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ing Path to Self Driving Cars
You can find the Lecture 1 Notes hereLecture 2 Notes can be found hereLecture 3 Notes can be found hereLecture 4 Notes can be found here
These are the Lecture 4 notes for the MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars Course (2018), Taught by Lex Fridman.
All Images are from the Lecture Slides.
Applying DL to understanding Sense of Human Beings
Focus on Computer Vision.
How can we use CV to extract useful information from Videos (in Context of Cars)
Deep Learning for Human Sensing:Using CV, DL to create systems that operate in the real world.
Requirements (Ordered according to importance):
Data:Enormous amounts of real data is required. Data collection is the hardest and most important part.
Semi-Supervised:The raw data needs to reduced to meaningful representative cases, raw data needs to be annotated. We need to collect data and use semi-supervised techniques to find pieces of data that can be used to train our networks
Efficient Annotation:Good annotation allows good performance. Annotation techniques for different scenarios are completely different. ex: Annotation tools for glance classification Vs Annotation for Body Pose Estimation Vs Image Pixel level labelling for SegFuse
Hardware:Large amount of data needs large scale distributed compute and storage.
Algorithms:We want algorithms that can self calibrate, allowing generalisation.
Temporal Dynamics:Current algorithms are majorly image based Vs Temporal/Sequence based.
Takeaway: Data Collection, cleaning is more important than algorithms.
Distracted Driving:3,179 people were killed and 431k+injured in crashes involving distracted driving during 2014.
Eyes off the road:5 seconds is the average time, your eyes are off the road while texting.
Drunk Driving:Accountable for 31% of the traffic fatalities of 2014.
Drugged Driving:23% of night drivers are drugged drivers (2014).
Drowsy Driving:3% of all traffic fatalities involved a drowsy driver.
Given these flaws, and the Two Paths to an Autonomous Future (Human Centred Vs Full Autonomy) discussed in Lecture 1:Is the Human Centred idea a bad idea?
MIT-AVT Naturalistic Driving Dataset
Data Collection:
The Data collected provides an insight of
Safety Vs Preference for Autopilot?
Solutions:The need is to extract features from raw pixels.
Sliding Image:
More Intelligent netoworks:
These networks generate the candidates to be considered instead of a sliding window approach, providing a subset to be considered.
Data (from different intersections):
Why is it important?
Sequential Detection Approach
DeepPose Holistic View:
Cascade of Pose Regressors:
Part Detection:
Note: This isn’t the same as gaze detection, where we try to find (x,y,z) pose. We classify two regions: On-Road/Off-Road.Or Six Regions: - On Road- Off Road- Left- Right- Instrument Panel - Rear-View MirrorThe classification allows it to be addressed as a ML problem.
Face Alignment:
Gaze Classification Pipeline:
Calibration:Determining where the sensor is, since its region based.
Annotation Tooling:Semi-automated: Data that the network is not confident about are manually annotated.
Fundamental Tradeoff:What is the accuracy we are willing to put up with?
For increase in accuracy, a human manually iterates and annotates thet data.
False Positives:Can be dealt with by more training data. Some degree of human annotation fixes some of the problems.
Emotion Detection of the driver.
Application Specific Emotion Recoginiton:- Ex: Using Voice based GPS Interaction- Self Annotated. - The generic emotion detectors fail here because while driving, ‘smile = frustration’. - Thus Annotation matters. The data must be labelled to reflect these situations.
Degree to which a person is mentally busy.
3D convolutional NN:- A sequence of images is inputed, we use 3D convolutions.- Convolve across multiple images/channels. - Allow learning dynamics through time.
Real World Data:N-back tasks to estimate cognitive load.
Even though we are researching on perception, utilising sensors for localisation and path planning. We are still distant from solving this (Argument: 20+ years). So, Human has to be involved.
Path to Mass Scale Automation. (No more steering wheels)
Human Centred Autonomy:- A SDC is a personal robot rather than a Perception Control System.- The ‘Transfer of Control’ involves a ‘Personal’ Connection with the machine. - SDCs will be wide reaching.
What Next?- DeepTraffic- DeepCrash- SegFuse
You can find me on Twitter @bhutanisanyam1, connect with me on Linkedin hereHere and Here are two articles on my Learning Path to Self Driving Cars
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