1. StackExchange
Everyone knows of Stack Overflow and Ask Ubuntu which are part of StackExchange network. But there are dozens of other sites in the StackExchange network that are dedicated to computer science and programming. Some of my favorites are
Why use StackExchange?
2. GitHub
GitHub requires no introduction for software developers. It’s the place on the Internet where open source projects are built.
Why use GitHub?
3. DevDocs
DevDocs is a single-page open source app that allows you to search documentation of all popular programming languages and frameworks.
Why use DevDocs?
4. Hacker News
Hacker News is a website where people submit links and have interesting discussions around them. Most of the submissions are related to Silicon Valley, Entrepreneurship, and Tech.
Why use Hacker News?
5. diff.blog
diff.blog is a software engineering blog aggregator. The website aggregates blog posts from 1000s of Engineering and developer blogs.
Why use diff.blog?
6. Udemy
Udemy is one of the biggest video tutorial websites in the world. It has amazing tutorials on almost every tech-related topic. My favorite teacher on Udemy is Stephen Grider. You should check him out.
Why use Udemy?
7. DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean is a hosting provider in which you can host your servers, databases, etc. It’s very popular among developers.
Why use DigitalOcean?
8. IndieHackers
IndieHackers is a community of developers and entrepreneurs who are trying to build profitable internet companies without raising money.
Why use Indie Hackers?
9. Resumake
Resumake is an open-source website that helps you make a resume for applying to Software Engineering jobs.
Why use Resumake?
10. Leetcode
Leetcode is a website that helps you prepare for software engineering interviews.
Why use Leetcode?
11. Glassdoor
Glassdoor is a website where employees review their companies.
Why use Glassdoor?
12. ProductHunt
ProductHunt is a website where developers and companies launch websites, apps, etc that have recently built.
Why use ProductHunt?
Also published here.
That’s it, folks. Hope you enjoyed the article!