Incase you missed it, here are the prequels to this article about the Mobile Vision API. The first post was on the Face Detection API while the second was on the Barcode Detection API.
According to the overview, the Text Detection API allows for detecting text in images and videos and it breaks down those texts into blocks (paragraphs/columns), lines (sets of words on the same vertical axis) and words (set of alphanumeric characters on the same vertical axis). The API recognizes text in various Latin based languages.
I’ll write about what’s possible with this API before I go ahead to explain how to use it .
Here, we are going to detect text from a default image preloaded in an app using the Text Detection API. I initially wanted to take this a step further by translating that text into a specified language as described in the scenario above but I left that part out when I discovered the Google Translate API is billed per usage.
Here we go (again)…
compile ''
Bitmap textBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.cute_cat_image);
TextRecognizer textRecognizer = new TextRecognizer.Builder(this).build();
if (!textRecognizer.isOperational()) {new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage("Text recognizer could not be set up on your device :(").show();return;}
Frame frame = new Frame.Builder().setBitmap(textBitmap).build();SparseArray<TextBlock> text = textRecognizer.detect(frame);
for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {TextBlock textBlock = text.valueAt(i);if (textBlock != null && textBlock.getValue() != null) {detectedText += textBlock.getValue();}}detectedTextView.setText(detectedText);
Please note that all these operations should be carried out on a background thread. The code from this article is on Github here.
Text Recognition API Overview | Mobile Vision | Google Developers_Text recognition is the process of detecting text in images and video streams and recognizing the text contained…
See and Understand Text using OCR with Mobile Vision Text API for Android_Optical Character Recognition (OCR) gives a computer the ability to read text that appears in an image, letting…
moyheen/text-detector_text-detector - This application contains all the code from my article on the Text Detector
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