Let's learn about Tech Careers via these 341 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Want to learn how to improve or even start your tech career? Look no further.
Research into the attitudes of professional software developer towards low-code and nocode tools, including recommendations for low-code and nocode tool makers.
How much do directors make at Google? A director of engineering makes $1.5 million and explains how he did it on Blind.
Learn how recruiters review your profile and get more job interviews (for a Software Developer role).
This article is Part 2 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role.
In this post, I provide four essential steps to transition to a PM role
Well, this is where you are separated by the ones who are good or excellent software developers. In this case, I will tell you that at the beginning or at least in my case and I know that most of the time and for most people who I know, you will feel like an incompetent or an idiot. Basically, how is it possible that I cannot understand this and then you get frustrated.
The 10x / rockstar developer is a myth. Long live the 100x situational developer!
When I was in the process of learning web development, I was always thinking to myself: “Am I ready to start applying for jobs”, “How many things do I need to know before I start applying for jobs”, “When should I start applying for jobs”. These are probably one of the most important questions in your web development career and ones most people struggle with.
Tips for New Developers starting a new career.
Robinhood’s “one-time” adjustment grants new hires additional stock over the next 24 months to help employees “break even”
You've heard of different job titles, like frontend developer, backend developer, full-stack developer, etc. Have you heard of MarTech developer?
Interested in crypto jobs? Understand the market and learn the 15 best ways you can find opportunities
What is the role of a CTO in small to mid-stage companies? How do you get the job and how do you do well in the role?
Here is everything you might want to know about what a management consultant does and how much someone can earn in the role.
How to transition from a software engineer to a manager and a leader of a team.
I am writing this after just surviving my first week of a new job that gave me the worst imposter syndrome I’ve had since I first started working as a software engineer. To be clear, it had nothing to do with the job itself or how anyone treated me. In fact, I was pretty surprised to feel imposter syndrome at all because I’ve had a lot of different jobs in the past four years and have been pretty good at transitioning. Let me provide some context before I dig into what helped me overcome this syndrome.
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict persists, Russian nationals working in U.S Tech companies get caught in the cross hairs, leaving them with an uncertain future.
Some best practices for how people learn pulled from the research literature and ways of applying them to learning new things as a software engineer.
These are the 22 Top Tech Companies filling remote job positions in 2021. The list includes Citrix, Oracle, and more.
The story of how I almost became a developer. Featuring confusion, frustration! Triumph! Coming soon to Netfli.... just kidding.
It’s a fact that software developers are in great demand these days, to say the least… The growing need for building more tech products vs. well-trained resources is out of balance.
Who/what, according to you, is a programmer’s best friend? Some say coffee, others say keyboard shortcuts but I think it is Stack Overflow.
I never really wanted to learn data science.
OpenAI's GPT-4 could impact 80% of US workers' jobs, but is the end for software engineers?
I have lived 6 years in this corporate life. I have spent my valuable energy, time and patience on you.
You have just started working in a prestigious tech company. But the problem is that you have 0% knowledge about tech. Here's how you can survive.
In this article, we will discuss some important 10 interview questions in Spring Boot. These the entire question is trending with building strong java career in the job market.
Go to LinkedIn. Scroll through jobs. Find postings you may have a good chance of getting hired for. Click on a job posting. Upload resume. Submit. Repeat, over and over.
Do you really need to be great at Math to have a career in CyberSecurity? Find out more in this YouTube video from CyberSecurity Engineer - Grant Collins.
If you're looking to advance your career in the field of tech, these 6 proactive steps can help you in your professional development.
Any job that deals within the tech ecosystem and requires some basic knowledge and understanding of technology is a tech job.
FlexJobs recently compiled a list of 20 companies that commonly hire for work-from-home IT jobs
If you’re here, you want to land a technical role, but you’re not sure what to do next. Do you get a specific certification? What tools or software do you need to pick up? You want to know you can land an incredible job that pays well, allows you to learn, and stand among fellow techies. Yet, you’re uncertain right now and unsure if your technical skills are at the level companies want. The last thing you want is for a hiring manager to look at your resume and immediately toss it out. Even worse, he might laugh at how bad your technical skills are.
How to get started with software development, the easy way.
The coronavirus pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges, both for public health and the economy — and those challenges are causing many businesses to lay off their employees and shutter their doors, at least for the time being.
So many businesses make the same mistakes when they set out to develop or redevelop their websites. Overcome with the compelling need to do it all as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible, many companies take shortcuts which, sadly for them, ultimately costs them more in the long-run. Compromising on web design is one of those shortcuts that far too many individuals and businesses take, even though great web design ultimately leads to better performing websites and improved user experiences, as well as improved conversion rates. Well-designed websites create confidence that your business is trustworthy as well.
Many new and emerging technologies are adding value to human resources. This explains their high adoption rate. One of these technological marvels is artificial intelligence or AI.
Last year, I was a mentee at the Hyperledger Summer Internship program, hosted by Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation.Here, I share with you some of the processes. A trick for applying is to build up some skills and to investigate the topic of the internship beforehand, if possible. Showing enthusiasm, and a sense of mission also helps. After applying, I got to know my mentor, David Huseby. Dave explained what he expected from the now realized blockchain course:Enterprise Blockchain Technologies (https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/university-course).The program was nicely paced, with my course being delivered in four phases. You can check the progress here: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/INTERN/Build+a+university+course+on+Hyperledger+Fabric+using+Hyperledger+Umbra
We developers get stuck working hard for a long period on multiple projects, that seems impossible to complete.
Four years ago, I stepped off the plane having just returned from my undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne. And just like the flight, my aspirations were sky-high. Having attained a first-class honour in Accounting and Finance, it felt as if no company was out of reach.
You know that the digital project management field is growing, so companies require a fantastic project manager (PM). In case you are a programmer, then you know about the working of digital tools, tight-knit teams, competing deadlines and outside clients. Therefore you can become a proper PM and fulfill the requirements of the company. In the modern era, the majority of the people are looking for programming as their careers, so you must have to find a path to stand out. It is possible that you get tired of optimizing user experience (UX) by debugging codes, and now you want a different type of challenge.
Thinking of transitioning away from Engineering Manager to Individual Contributor? That is exactly what I did! Let me tell you a little bit about it.
Find out what contributes to job satisfaction and being passionate in the field of software engineering.
Let’s talk about the one and only project you need to build, that’ll help you gain fullstack data science experience, and impress interviewers on your interviews if your goal is to jumpstart your career in data science.
If you are a software engineer in one of the FAANG companies or similar you are probably one among the thousands of engineers at the company. How do you go from starting fresh as a junior engineer to leading a team in say 5 years?
Having a strong online presence accelerates your career and gives you optionality. Yet, many knowledge workers are getting left behind.
No experience with coding? No problem. There’s lots of room in web3. Here's a few tips for job searching in the space.
Tips to pass AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certificate exam
I lived in a very rough area and was desperate to get out of it.
All the talk about quiet quitting makes it seem like everyone hates their jobs and is just sleepwalking through the workday, but that’s not the case -here's why
Looking to understand the critical factors to learn programming faster are listed here.
Here’s the secret to getting a recruiter to work harder for you.
The rapid development of technology has shown the importance of developers in our lives. Read our article to find out more about this highly evolving field.
Ever been a Systems Administrator? I have (first job I ever had!), and I have to tell ya, it's a pretty thankless gig. I mean yes, there is the satisfaction of a job well done, the joy of knowing that everything is up and working to spec, etc., but, behind all of this, you are left with the knowledge that Nobody Cares Till It Breaks 😔.
Which soft skills do tech employers require in 2022? Find out the answers in my new article.
Internal documentation can help improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Hired released its 2022 State of Software Engineers, a report that analyzes key software engineering trends around demand, salaries, skills, and preferences.
In the following series of posts, I’ll be sharing the internals of designing a pragmatic coding interview that I got to know after interviewing folks for different tech positions for some time and here comes the first one.
Over the next fifty years, your child will hear one consistent question throughout their working life, “Can you code?”
Two years back, I was a guy with zero programming skills. For my whole life, I always kept running away from Computer Sciences and I ended up pursuing my engineering in Computer sciences only. Well it was kinda blessing in disguise because now I feel that it was right decision to choose Computer Science( just because I feel like it is much easier than other branches of engineering).
It's important to make informed decisions that positively impact your organization. But how do you know when to rely on data and when to use intuition?
Taking a pause from something that we do in order to keep track of something that is needed some attention is very important.
Funded by VCs, the promise of remote work and lots and lots of networking parties- sounds like quite a dream right? Kinda. But also not really.
Getting paid what you are worth can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know your worth.
As a writer in the tech industry, I believe in documenting my growth. Learn more about me and my journey so far.
If you’re interested in great rewards, a career with a heavy tilt toward stock-based compensation could be right for you, depending on your risk tolerance.
Want to make your career in Blockchain Technology? Here is the best possible option you must adopt after Blockchain Certifications.
Buying an iphone gave me a great idea, that resulted in my first job as a develop, here's how!
How do you fairly compensate your employees for a job well done?
There is an agreement that if you do your job properly, you will be compensated for it. But what happens to total compensation when things go badly wrong?
So, how many times do you feel like traveling back in the past and starting 'not from scratch' but at least tiptoeing safely from the mistakes you made.
Blockchains are disrupting the world - younger generations might want to think twice about the legacy education system.
Story of the developer who stole 300K dollars from an American e-commerce company.
Three types of skills for software developers and designers worried about the mass adoption of AI
Amazon finds what it believes to be the bottom 6% of employees to put on a performance improvement plan. Here’s everything you might want to know about PIPs.
In this installment of Meet the Writer series Andrey G, Facebook's senior software engineer, shares his thoughts on career development and his love of sugar.
Julia Doronina, the CMO at the IT startup G-71, talks about what it means to be a woman in technology and her journey in IT.
How to change your career as a software engineer inside the field and outside the field in a smart way.
Approaching systems design interviews strategically is crucial, as they typically do not require any actual coding.
This is everything you might want to know about job recruiters from a 20-plus-year veteran of the recruiting industry.
I got a chance to visit Tree Hacks 2 weekends ago at Stanford University. Here are some of the lessons I learned.
What if I told you, it’s possible to get the best of both worlds – to capture the advantages of working with a startup while mitigating the downsides?
Quick background
There is no better time to find a non-finance, non-tech career in blockchain.
Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!
When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.
The Great Resignation, as some have dubbed it, has heavily impacted the tech jobs market. Here's how it's impacted businesses and how they can adapt to it.
As the novel Covid19 rages on deconstructing business systems and structures in its wake, companies and organizations have taken to their shelters administering pay cuts and orchestrating massive retrenchment in order to meet up demands of current reality.
Software architects are really the linchpin for creating exceptional, world-changing software—and having the wrong person in that seat can be disastrous.
If a disabled nurse can make it in tech, why can't YOU!?
If you want to empower your tech career or if you want to switch into a tech career, here are the most in-demand tech skills you can learn.
Five reasons of why working in a startup might be more rewarding than position in a big-name company for specialists, who are focused on career achievements.
Check these five super effective tips to build your personal brand on LinkedIn, boost your visibility, and advance your career!
I believe: Anyone can become a great programmer. The best developers rarely get the job. To build a great team, hire decent human begins first, tech second
Remarking key points to have in mind when cleantech startups are recruiting talent
The set of skills that are mostly expected by the employers can be gained by the cybersecurity certifications, it will prepare you for the diversity needed in the sophisticated areas of cybercrime. So, here are the top compiling reasons for you to pursue the additional cybersecurity credentials.
I’ve been a tech co-founder multiple times and have ran or participated directly in the hiring of over two dozen developers across three companies. I’ve recruited across experience levels, from startups to public companies. In that time, I’ve reviewed hundreds of resumes.
Here are some ways job seekers are misinformed about the job market.
The first time I came across bootstrap was when I was working on the front-end libraries curriculum on freeCodeCamp. I learned that it was a powerful framework that can be used to easily build responsive website designs. I didn’t understand how bootstrap worked under the hood, all I knew then was that when you do something like add a class of "img-responsive" to an image, it resizes itself when the screen size changes. Or that when you add a class of “btn btn-default” to a button element, it automatically styles the button and gives it color.
Amazon SDEII coding and system design interview experience from initial recruiter call to online assessment and onsite rounds.
This article will help you to start a path to front-end development. In the last 10 year’s I didn’t pay any attention about programming and the way websites built. About 2 years ago, I started to spend more than 12 hours every day working as a remote tester for several platforms.
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
Are you struggling while starting learning CSS and HTML? Do you feel overwhelmed with sooooo many properties? Don’t they look like the same? Haven’t you tried with a couple of tutorials (that you feel they are easy to do at the moment) but feel you don’t have the knowledge to start from the scratch?
Software engineering is an in-demand skill with lots of job opportunities. As more people enter the field, tempted by big salaries and the promise of job security, it is increasingly important to make sure that your resume stands out for those top-tier jobs. Here are a few tweaks you can make to your resume so that it ends up at the top of every hiring manager’s pile.
Do you ever look at the most successful business people and wonder how they managed to climb their way to the top? Was it luck, hard work, connections, or simply a knack for selling?
In reality, software engineers are not necessarily the worst communicators. However, there are a number of reasons why this bias toward engineers exists.
In this article, Eugene Kurylenko, Android Team Lead at Innovecs, tells his story from Middle developer to Team Lead, the challenges he faced on his career path
Here's every mistake (or advice) I can think of when building your resume based on my humble experience reviewing more than 500 resumes as Head of Engineering at a tech company.
Ever found yourself daydreaming of another career? Whether it’s to find fulfilling work, earn a higher salary, solve bigger challenges or all of the above, more people than you might expect turn those dreams into reality. In fact, in a recent survey by Indeed.com, 49% of employees told us they’d made a total career change. And the tech industry is no exception.
The world is heading to the new age of technology and automation. Companies must also adapt to the new rise of technology for sure. Well, Amazon is certainly on the right track.
Programming mock interviews can be time consuming and intimidating - here's how to make sure you didn't just waste your time
An interview with the Director of Perception at Zoox, Ruijie (RJ) He, with the goal of demystifying what is a good profile to get an ML engineer job and perform
Starting in 2009, I've worked as a software engineer, lead developer, engineering manager, vice-president of engineering, and chief product officer. During this journey, I had the opportunity to support talented engineers in different career transitions, from individual contributor to lead developer, from lead developer to engineering manager. I found many shared struggles while mentoring them; that's why I'm writing a series on how to get prepared to move into these positions.
How my GitHub profile got me a job at Spotify. It doesn't have to be a good profile, but having one can be a difference-maker.
Hi there! My name is Vitalii Berdichevskyi, I’m a Product Manager. In a previous essay of the series I shared with you Performance Management Software industry research. In this essay I will share with you HR Management Software business research.
The Great Resignation might be waning among knowledge workers. Enter: The Great Disengagement.
Hacker Noon Contributor Paul Bailey, aerospace engineer turned systems architect, shares his thoughts on the importance of writing and wide range of knowledge.
IT specialists & startups: what is vital for tech candidates today?
8 lessons from my last 9 years in tech, lessons which I have learned the hard way and have been instrumental in my journey through the tech industry.
"I want to become a solution architect. What are the resources to learn more about architecture?" - We are all asking the wrong question.
Are you low on confidence, nervous, feeling not prepared for the interview. There are a few things which will help you to overcome that.
I have got 7000 odd Linkedin connections and whenever I open my feed I see people posting a screenshot of certificates.
Tech companies are known for the exciting benefits they offer their employees. Are those benefits enough for top talent?
Code review is an essential step needed for effective software development.
Cloud expertise is currently one of the most sought-after tech skills out there, and cloud jobs are some of the highest paying in the industry. But how does one break into this exciting field?
My experience with Imposter Syndrome at Meta and how I overcame it
Among the top 100 best-paying cities for software engineers in the U.S., 13 are in the Midwest, as reported by over 5 million verified professionals on Blind.
Let’s try to systematize the difference between the companies that you can find on the job market.
Ockam is sharing their engineer ladder in an effort to provide transparency and help junior engineers understand their potential career path.
When I accepted the offer for my summer Software Engineer internship at Microsoft, I was not able to find useful information about the onboarding process.
During my software engineering career, I've been both - the interviewer and the job-seeker. Many of the actions I took to get a new job weren’t impactful. But here are the things that helped me most in getting the right software engineering job.
This article is about a thorny issue in tech--compensation. Websites like Blind, Paysa, and levels.fyi have revealed numerous issues with how people in tech are paid, with the gender pay gap being the most well known. Employers are cagey about disclosing their reasons behind deciding how much employees get paid, and they encourage their workers to treat salary as a taboo subject that mustn’t be broached. This behavior helps the employers’ bottom line by keeping wages depressed.
Are you passionate about technology?
If you are reading these tips on how to switch your job to IT, then below you will find some golden tips which I wish I had got at the start of my career back t
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Here are some things to consider before applying for a Tech Company.
Spain has a brain drain issue. Here's how startups can help.
In this hiring climate, you need to differentiate to attract candidates.
In this interview, Nick Hansen, CEO, Luxor.Tech, talks about how he got his start in the tech world.
How to - hopefully - not drive yourself up the wall preparing and fretting over technical tests.
Let’s explore why digital nomads are drawn to Colombia, what the digital nomad visa offers and which locations offer the most reliable internet connections.
Bad managment can fire you at an instant if they can pay for it
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
The more you can fill in with relevant information about yourself and your skills, the more you’ll stand out and be memorable to your potential employer.
If you are an experienced Java developer and you want to know how to get ahead in these unprecedented times, then adding digital transformation skills to your resume will give you the boost you want.
Working at Fortinet is a unique experience. Its one that can grow your career and pay you well, if you know what your getting into.
Today, to become a junior-level web developer you don’t need even a college degree. There are tons of bootcamps and short-term programs for those who would like
Switching jobs in the tech industry can be an interesting adventure. Learning how to navigate the onboarding at a new company while keeping your health in check
Here is a short collection of tech horror stories, their underlying causes, and ideas on how to build better more ethical tech products and services.
A good resume is a doorway to an interview and a potential job offer. Here’s the good news: the tech industry is always growing and has many high-paying opportunities. Every year, dozens of new technology companies are founded and new positions for entry-level to managerial-level positions are created.
The path of a product manager is influential through managing different projects with a team and forward-thinking to steer the company in the right direction.
Knowing the business needs/problems can help engineers to grow faster. If you don’t know WHAT and WHY, you can’t think of HOW.
New business owners must ensure they have a good foundation of the necessary technologies to run their businesses.
From dropping out of college at the young age of 20 to co-founding a deep-tech startup, the last 5 years have made for a convoluted and enlightening journey. All this while, coding has been a constant positive in my life.
Management and leadership in technical writing should not be either/or, and requires new perspectives on roles, hierarchy, vision and goals.
Git is the most popular source control system. In this post, I'll show some of these features that will make your work easier when using Git.
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
In this interview, Sanchali Pal, Founder, Joro.Tech, talks about how she got her start in the tech world.
I wonder whether a person even identifies as a part of their said community in many cases. Different entities make communities as broad or narrow as they want.
After a few months, I realized I was making more money than I did as a lawyer.
It is common to think of compensation purely as salary – money you get paid for the work you do. But many people get compensated with more than just salary.
Planning as a principal engineer is all about bringing engineering, business, and people close together. Here are the things to consider.
There is one important prerequisite to becoming better at anything: Concentrate on the things that matter, and give up what doesn’t. Developing is no exception. It is a process that can become problematic if you decide to pursue perfection, focusing on aspects that are complex but inessential.
An expose on why web development is in high demand and how to join the crew.
If you’re in the market for a new job in tech, you’ve undoubtedly seen the huge need for data scientists. Data science is one of the hottest fields right now with hundreds of new roles added every day. Even better, these roles are often highly paid, with the average median salary for a US-based data scientist topping $113,000 (Glassdoor). Data scientists also report a high degree of satisfaction with their jobs, which makes this career path a great choice for data-minded women in tech.
A large majority of U.S. employers have asked their workforces to come back home for another month or longer
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.
A change of heart and access to a repository of information prompted a law school graduate to purse a career as a programmer.
Can you cheat in a technical interview? This approach for hiring tuned over decades is how you moneyball hiring & work with great people.
Have your efforts as a woman in tech garnered heightened respect in a male-dominated field? Get to know more about the 2023 career ladder for women in tech here
Google Job Interview tips, Resume writing tips for FAANG
Thirty years ago our managers enabled uninterrupted work. Today they throw as many interruptions at us as they can manage. Independent work is derided.
Burnout is an intense word and can lead to professional and personal dissatisfaction, depression, and social isolation.
The Black in Tech Interview with Emmanuel Nwaka.
it's easy to think we understand a certain technology when in reality it's not the case. So what questions can we ask to make sure we do?
Here are four basic ways to use technology to reinvent one's career during this tough pandemic. Pivot your career to make money online with freelancing and more
Writing a resume that really stands out doesn’t need to be a daunting task.
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
You need to ensure your resources are put to the best use. With that in mind, it is important to know more about what the GIAC Penetration Tester Certification
With the tech industry expanding at an ever accelerated pace, one of the best examples of one such position is a Crowd Solutions Architect (CSA).
Are you looking to start a career as a full-stack developer? Find these tips&tricks for developers, by developers. Happy coding!
Here are 6 tips for getting a pay raise in IT.
Learn what are the best entry level IT jobs. I describe briefly what QA engineer, product owner, scrum master, UX/UI designer, CSM and technical writer do. It's
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
Hiring talent has been a tough row to hoe in 2022: 7 out of 10 executives stated they receive too few applicants, most of whom are underqualified.
Read about the career journey of Noonies Nominee Otávio Silveira.
Here we have shared a few tips that will make your resume ready for tech companies and get you through the interview process.
Becoming a Tech Leader implies in more responsibilities. Your toolkit must include new skills. Besides designing, writing, and reviewing code, tech leaders must care about the team members and the overall code quality and architecture.
For those lucky few who have not heard of recruiter spam, it is the torrential flow of DMs called “InMail” that recruiters send to nearly anyone.
Here's a story of how I landed a design internship with hackernoon.
As many companies increase pay to attract new talent in an increasingly competitive Job market some workers are finding themselves left behind. What do they do?
Why we should all shift our gaze from the tools we have to the nature of problems and to their solutions.
This is a guide for people who wish to enter the field of cybersecurity. In this article, we cover what kind of education is needed to become an expert and more
And so am writing my first article ever that is dev-related. The main reason that I'm doing it is because I haven't contributed anything on the web yet and I don't want to remain silent while leeching from actual contributing colleagues.
Older workers are often discriminated against in the hiring process, and companies are losing valuable resources due to this practice.
Skilled IT workers are challenging to find and keep – and the talent shortage is bound to continue in 2022. But there’s a recipe that’s guaranteed to work...
As programmers, there are numerous things we must manage each day in addition to code. The best programmers I know don’t just do a good job of writing code, the
According to Blind, white-collar tech professionals have lost 100,826 jobs so far this year. Here is how you can avoid getting laid off this time.
We are witnessing a situation in which most businesses are looking to find ways to survive amidst the corona pandemic. However, the current scenario has opened up new opportunities for tech companies that are operating in the Virtual Reality (VR) field. For instance, tourism and property businesses are looking to leverage the potential of the VR technology to sustain their growth during the ongoing challenging times.
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
Last year the BBC reported that Robot automation will 'take 800 million jobs by 2030'. Lucky for most of the people reading this post, developer jobs are safe for the time being. But what is the world going to look like when most manual jobs are taken by machines? What type of effect will this have on our economy? What will happen to the middle class? Do we need Universal Basic Income?
I am going through what one might call “career puberty”. I’m growing up and moving to an engineering manager role. It’s more of a recognition of a position I reached organically and a job I’ve been de facto doing for some time now, rather than an abrupt change dictated by external factors.
This article addresses things to take note of, before you switch jobs to avoid the "Great regret"
Good mentors, and a willingness to take opportunities that come up (and abandon those that aren't working out) can take you a long way in a career.
Getting into the field of software development is a smart career move. Many employers are looking for developers and often struggle to fill these roles. Not only that but salaries and benefits are extremely competitive in our tech-centric world.
During Career Day in High School a teacher pointed out that only if you had advanced math skills could you be successful in Computer Programming.
Felix is a Product Manager at Microsoft in the Azure cloud services organization. He’s got a very cool background: he’s started his own company and has gone to business school amongst a lot of other things. I had the chance to ask him some questions about his job.
Yet another story of how an ordinary guy from the middle of nowhere in Russia managed to get multiple FAANG offers. This time, in Europe.
Over the course of my life, I’ve participated in more than 20 hackathons, so I might be a little biased on them, but on the other hand, I know a lot about how they can be useful.
It's been over a month now since I last wrote an article here for my blog. I've been struggling a lot with low mood, which has meant that I haven't had the motivation or the energy to produce new content. I have been getting help, which I've found really useful, so I thought I'd share some of the things I've learned in the hope that it might help other developers in a similar position.
Looking to make your data scientist resume more attractive to employers?
In business, there are many instances where you want to share confidential information with another party. But the key to doing so safely is to make sure that the other party is bound to respect the sensitive information you provide and will not use it to their own detriment.
It’s January, and most of you have probably enjoyed a break from work
over the festive season. Less time coding and more time gaming or film
watching. All that time with colleagues is replaced with family, friends
and pets rather than coworkers. But it’s Monday, and the working week
is back with a vengeance. Did you return to your job this week with
feeling is enthusiasm or dread?
Use this checklist to see if your workspace is a good place to be, or if it's time to move on.
Learn what a developer goes through on every job search
Graphic Designers and Artists are in high demand, but with advancements in software and the growth of the internet some fear that these jobs will die off.
Stereotypes about IT still live on. However, every year they seem less and less witty to IT specialists. In this post we've taken apart the most popular ones.
Hiring a developer relations/advocate is difficult. It's even harder to be the first DevRel in the company. My colleagues share their experience
If you work with or interact with a JavaScript project, frontend project or a node.js project you surely know about the package.json file.
On average, a blockchain developer gets paid anywhere from $150,000 per year up to $175,000 depending on their experience
“The tech industry is thriving. It’s expanding almost three times faster than the rest of the UK economy and it’s nearly worth £184bn.”
A look at the Dot-Com Bubble from an employee's eyes and why history might repeat itself.
If you’re coming out of your education (whether that is self taught, a university degree, or bootcamp), it’s important to know that your expectations for your career in the tech workforce may not align with actual industry practice and culture.
Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.
This blog is about my journey - from a confused college student to a frontend developer. How I got into coding, then into web development.
Most job titles are inherently clear. You know what they do. You have a good idea of their value. One of the exceptions here is the title of designer. I've previously tried to explain what I do to my parents without any real success. What they have held onto after all these lengthy explanations is that I work with 'computers'.
From technology and innovation to economies, the world has been experiencing a plethora of changes in recent times. Business, as usual, is no more an alternative for any industry. The traditional careers may or may not have their way into the future. With these rapid transitions, there are a lot of new career options that may rule the future.
I read many articles and studies on remote work, tried them on myself, and now decided to share what I found most valuable for myself.
50+ books and resources that help me in my journey in tech.
Since the plow, humans have had a natural wariness over technology that seems to threaten their jobs. It’s a natural anxiety. Factories, plows, and automation legitimately have scaled back the need for human labor. And now technology seems to be coming after jobs that previously appeared to be untouchable.
Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills or talents and has a fear of being exposed as a fraud.
If you’ve been itching to get your feet wet in the field, these steps will provide you with lots of valuable ideas and suggestions to kickstart your career.
In this article, we'll take a look at 6 of the most common mistakes junior developers make and offer advice on how to avoid them.
How to become a better data leader that the data engineers love?
In this blog, I am going to be sharing with you the Roadmap and the Resources that you require to become a Full Stack Developer.
I founded Raise.dev to help every developer advance their career.
A survey from the professional social network Blind, tech employees are looking to make a change within 3-months, Indicating a persisting “Great Resignation"
To become a product manager, I had to first ascertain what transferrable skills I had that would be relevant in product management and was ready to develop new ones that I did not yet have.
According to a user-created poll, the median base salary of a user on Blind is between $150,000 to $200,000
Is there a trick to launching a famous Ecommerce Industry? What do famous giants like Amazon have that your business might be lacking? We are here to find out about the 10 most underrated skills that will make you a rockstar in the e-commerce industry. Outdated business structures often go through tides of highs and lows but luckily Ecommerce is thriving well. In fact, at present, it is clearly outperforming other competitive fields.
If you prefer to follow along via my YouTube video, you can watch it here!
Are you planning on becoming a Game Developer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a Game Developer in 2022.
The first part of an educational blog covering general planning. This specifically focuses on the why's of planning.
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
The STAR Method is one of the most well-known interview frameworks out there that are perfect for answering behavioral interview questions.
Stock options. Many employees of startups and corporations get to hear this term when their compensation is being discussed.
The second-largest crypto options exchange, Bit.com aims to double its workforce amidst layoffs.
AWS certification has been rated as one of the most valuable IT certifications globally. One of the key reasons behind this is the huge popularity of AWS systems, and its wide prevalence in the cloud industry.
Setting up a skip level meeting for interns can be a great way to add value to the intern, their mentor, and the mentor’s manager.
This question has haunted me for years. And it seems I’m not alone. Many
people experience this same insecurity. They desire to know if they’ve made it.
Illustration by Mat Voyce
You've probably got a lot of assumptions about tech bootcamps, if they're worth it, how much they cost, who gets to do them...Ironhack is here to bust myths!
The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship is a free remote online writing program where you can get mentored by a seasoned Editor and build up your writing portfolio.
One of the hardest things to deal with about a layoff is that it is unexpected for the person laid off. Take these steps to deal with it if /when it happens.
Impostor Syndrome is one of the most popular workplace epidemics in the world. It affects people in every profession, irrespective of years of experience.
Tech jobs have gained an increasingly important status in the modern world. See what type of jobs are among the best paying ones.
Hello Everyone,
5.0 puts people at the center
Online learning is just as important to your career as learning in a class. Find out the five online courses that you can take to grow in your tech career.
These are the 20 best-paying cities for software engineers in California, as reported by the more than 5 million verified professionals on Blind.
My experience mentoring interns in the Help Desk works and at a walk-up TechBar who were part of the Genesys Works program.
I love to engage with my readers and learn about what their concerns are when it comes to the technical interview. In this article, I’ll go through a question from a reader and 3real SQL questions that were asked during technical screenings from real companies.
The data scientist is emerging as a new career option. Software engineering is an older discipline that has already made its perfect place in the IT world.
Thanks to experimentation, everything can be done quickly and cheaply. This approach has become our routine at Parimatch Tech.
If you're looking to break into the cybersecurity field, you may feel like you have your work cut out for you.
Social media companies, which have long relied on their cool factor as trendy or best places to work, may have a talent-retention problem.
Three of the most important learnings I had in my career so far going from Junior to Senior Software Engineer.
The motivations to return to work might have less to do with worker productivity and more to do with middle managers trying to justify their existence.
Here are 6 ways to battle the feeling of isolation and loneliness while working from home.
I’ve compiled just a few of the best places for you to look for new job openings.
A list with 17 of the highest paying cities for Software Engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Curate by reports from the verified professionals at Blind.
I’ll never forget the time I spent a summer at Facebook. I had an opportunity most people can only dream of. I stepped into a robust engineering culture and a community of mission-driven people. The perks were everything you’ve heard of and more. I ate at gourmet cafeterias, rode free commuter buses with Wi-Fi, and had all the free tech gear I wanted.
While consumer products get all the hype, B2B products are a quiet gem
Linkedin is a worldwide home for employees, employers and career-minded individuals. The platform houses over 700 million members in over 200 countries...
What Is the Difference Between a Junior and a Senior Software Developer?
Top 21 Companies Hiring for full time , Remote Work-from Home Jobs
A typical interview process for a data science position includes multiple rounds. Often, one of such rounds covers theoretical concepts, where the goal is to determine if the candidate knows the fundamentals of machine learning.
This post will show the steps I took to arrive at this point in my career and dispel some myths that I’ve seen newer engineers, including myself, fall prey to.
I have never been on Hackernoon before, it was just one of those things that my endless cycle of mad clicking, ADD inspired pursuits of I don't know what don't me here moment. It's April 28th and I have finally been able to mildly celebrate my birthday for the first time in 3 years... Yeah, that's right! 3 years. I'll get to that in a sec. But I wanted to let you all know that I have first completed my first semester of college courses. Just 2, no biggie.
Explore the concept of the Bullshit job made popular by David Graeber – see how it applies to Product Management.
What are current trends in the IT industry? Which IT jobs are in high demand today? Find the answers in our new article.
Are the cybersecurity careers of tomorrow still going to be there in the face of relentless automation?
Rational Software Engineer: How to Find a Dream Job covers how to go through the job search process and identify whether a company is a good place to work.
Little by little, advances in technology and science are setting the scene for the next industrial revolution, which will change our world and lives in unimaginable ways.
Performance reviews play a big role in the operation of the organization.
Get the latest popular cyber jobs with the highest salaries in the world with a complete guide about them with the profile information
How to build your career in tech from being a sysadmin to Android tech lead building an app that ouperforms Uber on its market?
AI is everywhere and we should start to intentionally recruit more diverse teams to design and build it.
5 UX portfolio tips from Meta & ex-Google designer. Upgrade your design portfolio and get the job you want.
Google and Amazon!
These are the top companies hiring for C# remote jobs right now
React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android. There are lots of materials with which to learn React Native and in this article, I will show the best 10 resources to learn React Native development. For each learning material, I will talk about the entry behavior, time to complete, content, and difficulty level.
It's time we stopped fearing, complaining, and arguing about whiteboard coding interviews.
In this post, I'll share some specific action points that can help you transition to a tech career in 2021.
If you are a computer science graduate or someone who is thinking of
making a career in the software development world or an experienced
programmer who is thinking about his next career move but not so sure
which field you should go then you have a come to the right place.
Golang engineers, AI engineers, and mobile app developers are expected to be in high demand throughout 2021.
Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.
As a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience, a LinkedIn and Stackoverflow profile, I got my fair share of interaction with recruiters. Some were spot-on with the relaxed to the point attitude that gets an engineer’s attention.
The hiring process has been changing. For a long time, the companies decided which talents fit them most — the time has come to let the talents choose the best
Resources that can help you transition into your new role as a Product Manager or UI/UX Designer.
Working remotely has become familiar with fewer people working in offices and more from their own homes. Freelancers generally set their own work hours.
As people, we have a superpower; it is the power of perception. As the famous saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.
Anyone I asked for advice was against me quitting the stable job to explore completely uncharted territory, and that too with a child. But eventually, I quit.
The most sought-after jobs for generations have generally been the more prestigious graduate positions with large corporate companies such as banks or law firms. This has seen countless talented graduates becoming stuck on that notorious conveyer belt of corporate life. But many graduates over recent years, especially millennials, are finding that these positions aren't that glamorous after all and are ditching corporate jobs to work for a startup instead.
If you want to become a smart contract developer on Ethereum, then you need to learn Solidity. Let's look at 10 great sources that can help you on your journey.
At Adadot we hire people, not paper. We don’t look for the highest mark or the most prestigious degree, but for the person behind the CV.
Over the past few years, I’ve taken part in hundreds of interviews. I’ve been both interviewer and interviewee over the phone, on video chat, and in person more times than I can remember and I’ve refined my tactics along the way. No matter the method or the role I have in the interview, I always try to expose the following traits which I consider most valuable in a great technical peer. These are my own opinion, and I’d appreciate to hear yours in the comments!
Meet HackerNoon writer Jacob Landry who is sharing stories about coffee-fueld-code with the world!
Let's discuss the key trends of IT market in 2022: industries, professions and hiring.
With so much technology on the market, is there any room left for innovation? Is it possible to really do anything new in the industry?
You’ve built a tech business with industry-leading potential. But how do you get it out there in front of the customers you need for it to fly?
It is unfortunate that in this current century, in order for one to effectively secure employment, having gone through internship programs is almost a requirement. This is because no company wishes to take the risk of employing a young graduate who has no hands-on experience in the specific field.
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
Want to become a DevOps Engineer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a DevOps engineer.
This article covers the top 20 job roles available in the Cyber Security domain along with the job description in a simplified way.
The quest to achieve a work-life-balance is never-ending, but if you understand the problem, the solution isn't that far away.
It's a technical architect's job to make sure IT systems run seamlessly. This article provides a list of the top paying states in the US for technical architect
Career Limiting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Step by step guide how to stand out of the crowd landing a job with Facebook ads
The second part of a mini-series on project planning primers. This focuses on my experiences putting together ideas as a developer.
What are the differences between the contributions of a data scientist and an Artificial Intelligence engineer? Let us compare job roles and the benefits.
Most developers and software engineers will hit a "technical ceiling" in their career. Why the limit? How do you break through?
Thinking of changing your career by stepping into the startup scene? Here are a few things to consider before joining a risky early-stage venture.
Following is a list of ten things that might sound so simple to many IT experts but weren’t so obvious at the start of their IT career.
Recently on the Success Story podcast, I had the pleasure of meeting one of America’s greatest business authors – and not just the greatest, but the youngest in U.S. history.
I’ve been a software engineer for about ten years, and here’s something I learned: hiring software engineers is hard. One of the main challenges is to get the most information about the candidates in the minimum amount of time. You want to know if they will be a good fit for your team, and you want to know it quickly, without wasting their time.
Essential elements you should have and why I hire non-IT graduates.
“I’m going to do a boss move,” announced my manager, almost like she was going to step out for lunch. “Let’s discuss more in our meeting later.”
Internships are held at the office of a company that already employs professionals in the field.
Hiring great talent is getting harder by the day. Big-brand tech companies are expanding, legacy enterprises are going digital, and the startup world is growing fast. For early-stage tech companies, it’s an uphill battle to outmaneuver the competition that’s now coming from every corner and land the right candidates.
What's it like to be a CTO? 😱 Amy Tom talks to Ravi Mayuram, CTO of Couchbase, about the CTO mindset, Ravi's career journey to CTO, and skill trends in tech. Amy and Ravi talk about education, trends in data, building trust, and more.
Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, and Rob Hedgpeth, Developer Advocate at MariaDB about their careers.
Joe Natoli is a UX consultant, author and speaker. Everything he does is born from nearly three decades of consulting
I secured 8 offers with Google, Robinhood, Airbnb, Uber, Tiktok, Microsoft, Scale, and Cloudflare. Then negotiated my way to multiple $300K offers.
.Tech Domains has launched #MyStartInTech, a campaign dedicated to drawing attention to the lack of diversity in Computer Science education in the US.
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