrix, Oracle, and more.

207. How to Choose the Best Resume Template to Land Your Dream Tech Job

Struggling to decide to find a suitable resume template? Follow this easy guide to pick the best option and create a beautiful resume for your dream tech job.

208. Take Your Software Engineering Career to the Next Level With These 4 Soft Skills

A good software engineer not only has good technical skills but also great soft skills. Having excellent soft skills will boost your career!

209. 7 Reasons Why Graduates Should Work for A Startup Instead Of A Corporate Job

The most sought-after jobs for generations have generally been the more prestigious graduate positions with large corporate companies such as banks or law firms. This has seen countless talented graduates becoming stuck on that notorious conveyer belt of corporate life. But many graduates over recent years, especially millennials, are finding that these positions aren't that glamorous after all and are ditching corporate jobs to work for a startup instead.

210. How to Get the Most from Your Programming Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Having access to a more experienced programmer who wants to help you grow professionally can speed up your progress. How can you get the most from your mentor?

211. 5 Things I’ve Learnt From Working at Web3 Startups

Funded by VCs, the promise of remote work and lots and lots of networking parties- sounds like quite a dream right? Kinda. But also not really.

212. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?

Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.

213. Team Red: Long Lost Contact

Linus Chen is a research scientist who was given an opportunity to interview for a Volga during a global pandemic, the largest e-commerce company.

214. Why invest in developing critical thinking skills?

Critical thinking is now frequently identified as one of the most essential skills, if not the most essential, to be successful as a leader in the 21st century

215. Prioritization Techniques Created by President Eisenhower

A universally applicable yet straightforward to understand tool can help you make sense of task priority. When you are swamped with work, ask this tool.

216. The 36 Highest Paying Cities for Management Consultants in the US

Here is everything you might want to know about what a management consultant does and how much someone can earn in the role.

217. What is a Developer's Worst Enemy?

We developers get stuck working hard for a long period on multiple projects, that seems impossible to complete.

218. My Experience of Moving up the Career Ladder in Software Engineering

Three of the most important learnings I had in my career so far going from Junior to Senior Software Engineer.

219. Lessons From My First Software Engineering Job

First steps from freelancing to leading large projects. Tips on getting the most out of your first job. Application process, mentoring, career, soft skills.

220. Office Politics in Tech

“I’m going to do a boss move,” announced my manager, almost like she was going to step out for lunch. “Let’s discuss more in our meeting later.”

221. How I Became a CTO with Noonies Nominee Sonny Alves Dias

As someone both in the crypto and the gaming industry, I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is Bitcoin because it has the power to change

222. When It’s Ok to Wear a Bathrobe to a Remote Team Meeting

Here are some remote work tips on how to get the results without sacrificing your personal life.

223. Five Lessons Learned After Five Years In The Workforce

The workforce is different from anything in education. Of all the differences here are five lessons learned after half a decade since the author's graduation.

224. How Can Young People Get an Internship in IT Companies

It is unfortunate that in this current century, in order for one to effectively secure employment, having gone through internship programs is almost a requirement. This is because no company wishes to take the risk of employing a young graduate who has no hands-on experience in the specific field.

225. Escaping the Shadow of the Freelance Flag

The classification process based on freelance flags is brutal and biased.

226. A Framework For Deciding If It's Time To Quit Your Tech Job For A New One

You have chosen a career in tech. You know it is going to be a constant chore to keep up with change. However, riding the tech learning cycle is not the HARDEST thing to do while managing your career. The hardest thing is knowing when to LEAVE the job you worked so hard to land. Use the “2 out of 3 ain’t bad” rule to help you manage your career in technology.

227. IT Market in 2022: Professions, Industries, Hiring

Let's discuss the key trends of IT market in 2022: industries, professions and hiring.

228. The Benefits of Writing in English (as a Non-Native Speaker)

Writing for a blog is not about perfect grammar or fancy sentences. Here's why you should write in English (as a non-native English speaker).

229. Things to Consider When Looking For Data Science Roles

There is a great demand for data scientists presenting market dynamics that are favourable for the community. More so than your peers in other professions, you will be able to evaluate a company for what it is able to offer you, rather than solely being the one that is being evaluated. So what should you look for when comparing and evaluating data science roles? Here is a list of some commonly known factors plus some less discussed ones that will help you in your evaluation.

230. The Rational Software Engineer: Navigating a Career Change

How to change your career as a software engineer inside the field and outside the field in a smart way.

231. Why Giving Developers The Freedom Of Choice Is Not Easy

It’s a fact that software developers are in great demand these days, to say the least… The growing need for building more tech products vs. well-trained resources is out of balance.

232. What Does Total Compensation Really Mean?

It is common to think of compensation purely as salary – money you get paid for the work you do. But many people get compensated with more than just salary.

233. Bringing Your Tinder Date to the Company Picnic: 6 Tips From Techloaf

Nice. You’re actually going to do it. You scored a hot date with a lady and you’re bringing her to the company picnic. Nothing like fun, sun, and the staid monotony of trust falls to really let your freak flag fly.Who said you can’t mix business with the off-chance of pleasure? Here are six Loaf tips on surviving your Tinder date at the company picnic.

234. What Career Path Should Software Engineers Take: Startup vs. Big Company

Startup vs. Big Company. This article outlines key questions to ask yourself before making your next career move as a software engineer.

235. Everybody Hates Marketers in the Tech World

After a few months, I realized I was making more money than I did as a lawyer.

236. FAQs on Starting an Android Career, and Answers on How to Do It in 2022

Learn how how to start your Android Development career, what is and isn't important to learn, and what to do to land your first job.

237. 4 Data Analytics Certifications That Boost Your Career

The best data analytics certifications, which will provide you with the right kind of guidance to boost your big data analytics career and to get a great job.

238. Life Spoilers: Nobody Knows What They're Doing

In an uncertain and polarised world, some things are worth remembering.

239. The Noonification: Tech Giants Give Longtime Employees a Massive FU (1/25/2023)

1/25/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!

240. Career Success Story: Knowing Your Authentic Self

In this article, Eugene Kurylenko, Android Team Lead at Innovecs, tells his story from Middle developer to Team Lead, the challenges he faced on his career path

241. All Pluralsight Content is Free in April

Times are tough right now. The world is struggling with this pandemic, and folks are staying inside to help stop the spread. Pluralsight has just announced that they’re opening up the entire platform for the month of April. They’re making all 7,000 courses and other content completely free for the month, no credit card needed.

242. Working With a Dominant Personality: I Didn’t Quit and You Shouldn’t Too

It was a Friday morning, and I was quite enthusiastic about the opportunity to present my ideas in front of a large group of people.

243. #MyStartInTech: Interview With Hilary Stohs-Krause, Co-organizer of MadisonWomen.Tech

.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.

244. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 1 of 5: Resumes

With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers

245. RTFM - The Single Most Important Bit Of Advice for Engineers

Reading the manual is a habit that every software engineer needs in order to perform well. Save hours of trial and error.

246. Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: What Is More Important To Employers?

Professional competencies are divided into soft (flexible) skills and hard (stable) skills. How can you cultivate hard & soft skills to achieve career success?

247. How We Can Get Young Students Interested in STEM Careers

For many students, STEM careers may feel like they’re reserved for overachievers and math aficionados. However, for those who have actually pursued careers in STEM, it quickly becomes clear that the field is broad and filled with a wide variety of jobs to pursue.

248. Meet the HackerNoon Contributor Alejandro Duarte, Developer Advocate at MariaDB

I’m Alejandro Duarte and work as a full-time Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. A Developer Advocate is someone who likes to learn in the open and share

249. Choosing Your First Software Development Job: Factors to Consider

Getting into the field of software development is a smart career move. Many employers are looking for developers and often struggle to fill these roles. Not only that but salaries and benefits are extremely competitive in our tech-centric world.

250. How Software Developers Can Overcome Common Career Hurdles

It’s January, and most of you have probably enjoyed a break from work over the festive season. Less time coding and more time gaming or film watching. All that time with colleagues is replaced with family, friends and pets rather than coworkers. But it’s Monday, and the working week is back with a vengeance. Did you return to your job this week with feeling is enthusiasm or dread?

251. Not Sure if a Company is Right for You? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions

We spend a large part of our life at work, and yet when it comes to making a decision “Is this the right company for me,” most of us rely only on our expert intuition without any solid data to back it up.

252. Women in Leadership: It's Time to Claim Your Space

A discussion on hurdles faced by women in achieving leadership goals and how to overcome them.

253. From Developer To PM: The Untold Truth About Growing Your Career

Developers with a strong understanding of company strategy rise faster, despite the misconception that engineers should only focus on technical details.

254. How to Code for Decades and STILL NOT become a Millionaire

Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.

255. Automate All Production: Leisure, Not Work, Is Our Goal

Work should be a vocation.

256. 5 Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Tech Resume

Here we have shared a few tips that will make your resume ready for tech companies and get you through the interview process.

257. 6 Things To Know If You Want To Become a Cybersecurity Expert

This is a guide for people who wish to enter the field of cybersecurity. In this article, we cover what kind of education is needed to become an expert and more

258. The Advantage of Hiring Older Workers

Older workers are often discriminated against in the hiring process, and companies are losing valuable resources due to this practice.

259. Learn or Die: Turn your Learning into a Routine

First, write down your small knowledge source catalog of various personal and company blogs, articles, podcasts, and newsletters.

260. What is Attention Residue and Why is It Your Worst Enemy?

The keyboard is on fire, you're typing so fast. But a thought suddenly occurs to you: what about those concert tickets you forgot to buy last night?

261. How To Choose One Thing and Master It with Julie Smith, The Techie Teacher

Interview with 2021 Noonies Nominee, blogger, and Instructional Technology Consultant Julie Smith, aka The Techie Teacher, on edtech and loving your work.

262. 5 Warranted Ways to Annoy a Journalist with Your Email

Journalists get thousands of emails, ignore weird messages, and aren't surprised by almost anything that comes their way.

263. Front-End or Back-End: What Should You Learn First?

As someone who’s held both front-end and back-end positions, and even been a hiring manager, read on and I’ll give you my thoughts.

264. What To Expect From Your Front-End Developer Job Interview

Interviews are hard, especially technical interviews where you’re expected to think, solve, and analyze all while the interviewer stares at you. But what people don’t realize is that being interviewed is basically just another skill, and skills can be honed with the right information and practice.

265. #MyStartInTech: An Interview With Jon Gottfried, Co-Founder or Major League Hacking

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

266. How Developers Can Cultivate and Evaluate Problem Solving Skills

Why we should all shift our gaze from the tools we have to the nature of problems and to their solutions.

267. #MyStartInTech: An Interview With Juan de Urraza, CEO of Posibillian.Tech

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

268. The Road to Senior Engineer: Management Is Not Just for Managers

As programmers, there are numerous things we must manage each day in addition to code. The best programmers I know don’t just do a good job of writing code, the

269. 10 Free Resources to Become a Health Data Scientist

Becoming a health data scientist can be challenging but rewarding; it merges statistical analysis with other tools to gain insights from healthcare data.

270. "Do what you love and love doing it": Colby Tunick, ReFocus AI Co-Founder

"I don't believe it’s possible for someone to ‘just do a startup.’ It's a mission you fall in love with, again and again."

271. 25 Questions Candidates Should Ask in an Interview for Remote Work

Remote interviews allow companies same time and money on travel expenses, while determining whether a candidate should be hired.

272. The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier [Book Review]

A book review of ''The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change'' by Camille Fournier. Find out whether the book is right for you.

273. Want to Break into Product Management? – Here's How I Started

To become a product manager, I had to first ascertain what transferrable skills I had that would be relevant in product management and was ready to develop new ones that I did not yet have.

274. 3 Steps to Help Advance Your Cybersecurity Career

I've spent more than 15 years building and leading cybersecurity programs at several Fortune 500 companies in the Financial Services industry. I'm also the Founder & Managing Principal of Fraction Consulting where I get to do fractional CTO & CISO work and advise private capital firms.

275. The Potential Impact of Dot-Com Bubble 2.0 on Tech Careers

A look at the Dot-Com Bubble from an employee's eyes and why history might repeat itself.

276. Why is There Not Enough Software Engineers?

“The tech industry is thriving. It’s expanding almost three times faster than the rest of the UK economy and it’s nearly worth £184bn.”

277. How to Improve Your Github Profile

Having a nice resume is good, However, that doesn't cut it anymore. A good way to impress people including potential employees is to have a great Github profile

278. Coping With Loneliness While Working From Home

Here are 6 ways to battle the feeling of isolation and loneliness while working from home.

279. Go for it anyway

image my answer to this question someone posted on Twitter the other day: "What is your best advice in 4 words or less". Let me tell you about the time I learn to connect all the seemingly isolated events in my career and came up with this advice in retrospect.

280. Stop Fearing the Whiteboard: Conquer It!

It's time we stopped fearing, complaining, and arguing about whiteboard coding interviews.

281. Being Confident and Humble Will Help You do Better in Coding Interviews

While the hard skills you’ll need to be able to solve technical interview problems are necessary, it’s also critically important to work on your soft skills.

282. Three Growth Strategies for Individual Contributors

My first real job in programming started on July 5th, 2007, which means I have just over twelve years of experience as I write this. It’s a lot more than nothing, but probably not much more than something. Ten years seems to be about the right amount of time to get good at something, though some amount of natural talent or sheer drive can make it go faster. But growth is not as simple as waiting it out and talent does not supersede the need for experience.

283. UX Design: 6 Things I Want to Share with My Junior Designer Self

6 tips for new grad and junior UX designers from a Staff Product Designer at Meta and Google.

284. Pragmatic, Critical-Thinking Programmers Always Ask "Why"

Asking why helps you develop pragmatic, critical thinking, which is different from mere curiosity.

285. Tech Career Stories: From Frontend Developer to Principal Software Engineer

50+ books and resources that help me in my journey in tech.

286. A Productivity Hack that Changed my Life as a Developer and Solopreneur

Do you find it hard to find motivation to finish your long-term goals or be self-motivated? This simple productivity hack will make 10x more productive!

287. How to Cold Email Career Prospects for Advice When You're Still a Student

Every week, I receive a handful of LinkedIn requests from students of all ages/nationalities seeking to get into consulting. Cold-emailing is the right approach: getting to know a company from the inside will help during the interview process, and shows that the candidate cares enough about the role to do some due diligence. It's also important to gauge how potential future co-workers treat soon-to-be graduates.

288. From Farm To Data - A Tech Career in Product Marketing (Podcast Transcript)

Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, and Rob Hedgpeth, Developer Advocate at MariaDB about their careers.

289. Important Attributes of an Experienced Programmer: Work and Behavior

This article covers the important features of an experienced programmer — the necessary mindset and personal and professional qualities.

290. An Essential Plan to Get Your SQL Knowledge Ready for Interviews

SQL is the cornerstone of a wide variety of data-intensive roles, and it is not going anywhere soon. Loads have been written about its usefulness already, so this post is focused on getting your skills from C to A+ for your interviews. No knowledge is assumed, and I feel comfortable promising that your level will be more than enough for what will be asked in interviews if you follow this game-plan.

291. Dealing With Impostor Syndrome as a Software Engineer

This question has haunted me for years. And it seems I’m not alone. Many people experience this same insecurity. They desire to know if they’ve made it.

292. 5 Surprising Careers That Can Transition to Cybersecurity

Want a cybersecurity gig but aren't in a tech job? Don't worry! The soft skills you learn from these 5 careers will translate well to cybersecurity.

293. 5 Practices to Shift from Scarcity to Abundance Mindset

Thinking with a scarcity mindset or abundance mindset isn’t limited to work, it extends to how you approach everything—friends, family, and other relationships.

294. 5 Tips to Land the Right Software Engineering Job

During my software engineering career, I've been both - the interviewer and the job-seeker. Many of the actions I took to get a new job weren’t impactful. But here are the things that helped me most in getting the right software engineering job.

295. Pass On with Care: How to Hand Over Your Work Before You Quit or Go on Holiday

When go on vacation or quit, you should ideally organize your work in a way that those who stay at work do not get lost in chaos. Here is a checklist for you

296. How to Work in Web 3, Cryptocurrency?

This article will help readers sort out the types of jobs in this field and the mindsets and traits they should have if they want to apply for those positions.

297. 16 Valuable Lessons From My Career Transition To Product Management

In October 2019 with the mentorship of a dear friend, I made the decision to become a Product Manager starting with a PM certification course and the knowledge that I would have to start my career afresh and work my way up from the lowest rank on the totem. This is what I’ve done. I transitioned from my usual Executive Assistant role which was great but not very challenging creatively.

298. My 12 Best Short Productivity Tips

My best short productivity tips to achieve your goals and avoid procrastination

299. 36 Questions Every Software Developer Should Ask Potential Employers

“Do you have any questions for us?” the interviewer asks. This is your chance to find out if the company if a good fit for YOU.

300. Keeping Up With Digital Transformation: Career Advice For Java Professionals

If you are an experienced Java developer and you want to know how to get ahead in these unprecedented times, then adding digital transformation skills to your resume will give you the boost you want.

301. 5 Practical Advice on How to Survive in IT-Bootcamp

Since Barack Obama has established IT bootcamps in 2015, the number of its graduate students in 2018 increased to nearly 20 thousand qualified specialists all over the U.S.

302. How To Become A Software Developer in the Blockchain Industry in 2020

Recently, I talked to Artur Meyster at Career Karma about jobs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. He put together an article you might enjoy, which I’m publishing on his behalf.

303. How To Create The Career You Want

One of the most important career lessons I’ve learned is to pursue a career and not a job. At first glance, you might think, “What’s the difference?” I also didn’t get it for years.

304. What Would Sigmund Freud Do? Advice on Remote Work and Marriage Counseling During The Pandemic

If you’re thinking about leaving the corporate world and becoming a freelancer, have you considered how that shift might impact your relationship with your wife, husband, or partner?

305. How Aspiration Killed My Motivation

Never get too close to the sun

306. Mindful Work: Capturing, Prioritizing and Working on Tasks Effectively

We owe it to ourselves to try to find a productivity approach that works for us.

307. Tips To Writing A Successful Cover Letter and Job Application

When used correctly, your cover letter can be a powerful tool that can capture the interest of the employer and can increase your chances of getting hired.

308. Passion is the Answer to Loving Your Work


309. Why Software Development Is A Lot Like Building With Unlimited Legos

"After work is where the real fun begins, because I do a lot more dabbling with DevOps, DevOps and applications to automate simple tasks."

310. What I learned About Cybersecurity after becoming an ISSAP®

Being a great security professional is not just about how excellent your technical skills. It would be best if you were particular about the choices or suggesti

311. You Don't Need To Be A Rockstar Programmer To Succeed

This post will show the steps I took to arrive at this point in my career and dispel some myths that I’ve seen newer engineers, including myself, fall prey to.

312. The Great Resignation: Why 80% of Tech Employees are Seeking Alternative Employment

A survey from the professional social network Blind, tech employees are looking to make a change within 3-months, Indicating a persisting “Great Resignation"

313. Data Scientist vs. Software Engineer - Key Differences Explained

The data scientist is emerging as a new career option. Software engineering is an older discipline that has already made its perfect place in the IT world.

314. I Switched To SEO After 20 Years As a Journalist: Here's What I've Learned

Technology and all digital marketing tools available today have changed my entire professional career.

315. Are You Getting The Right Feedback ?

Getting plenty of feedback that isn’t actionable is as bad as getting no feedback.

316. Leaders Embody Values: How to Become a Better Manager

Your company leadership provide your north-star (Values and Objectives) for aiding decision making. Midlevel managers need to learn to balance the feedback from the teams with the direction of leadership.

317. Learning from Experience: A Tester's Perspective

Testers are engineers. They can perform academic researches. They can apply programming to create the tools which benefit the team.

318. New Freelance Writer Shares Tips for Starting Your Freelance Career

Before I began my freelance writing career, I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to pursue this career for quite a few reasons.

319. How to Get a Job at Apple as a Developer

The ultimate guide to crack mobile engineer interview. How to get a job at Apple!

320. 10 Ideas To Make You A Better Product Manager

Today, there are so many ways to learn how to be a better product manager. There are books, courses and articles which will teach you the various skills and techniques you need to know. But in this article, I don't want to talk about these. Instead, I want to share some ideas from other disciplines, like economics, psychology and manufacturing that changed the way I think and made me a better product manager. I hope they spark interest and do the same for you!

321. The Pursuit of Dopeness

New decade, new you. (Okay it’s usually a new year, not a decade but you get the picture.

322. 4 Tips on How to Incorporate Deep Work in Your Daily Routine

In a world, the ability to perform deep work is the most valuable skill in the 21st century, and here’s how you can apply it in your day-to-day routine.

323. How To Know If You Are Ready For Internship?

Recently I just completed my 6-months internship at Digi-X. It was a great experience for me, I went from using XAMPP to setup a simple PHP website to knowing how to use Laravel and deploy it on AWS on top of NGINX web server.

324. Technical Writing, Leadership and Management

Management and leadership in technical writing should not be either/or, and requires new perspectives on roles, hierarchy, vision and goals.

325. Here's Why You Should Take The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

In 2004, I was eager for a challenge. I embarked on an adventure of completing a Computer Science Bachelors degree. Fast forward to today and the adventure continues. I’ve been building products for 12 years for a variety of industries from finance to ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality and more.

326. Have You Hacked Level 4 of Career Conversations Yet?

That's likely a question that you've never asked yourself, but as a manager, it's an important one. Career conversations are an important part of career development. We’re going to define 5 levels that will make it easier for you to have a better career conversation. Through self-reflection or 360 feedback, it should be relatively easy to know where you stand. You can then set the next highest level as a tangible goal to improve.

327. How Companies Should Act When Employees Work Two Full-Time Jobs

The pandemic has changed the rules of the game, influencing how we take care of our health, our leisure, and especially how we work.

328. How to Create the Perfect UX Portfolio

Quite often, beginning designers contact me on Instagram asking:

329. Should You Watch Tutorials To Become a Programmer

Tutorials are often the type of media that allows people to learn something the easiest way possible. Tutorials can be made about almost any topic because everything is easier to understand if there are both audio and video instead of just word that are wrote down.

330. What do Spielberg and Zuckerberg Have in Common?

Recently on the Success Story podcast, I had the pleasure of meeting one of America’s greatest business authors – and not just the greatest, but the youngest in U.S. history.

331. Asking for Help the Right Way

When we were small, we asked for help all the time. Dependent on our parents, friends, teachers and siblings to help us navigate the complexities of life, asking for help seemed like the most natural thing to do. As a child, I don’t remember dealing with any painful emotion while asking for help, worrying about what it would do to my self-esteem or the damaging effect on the image I have built for myself. I was happy to learn from everyone around me, knowing I could rely on people to give me useful advice when I needed one. Indeed, the best feeling in the world.

332. How To Start Your Tech Career in 2021

In this post, I'll share some specific action points that can help you transition to a tech career in 2021.

333. How to Increase Your Chances of Landing Interviews at Google

Every developer, designer or marketer thinks of getting a job at well-known and huge organizations like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or Netflix, but it’s very hard to reach these companies for the interview even if you have all the skills. Today I’m sharing ways to land interviews at these organizations.

334. What Startup Equity Compensation Means For Developers: Part I

It’s not a secret that most founders get most of the equity because they quit their jobs, fundraise money, or put on their own to start a venture.

335. Why I Hire Non-IT Graduates in The Cybersecurity Field

Essential elements you should have and why I hire non-IT graduates.

336. A Disney Animator’s Tips on How to Live a Life of Awesome

Saul Blinkoff | Be Sincere: How to Live a Life of Awesome

337. How to Work in Tech Without Technical Experience

Learn what are the best entry level IT jobs. I describe briefly what QA engineer, product owner, scrum master, UX/UI designer, CSM and technical writer do. It's

338. How to Plan Like a Pro: Part 2 of 2

The second part of a mini-series on project planning primers. This focuses on my experiences putting together ideas as a developer.

339. HackerNoon Leaders David & Linh Smooke Discuss Parenting Challenges on the Parents in Tech Podcast

HackerNoon leaders David & Linh speak to Parents In Tech podcast host Qin En to share their journey as parent entrepreneurs and the role of tech in parenting

340. What is a Citizen Data Scientist and How Do You Become One?

Data science has been democratized for the most part. AI is now mainstream! It's no longer the exclusive province of large companies with deep pockets.

341. The 20 Highest Paying Cities for Software Engineers in California

These are the 20 best-paying cities for software engineers in California, as reported by the more than 5 million verified professionals on Blind.

342. Why Building Enterprise Products Is Awesome

While consumer products get all the hype, B2B products are a quiet gem

343. How to Get into Tech Without a Tech Background

This article covers 3 key tips for entering the IT field and resources to leverage in order to pursue the path you wish to run towards.

344. 7 Proven Practices to Boost Development Speed and Project Quality

Improve the development process and product's quality by implementing proven practices in your projects.

345. Here's Why Software Engineers And Data Scientists Get Fed Up And Quit

Most developers and software engineers will hit a "technical ceiling" in their career. Why the limit? How do you break through?

346. Solving for Software Engineering's Unforced Errors

If you're playing a loser's game, a winning strategy is to simply try to avoid making mistakes and let your opponent beat himself.

347. The Price of Free Time: A Programmer’s Guide to Helping a Non-profit

Helping non-profits gets you experience, new friends, and that warm feeling of doing something important. It can also be very painful. Here is what to avoid.

348. Interviewing Android Developers: View From the Other Side

Because we all want to work with the best people for the job!

349. Ten Things I Wish I Knew at the Start of My IT Career

Following is a list of ten things that might sound so simple to many IT experts but weren’t so obvious at the start of their IT career.

350. Startups Are Like Marriage: If You Overthink It, It's Always A No

Or: how to convince your parents when you want to join (or start) a startup.

351. Create A Vision Statement to Define Your Career Goals and Reach Your Full Potential

Having a clear set of goals is important for developing your career. Without a clear goal and vision, it can be hard to fulfill your career potential.

352. "If You Want to Earn More, Increase The Value of Your Work to The Employer"- There's No Other Recipe

Explained why IT specialists earn more than cashiers, how to make your employer pay you more, and what this has to do with fear of big money

353. A Cool New Career in Data Science: Crowd Solutions Architect (CSA)

With the tech industry expanding at an ever accelerated pace, one of the best examples of one such position is a Crowd Solutions Architect (CSA).

354. 5 Career Hacks to Landing a Job in Software Development

Your LinkedIn profile can also serve as the first point of contact for your recruiters. But when you want to create one, bear in mind that a good LinkedIn...

355. Some Decisions are Mindless, Other Decisions Require Deep Thinking

If you've been working for some time, you might have wondered occasionally if it was time to change jobs. If you are early in your career, you can bet that this is a decision you will need to make in your life.

356. 10 Skills You Need For Your Post-Pandemic Career

Ever since the pandemic began, and workforces went home for what turned out to be a long period of remote work (which has yet to fully end), we’ve been asking ourselves a lot of questions about the future of work. How are we adapting to this new environment? Do we need new skills? Will technology help us or hurt us over the long term? Is it OK to prioritise a healthier work-life balance when the world seems to be ending? What careers will be on the ascent when this is over, and which ones should be avoided?

357. A Guide to Improving Your Focus

How The One Thing Philosophy can help you to concentrate on the right things, improve your focus and really get things done at the end of the day.

358. 5 Tips for Breaking Into Cybersecurity with No Experience

If you're looking to break into the cybersecurity field, you may feel like you have your work cut out for you.

359. Project Management Mastery: 3 Tips for The Well Rounded Developer

As a developer, you need to do more than ship code: you must deliver consistently, on time, and keep people updated. Check out these 3 project management tips.

360. How Roman Chekashov Started as a Sysadmin and Ended up Developing an App that Outperformed Uber

How to build your career in tech from being a sysadmin to Android tech lead building an app that ouperforms Uber on its market?

361. The Ultimate Interview Tips for Product Managers by Product People

We asked our community for their pro tips on how to crush a PM interview and this was their take! Check it out 👀

362. 5 Simple Ways to Kickstart Your Freelance Data Science Career

If you’ve been itching to get your feet wet in the field, these steps will provide you with lots of valuable ideas and suggestions to kickstart your career.

363. How to Code for Decades and NOT be a Millionaire

Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.

364. 11 Great Tips From A Guy Who Leveled Up From Intern To Dev

This is an article that expresses a few major learnings I would like to take away and mistakes I wouldn’t want to commit again from my journey

365. Green Lights at the End of a Dock: The Secret to Happiness by Jay Gatsby and Richard Curtis

My first experience with time travel was when I was 21 years old.

366. On Career and Passion: Letters to my Daughter

There is an eternal conflict between our internal passions and the external needs of the workforce. Accept this struggle and strive to find meaning.

367. How to Negotiate Compensation During COVID (and at other times)

This article provides tips on how to negotiate compensation, mistakes to avoid, and best guidelines to follow.

368. Self study or Coding Bootcamp - What's the Best Option for You?

If you're thinking about becoming a software engineer, but haven't decided what to do this article answers common questions about bootcamps & self studying.

369. How To Embrace the Growth Mindset for Career Success

People with a growth mindset are constantly learning, refining their successes, and improving on their failures. The process is more important than the outcome.

370. How to Overcome the Problem of Time

Whenever you say “I don’t have time,” you are sending a message about how you prioritize and organize your own life. Stop using this phrase.

371. The Rational Software Engineer: How To Be Passionate About Your Work [Part 2]

Find out what contributes to job satisfaction and being passionate in the field of software engineering.

372. The Hacker in the Second Renaissance

“It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating”, Oscar Wilde.

373. Ditch Web Development, Cloud Development Is What You Need ☁️

The “Learn How to Code” Hype Train

374. 12 Powerful Books And Courses To Help You Shift Into PM Or UI/UX Designer Role

Resources that can help you transition into your new role as a Product Manager or UI/UX Designer.

375. The Trident Strategy: Using A Combination Of 2–3 Skills To Maximize Wealth

T-shaped skills are dead. The top 1% of high performers are using a secret strategy to build their Trident skillset and get ahead of the competition.

376. Switching Jobs in Tech Industry: 6 Key Lessons I've Learned

Switching jobs in the tech industry can be an interesting adventure. Learning how to navigate the onboarding at a new company while keeping your health in check

377. Job Hunting for Newbies

Looking for work can be challenging, especially if you don't know where to start. Thinking of you, we decided to share a few hacks to help you nail the job.

378. Things to consider when hunting for a job in software

And so am writing my first article ever that is dev-related. The main reason that I'm doing it is because I haven't contributed anything on the web yet and I don't want to remain silent while leeching from actual contributing colleagues.

379. 15 Strategies to Navigate the Job Market in a Covid Economy

You face a very tough job market now — but you can still thrive. Graduates nowadays face a very challenging labor market. Unfortunately, the corona class of 2020, as they are now called, are facing limited job prospects, reduced pay, and a higher risk of unemployment.

380. Why We Should Opt Out of the Attention Economy

The Value of Attention - why your attention is so valuable and why you're selling it too cheaply

381. How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2022 (with Resources)

Want to become a DevOps Engineer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a DevOps engineer.

382. The Journey Of The CTO (Podcast Transcript)

What's it like to be a CTO? 😱 Amy Tom talks to Ravi Mayuram, CTO of Couchbase, about the CTO mindset, Ravi's career journey to CTO, and skill trends in tech. Amy and Ravi talk about education, trends in data, building trust, and more.

383. 77 Leaders in the Tech Industry Share Their #MyStartInTech Stories

.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.

Thank you for checking out the 383 most read stories about Career Advice on HackerNoon.

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