123 Stories To Learn About Healthtechby@learn
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123 Stories To Learn About Healthtech

by Learn RepoAugust 9th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Healthtech via these 123 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Healthtech via these 123 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Nanobots are the Future of Medicine

Imagine you go to the doctor to get treatment for a disease and instead of giving you a pill or a shot, the doctor refers you to a special medical team which implants a tiny robot into your bloodstream.

2. This CEO was Going to be a Consultant but Decided to Solve Mental Health Issues With AI Instead.

Sumondo was nominated as one of the best startups in Copenhagen, Denmark, in HackerNoon’s Startups of the Year. This is an interview with their Founder CEO.

3. Successful Integration of Personal Medical Devices with Mobile Telemedicine Application

Personal medical device integration with telemedicine application

4. Fighting Coronavirus: Singapore Tests a Disinfection Robot That Capable of Cleaning Large Areas

Scientists in Singapore have invented a disinfecting robot that imitates human gestures to help cleaning staff overwhelmed since the start of the coronavirus crisis. The "XDBOT" is a rectangular box-shaped robot mounted on wheels and armed with an articulated arm which can be operated remotely. He can reach places that are difficult to clean with great dexterity, such as the space under beds or tables.

5. Startup Interview with Ato Kasymov, CEO & Co-founder of Zentist

6. COVID-19: AI Fighting the Pandemic Terror

Coronavirus: the alarming threat creates mayhem in the lives of many. Despite the terrifying conditions, technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are mending ways of detecting an outbreak.

7. How The Healthcare Industry Can Best Utilise Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Healthcare has more than its fair share of monotonous, time-consuming tasks that prevent employees from focusing on more productive activities.

8. COVID-19: How AI Is Helping In The Fight

In the past decades, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is one of the most infectious diseases to have spread on our planet Earth. As we have seen that this virus has already created havoc in the entire world, so it becomes necessary to take the help of technology, and here AI comes into the picture.

9. 7 Ways AI & Robotics Are Disrupting Healthcare Right Now

When thinking of robotics and AI in healthcare, robotic surgery and exoskeletons are what probably comes to mind first. Yet in reality, there’s a multitude of other ways automation and machine learning are changing medical care practices at their core.

10. How IoT Solutions Helps in Healthcare Industry

Ever since technology was introduced into the business world, there has been a massive change in the fortunes of business sectors. So much so, that every established business sectors and upcoming sector, look to technology to either scale them up or maintain equilibrium, or in case of emerging companies, give them that initial push so that they can get to the autopilot mode.

11. The Rapid Acceleration of Digital Health [infographic]

The embracement of technology is a two-sided process and doctors need patient support in order to completely change.

12. Have You Heard? AI Can Edit Genes Now

Artificial intelligence and healthcare have long been friends. That friendship has grown to include even gene-editing thanks to AI helping with CRISPR errors.

13. How to Solve the Kidney Failure Crisis

A look at the growing problem of kidney failure and how a better system of implementation could change the health outcomes of our most vulnerable populations.

14. Innovative Caregiver Startup Wins Startup of the Year in Union, New Jersey

Thrilled to be recognized because I-Ally is a labor of love.

15. Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Tapping Into Technology

The healthcare industry is going through a digital transformation that will be as significant as the advent of antibiotics or the introduction of vaccines.

16. Mental Health Basics: Diagnosis, Treatment, Tech Tools

Last year I found I had ADD.

17. 5 Tech Trends in Healthcare and Medical App Development

ML, AI, VR, AR, MR, IoMT: read about technological trends of healthcare and medical apps development in the coming year!

18. How Zipline Drones Can Save Lives in Rural Rwanda

Everything is easily accessible when your home is in a city.

19. 3 Fitness Apps That Get Me Going

3 apps to enhance your fitness routine, from a fitness lover

20. What a Post COVID-19 World Looks Like

As our lives are suddenly and drastically changed by the rapid spread of this virus, and my local stores are ignorantly devoid of toilet paper and vodka from panic buying, I reflected on a few societal changes we might see taking place.

21. The Importance of Sports Analytics

You’re probably familiar with the movie Moneyball (if not, watch it!). It’s the story of Billy Beane, the former MLB player and manager of the Oakland A’s, a struggling team with one of the smallest budgets in the league. Using statistical analysis methods, he ditched all traditional advice and based recruitment purely on data. The result? The A’s won 20 consecutive games, the first team in over a century to do so.

22. These Budding Startups Are Building Tech the Cannabis Industry Needs

What are the top 5 tech startups that are driving the medical marijuana industry? Read to learn more.

23. Tech Concierge: An Essential New Role or All Hype?

At this point, it's undeniable just how much the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the use of technology among older generations.

24. #FoundersConnect with Tito Ovia, Cofounder of Helium Health (#1 Health-Tech Provider in Africa)

Peace speaks with Tito Ovia, co-founder of Helium Health, a health-tech provider in Nigeria set to digitize hospital processes within the continent.

25. Nanotech Is Revolutionizing Medical Care [Infographic]

Nanotechnology is the frontier of modern medicine, but it has already been in use almost two decades. PillCams were first approved by the FDA in 2001, and by 2008 they had already been used in more than 2 million procedures. By 2024 nanotechnology will be a $125 billion global industry. So what’s next in the world of medical nanotechnology?

26. Wearable Devices Let Patients Take the Lead on their Health Journey

As the digital health wagon moves on, patients are starting to take the lead thanks to health wearables, better communication with doctors and new technology.

27. HealthTech: Revolutionizing Healthcare through Technology

Explore how HealthTech is revolutionizing the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses. From telemedicine to AI, learn how technology is improving patient.

28. "I don't want anyone to go through what I went through" - with I-Ally Founder Lucinda Koza

Interview with I-Ally Founder Lucinda Koza where reveals she wants to save millennial family caregivers from a broken system

29. New Tech Breakthrough in Cancer Research Targets Only Cancer Cells

A new technological cancer research breakthrough presented at ASCO 2022 promises precision targeting of cancer cells and eliminating of terrible side effects.

30. How a Data Privacy Vault Protects PHI for Healthtech Users

With healthcare apps and wearables that gather customer PHI, healthtech companies need a data privacy vault to ensure HIPAA compliance and build customer trust.

31. The Mixed Blessings of Technology for Mental Health

Mental health technology is a subject of controversy. This post tends to assess the existing potential of new healthcare tech for mental health treatment,

32. Robots Performing Surgeries On Pigs? The Impact Of Robotics In Medicine

For the first time in medical history, it was recorded that some robots successfully carried out a laparoscopic surgery unaided by humans.

33. What Do You Know About IoMT - Internet of Medical Things: A Slogging Thread

This Slack discussion by Sadia Mehmood, BitcoinPetar, Rianke Krugel, anthony watson and Utsav Jaiswal occurred in slogging's official #introductions channel, and has been edited for readability.

34. Healthcare Supply Chain Issues and How to Solve Them with Technology

While the healthcare industry seemed to contain the virus in 2022, the major fallout COVID-19 had on the healthcare supply chain is still yet to be tackled.

35. How I Launched Victa, a Running App for Gamers, and Got a Top Ranking in the App Store

Victa is the first AI gaming walking and running app that uses content to motivate users to take up a healthier lifestyle. This is our journey.

36. WTF are HL7 FHIR standards and How Do They Impact HealthTech?

Why HL7 FHIR standards are important in healthcare products development

37. The Technological Process of Enhancing a Healthy Lifestyle

Every individual does their best to live a healthy life in their little way. Whether it be eating right, or maintaining proper hygiene.

38. Startup Interview with Marco Egbring, CEO of

Learn more about, an AI-powered service to improve medication and prevent complications from their CEO Marco Egbring

39. AI in Healthcare: Personalized Meds, Data Security, Virtual Nurses, More

AI technology is advancing very fast. Organizations have to derive advantages of new technologies by adopting and integrating them into their business processes. Healthcare industry seems to be moving in a right direction by adopting artificial intelligence technology. The reason behind adopting AI technology is to provide an accurate and quality healthcare to patients.

40. [Infographic] How Telehealth and Telemedicine are Hacking the Healthcare System

Soon after COVID-19 hit the world, hospitals across the country started quickly filling up with new patients and forcing some of the long-term care patients out of hospitals. Most of those long-term care patients now can’t go to hospitals due to how vulnerable they are to getting COVID-19. In order to still receive the attention and care that they need, many have turned to telemedicine. Technologies like video conferencing, data monitoring, and smartphone apps that are used to help keep and eye on and treat patients have all seen usage start to spike. CareClix, a virtual health company which has over 20 million users, saw a 50% rise in usage in March alone and Zipnosis, another virtual health company, reported a 3,600% increase in virtual visits over the course of just 11 days in February. The idea of telehealth is not a new concept - as early as 1924, Radio New Magazine featured an illustration of a physician attending to his patient via video. In 1967, the University of Miami’s medical school worked with the local fire department to help set up a system where emergency patient info could be transferred remotely.

41. How One Company Is Using Analytics and Tech to Reduce JUUL Usage

What started as a less harmful alternative to smoking has become one of the biggest health crises in the United States; vaping. Despite the decades of anti-smoking campaigns pushed by public health groups, vaping became increasingly popular. According to a Gallup survey, nearly 8 percent of Americans vaped, and almost one in five 18 to 29-year-olds reported vaping regularly.

42. A Look at the Nursing Homes of the Future [Infographic]

An infographic on the future of tech and empathy that will fuel the senior care and nursing home space.

43. Protecting the Most Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19

Thousands of COVID-19 deaths have been linked to nursing home residents or their caregivers - but COVID-19 isn’t stopping there. Though hundreds of thousands have been infected, efforts taken by governments such as social distancing have been proven to work. Looking at and comparing cities of similar sizes who enacted social distancing guidelines at different times can give us some insight on how well social distancing works.

44. How Digital Health Platforms Should Secure Patient Data Now the CURES Act is Live

Now that Americans theoretically have instant access to their medical records, digital health platforms must ensure they secure this data.

45. Our Story of How Our Endeavor to Support Cannabis Patients Became A Cannatech Company

My name is Sam Adetunji and I am one of the co-founders of Veriheal, an innovative cannatech company, and cannabis patient support system.

46. Crucial Features for Medical Practice Management Software

What are the essential features of Medical Practice Management Software? What is MPMS itself? Which systems build MPMS? Find out here!

47. A Brief Intro to 8 Ways AI Could Improve Patient Care

How much data does a hospital produce each day? How much information are they capable of storing, analyzing, and sharing with physicians and patients?

48. How AI Can Improve Drug Development Amidst the Search for a COVID-19 Cure

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is surging, and one area in which its use is even more important in 2020 – the year of a global pandemic – is in health technology, or healthtech.

49. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Efficient Drug Discovery and Development

AI saves a lot of resources in modern drug discovery. Also, it brings better accuracy greatly influencing patients' lives.

50. Digitizing Human Biology: Startup Interview with Naveen Jain, Viome Founder and CEO

Startup Interview with Naveen Jain, Viome Founder and CEO.

51. The Open Source Ventilator Game Has Changed: AmboVent and Medtronic COVID-19 Ventilators Open Source

Today in the world of open-source ventilators, the game changed.

52. Startup Interview with Muhammad Bilal, BreatheIO - CEO/Founder

My startup is called BreatheIO which is a Smart Air Purifier, that utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence to reduce and control the Air Pollution

53. Hacking the Payment Problem of Disconnected Healthcare Systems [Infographic]

A look at the disconnected world of healthcare payments, including a convenient infographic to illustrate the issues.

54. How to Take Part in the HealthTech Revolution

As the saying goes, it’s impossible to put a price on your health.

55. Hacking Better Solutions With AI Powered Insurance Verification

A look at how improving the healthcare insurance data capture system will improve through OCR and AI card scan.

56. IoT in Healthcare: Benefits And Examples

Clinics and medical centers have significantly evolved thanks to the implementation of IoT solutions. In this article, we’ll discuss which healthcare problems IoT can solve, how the clinics and hospitals can benefit from using IoT, and why IoT development in healthcare is worth investing in.

57. Open Source Ventilator Projects: Status, Challenges, How You Can Help

At this moment, there are thousands of intelligent, diligent, well-meaning engineers trying to help the design of open source ventilators to address a possibly imminent life-threatening shortage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This wealth of creative technical energy is currently disorganized, scattered, and unfocused. Rather than being a tremendous force for saving lives that it may become, energy and time is currently being wasted on oversimplifications of the problem and the belief that the projects are closer to deployable than they really are.

58. Hacking Efficiency in Medical Facilities

A look at the advent of pneumatic tube systems, and how they keep things running at peak performance in hospital settings.

59. Big Data's Influence on Decision Making in the Healthcare Industry

Big data is transforming decision-making in healthcare and this article explores how it can be used to improve patient care, as well as its challenges.

60. How Genetic Technologies Transform Medicine

The major recent breakthroughs in diagnostics and treatment.

61. 6 Ways Emotion AI is Changing the Healthcare Industry

Pairing Emotion AI with Live Video calling can bring a dramatic improvement in healthcare delivery whether its doctor-patient communication or mental wellbeing.

62. How Cloud Computing Can Help Healthcare

Learn more about cloud computing architecture and its types, as well as how SaaS platforms can benefit the healthcare system by streamlining IT processes.

63. "Joy Comes from the Process of Creating, Not the End Result" — App Builder, Logan Koshenka

Logan Koshenka from the US has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes category for his beautifully built side project, a Health and Wellness app called Accufit. PSA: Nominations for this award are still open..! Get the Health and Wellness App you can't live without nominated for a Noonie today ➡️ make a Founder's day.

64. How Alpha-Stim Passed FDA Regulations for Brain Stimulation Treatments

Electromedical Products International, Inc. (EPI) has conducted extensive clinical research to come up with a solution using Brain Stimulation that can help patients ease Pain, Insomnia, Depression and Anxiety. Taking advantage of advances in electronics and computer technology Alpha-Stim brings the size and price down significantly for the CES device while improving efficacy and ease-of-use.

65. Technology-Driven Shipping Containers Poised to Solve COVID-19 Hospital Housing Shortage

66. Predictive Analytics and Patient Personalisation

Let’s explore how technology can help global healthcare providers to recover from such a significant historical event.

67. What Tech Stack do Healthcare Companies Use?

We are simple software developers, so we are interested in technologies for healthtech. Let’s try to answer popular questions and give tech stack examples.

68. How Remote Patient Monitoring Technology is Changing Healthcare

Explore how Remote Patient Monitoring technology is changing the healthcare industry, its benefits for doctors and patients, and it applications.

69. Everything You Need to Know About RPA in Healthcare

Back in 2013, the World Healthcare Organization (WHO) predicted that the global healthcare worker shortage could reach 12.9 million professionals by 2035, making in-person medical appointments a luxury few patients can afford. And the COVID-19 pandemic has only aggravated things.While telehealth and remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions slightly lessen the burden on the US health sector, a 6,000% growth in telemedicine usage has put a strain on medical personnel who manually process claims, enter data into electronic health records, and interact with patients through digital channels.Wide-scale adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) solutions in healthcare may cure medical system inefficiencies. Here’s how.

70. How is AI Disrupting the Cannabis-Tech Industry

AI is disrupting the entire cannabis industry using big data and machine learning, optimizing each step from production to distribution.

71. The Top 6 Healthcare Software Development Companies With the Best Ratings

Discover some of the top healthcare software development companies to work with and understand the crucial factors to consider when choosing the right one.

72. 7 Real-World Applications of AI in Healthcare

73. 11+ Interesting AI Applications In The Healthcare and Automotive Industries

In today’s data-driven era, most companies operate with an aim to become smarter, by taking advantage of market opportunities. With the help of advanced technologies, companies are making improvements in their processes.

74. Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Guide to CGM Devices

Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Guide to CGM Devices, and how developers can build solutions on such data

75. "At least until the metaverse has fully arrived, we still have only one body" #Noonies2021

‘If you are not failing you are not trying hard enough.’

76. Can Digital Therapeutics Help in Times of Coronavirus Crisis?

Medicine is taking a turn from physical to digital - by 2025, the digital therapeutics market is projected to hit $7.8 billion. The uses of digital therapeutics range wildly from alleviating symptoms of physiological and neurobehavioral symptoms to therapeutic interventions driven by software and tech to therapies to improve outcomes when combined with regular treatments. They also offer new options to those who have otherwise unmet needs, and can help reduce reliance on medication. Digital therapeutics can also be used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, central nervous, respiratory, and gastrointestinal problems.

77. AI Technologies that are Reshaping Social Infrastructure

Together with the rise of the Internet, access to large repositories of data has helped machine learning technology grow exponentially. The incredibly quick pace of growth was unprecedented. As a result, it is obvious that AI will make a significant impact on the world in the years to come. However, with the numerous established and emerging fields of AI around today, such a blanket statement doesn’t provide much concrete meaning.

78. Technology Impact on the CBD Business and Healthcare

Consumer CBD sales are expected to reach $1.8 billion by 2022, an amazing increase from their 2018 total of $500,000, according to Statista. More than a decade from now, the market for CBD products is expected to be worth an incredible $75 billion, according to other studies.CBD farming, in contrast to conventional farming, necessitates the use of sophisticated machinery and equipment capable of doing numerous functions at once, such as plowing, seeding, and excavating. They also have devices that assist in collecting hemp flowers since CBD growing requires precise measurements in water and air quality as well as soil moisture and temperature. In this article, we will explore the role that technology is playing in promoting CBD and Healthcare businesses around the world.

79. What Is Bio Cremation Technology?

In a very simple language, I would like to explain what cremation is and how technology is playing a crucial role in the death industry.

80. 3 Industries Harnessing the Power of Big Data: Healthcare, Law, and Retail

Big Data's value, popularity, and scale of usage in business today come from a few of the indisputable benefits it has to offer:

81. Using Robotics & Automation in IHC Labs

The booming immunohistochemistry (IHC) sector of healthcare requires more technicians than the market has to offer. That's where automation comes in.

82. Healthcare Technology Trends Accelerated By COVID-19 in 2021

Thanks to these healthcare technology trends, our medical infrastructures are evolving to fight pandemic-level viruses in the most efficient manner possible.

83. 8 Enterprise Software Companies Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Workspace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the forefront of conversations from employers across the globe. AI is helping organizations make incredible strides in efficiently handling mundane and repetitive tasks and freeing up valuable time and thought space that employees can use to exercise more creativity, solve complex problems, and otherwise focus on the bigger picture.

84. Blockchain and the Future of Medicine [Infographic]

A look at how blockchain and healthcare go hand in hand.

85. The 7 Scopes of Wellness and 21 Apps to Help You Attain Them

These times are hard and achieving good health may seem difficult, but it is possible to achieve your wellness goals. Find out more about wellness here.

86. Clinical Trials on The Blockchain: 4 Companies Changing the Game

The global drug development market is worth more than 350 billion dollars a year, according to, which includes the costs of running the studies in addition to the resources used.

87. Overview of AI Applications Assisting Us In The Fight Against Covid-19

Covid-19 coronavirus reports change daily and even hourly. The public health emergency has already swept the whole world: the virus threatens people's lives, affects business and interferes with travel.

88. My $0 Biohacking Journey to Completing Ultra-Marathons

This article details my $0 biohacking journey to ultra-marathons, health, fitness, and more

89. A Brighter Future for Cancer Patients: 3 Biotech Companies Developing Immunotherapy

Having just moved to the Tampa Bay region from Dayton, Ohio as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to worsen, I of course had to immerse myself in the ever-growing tech hub that is the Tampa Bay area of Florida.

90. DNA Technology: How Genetics Research Improves Healthcare

DNA Technology has multiple applications in medicine that make disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment easier and more personalised for every patient.

91. AI In Healthcare: A Viably Disruptive Force, Or A Pipe Dream?

Read this article to learn more about AI potential in the healthcare industry.

92. Technology That is Paving the Way for Heart Health

Chicago-based MedTech expert, Tim Murawski discusses advancements in medical technology in regard to heart health.

93. What Professional Gamers Can Teach Us About Tech Health

When asked to name a paragon of technology-life balance, most people wouldn’t reflexively answer, professional gamer.

94. How AI Search Can Change Healthcare

Though data management presents a challenge to most industries, technological advancements have been able to mitigate some of these challenges. Healthcare is also one of the industries that constantly adopts new ways to solve challenges. Trial and error in the clinical sphere proved that data accuracy, accessibility, storage, and retention must be approached with the utmost care. As part of healthcare ever-evolving data management challenges, technology has helped make information an easier aspect of the medical staff’s responsibilities.

95. Top Four Takeaways from HLTH ‘19 Conference

I had the privilege this week to attend the second annual HLTH Conference in Las Vegas. In between fangirling over two of my Healthcare Heros who were in attendance (shout out to Dr. John Halamka & Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel!), I learned a ton and was challenged to question whether the proliferation of healthcare startups is net positive.

96. Tech-Based Solutions in Pharma's Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs

The development of blockchain-based projects in healthcare and pharmaceuticals is bound to make unprecedented leaps across the sector.

97. 3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Developing Health Apps

There are thousands of health-related apps that aren't helping people reach their intended health goals. At their worst, some of the apps actually doharm.

98. White Hat Hackers Defend Hospitals From Rising Cyber Attacks

The field of radiology is littered with cyber mines. And it only gets worse. Here are some real stories of hospital cyberattacks and expert recommendations.

99. Food Tech Stories: How Sugarmate Helps People With Diabetes

Today, most people with diabetes opt to deal with their condition with the help of a continuous glucose monitor or CGMs. Since finger prick testing is not really convenient, CGMs are a great option. And they give a surge of information nonstop as well. However, most data is useless unless the right tools are used to analyze it.

100. 6 Tips To Relieve Eye Strain You Stare At A Screen All Day

Does your eyes get dry or watery while staring at a screen? Or do you experience headaches when looking at a screen? Do you feel itchiness on your eyes?

101. Life After COVID-19: How China is Going Back to Work

As Europe and the US are bracing for the worst of COVID-19, life in China is gradually going back to normal. Aside from lockdowns and social distancing, what can we learn from the measures taken to control the outbreak, and how life can resume safely?

102. 8 Transformational Benefits To Telemedicine Because Of Realtime Communication

The telemedicine industry is expected to create a more than $5.4 Bn market opportunity by 2025.  While the growth has been slow in the past years, the demands for medical advice and the restrictions on movement during the outbreak of COVID-19 have renewed the need for, and interest in, applications that enable healthcare at home.

103. How Telemedicine Serves Nursing Home Needs [Infographic]

Telehealth has made the quality of care better for nursing home residents. Learn more about how the digital health transformation is changing the game.

104. Healthcare Marketing Tips in 2021

We recommend tools, approaches, and methodologies to build a competitive marketing strategy to make people fall in love with your digital health solution.

105. Here's How Google and Friends Are Contributing—How Can We All Help?

A month ago it would’ve been hard to imagine how life would change in what seems overnight. Quarantines have been declared in many countries, and already around one billion people are staying at home, isolating themselves and some working remotely. The public activities have stopped, drug stores are in deficit of protection masks, and food shops are being cleaned of even primary products.

106. Coronavirus and Crypto: Increasing Access to Sound Money

To say that the Coronavirus is leaving an incredible impact on the world today would be a gross understatement.

107. 7 Healthcare Technology Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Explore the latest technology trends that will shape the healthcare industry in 2022 and beyond.

108. An Introduction to Patient Engagement Solutions

The healthcare sector has been slow in adopting technology. However, times are changing, and an increasing number of patients want to benefit from digitalization. According to a recent survey by Accenture, 60% of respondents prefer to use technology for patient-provider communication. Consequently, digital healthcare solutions are gaining popularity.Particularly, this change is reflected in the growth of the patient engagement market. The global patient engagement solutions market size was valued at $15.1 billion in 2020, and it is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 21.4% by 2028. The US patient engagement technology market, meanwhile, is expected to reach $9.4 billion by 2023.

109. The Rise of Femtech: Menstruation, Fertility, and Sex — Oh My!

The Femtech market is booming, presenting enticing opportunities across the board. But challenges remain. Read about the latest Femtech trends!

110. 7 Tips for Evaluating Healthtech Software Development Companies

In this article, we’ve aggregated our best advice and insights for evaluating healthcare software development companies.

111. 5 Unexpected Industries Ripe for 3D Printing Disruption

With an ever-expanding list of potential applications, 3D printing has already started transforming some of the largest industries in the world.

112. Is This a Breakthrough Cure For COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Sonic resonance is a manifestation of energy that shatters targeted microscopic organisms, and potentially infected Coronavirus cells - without harming surrounding cells.

113. Replace your Coffee with Brain Stimulation To Enhance Focus and Increase Productivity

In this interview with Balder Onarheim, co-founder and CEO of PlatoScience we explore the advances in neurostimulation (Transcranial Electrical Stimulation, TES) and how it can be used to enhance focus and creativity.

Can you give a quick background about you and how you got to this technology?

114. AccuFit Founder Logan Koshenka is Making Personalized Workouts Free for Everybody

Logan Koshenka is a software engineer who graduated from Ohio University in 2018 and founded AccuFit, a custom workout app.

115. It's Time We Started Talking About Schizophrenia

With June estimates at 7000+ authors, 69 other Hackernoon contributors might also be a victim of schizophrenia, along with me. This article serves to demonstrate why these people are facing tougher-than-average odds to live to a ripe old age, and how society isn’t doing them justice in helping or finding a permanent solution.

116. How Emerging Tech Will Revolutionize The Life of Physically Challenged People

The Age of Exciting Opportunities

117. Exploring 10 New COVID-19 Realities You Might Already Be Experiencing

We are halfway through 2020. Self-evident truth makes it crystal clear that there is too much to swallow and digest to make sense of everything that is happening in our new reality. It is also important to mention that there is no doubt that the world will remember this year just like they remember 2012 when everyone was expecting the end of the world. But what happens after COVID-19? The Economist has its perspective:

118. 10 Best Healthcare Software Development Companies of 2023

Top healthcare software development companies in USA based on their case studies, client reviews & testimonials. 2023

119. Complete Guide to Healthcare Software HIPAA Compliance

An innovative approach to HIPAA compliant software development, using AI-based biometric solutions and advanced access control methods.

120. AI Is The Future Of The Healthcare Industry

AI has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, from improving diagnosis and treatment to boosting hospital workflows. So, what does the future look like?

121. Discussing The Applications of AI Chatbots in Healthcare at the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is mostly known for its highly anticipated annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland — a scene of global intrigue and a convergence point for the planet’s most influential politicians, investors, activists, CEOs, and economists.

122. 20 Future Technologies That Will Change the World by 2050

I recently shared an article called “The “Next Big Thing” in Technology : 20 Inventions That Will Change the World”, which got a few dozen thousand hits in the past couple of weeks. This calls for a sequel. The previous 20 technologies were specifically centered on the next 20 years of technology development; but there’s a lot more to unravel when looking beyond the near future, though certainty obviously decreases with time.

123. As Healthcare App Popularity Rises, Organizations Need to Focus on New Software

One in five Americans controls their health with the help of fitness trackers or apps. During the first two quarters of 2020, there were over 1.2 billion downloads of health and fitness apps. These facts indicate that people are interested in platforms that will allow them to track vital signs, control nutrition, and remotely communicate with doctors. Before starting a healthcare software project, a medical facility should decide what type of medical platform its target audience needs. Let’s take a look at the most popular apps and options for their use.

Thank you for checking out the 123 most read stories about Healthtech on HackerNoon.

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