The mobile apps market is snowballing. As a side effect, it is becoming more and more competitive. Nowadays, you can't hit the top of app store lists after mastering some kind of ASO magic. You need more, deeper analysis, as well as creative marketing campaigns.
Today we will talk about methods for promoting your app, from the beginning of the project to the later stages of its life. For each step, we will review relevant, helpful tools and websites. Let's go!
Giving a product a boost at the very beginning is always a great idea. If you manage to attract some attention to your app just after it is released, it will help you to grow your audience in the future.
You can try to solve this task using specialized websites for startups promotion. The top site in this niche today is Product Hunt. It is a community where users share links and descriptions of nice products they've built or just discovered.
A successful release at Product Hunt may lead to hundreds and even thousands of users, mostly from the US and other English-speaking countries. All this means that you might not only attract some beta testers, but paying users too.
Here are several tips on conducting a successful Product Hunt launch:
There are also other websites where you can post your mobile app:
Post your announcements on each of these sites as this will help you in building a community of your apps' early adopters just after the release.
Project announcements are great, but to really succeed with your app in the long-term, you'll need a thorough marketing strategy. It will be much easier to come up with an approach by analyzing your competitors' activities. To get more traffic and paying users to your app, you can't just use organic methods: paid traffic is a must-have as well.
Struggling with ad networks and campaign settings by yourself is not the best idea. Repeating the effective moves of your competitors is a much more effective strategy. If they run a similar app and the specific campaign worked for them, chances are a similar campaign will do well for you as well. This will save you tons of money on experiments.
Apptica is one of the best tools for analyzing in-app campaigns for mobile apps. It can be helpful for analyzing:
All these will be super helpful in developing a comprehensive marketing and monetization strategy for your app, all of which will affect the number of your users.
To be competitive, you need to find cost-effective yet attractive methods for the promotion of your app. Surprisingly, one such way nowadays is by using QR codes. This technology has been on the rise in recent years, and it allows users to download and install new apps quickly just by scanning a code. This makes QR codes a perfect solution for a mobile marketer.
There are multiple ways of using QR codes for driving installs. First of all, you need to create the code using the QR Code Generator tool.
After that, you can use your code for your app ads. Place it along with the description: you can set it either offline, or online. There are use cases of companies using QR codes with links to their apps on business cards, banners, adverts inside malls, as an element of an email signature, contextual ads, etc.
One of the best and simplest ways of attracting new users for a mobile app is to localize it for multiple languages. According to Statista, the number of app downloads in many markets will grow fast. So, translating your app from, say, English to Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian, will give you access to millions of potential users.
The best way to solve the localization task is by using the Lokalise tool.
This service has teamwork functionality, webhooks export, API, and built-in suggestions for translation. In using this software you will be able to localize both iOS and Android apps, as well as, update apps for your users over-the-air.
That's it for today, thanks for reading! Share your insights and useful tools for apps promotion in the comments!