This post is based on an email one of the Principal Engineers at my company sent to the R&D mailing list a few months ago.
The scenario he described in the email is so obvious, and yet I can honestly say — that when I looked back at commits I did — I found that I did it myself from time to time. I liked it so much that I had so share it.
This is an example of some code that logs messages the wrong way:
List<Stuff> veryLongList = …
// explicit invoke object's toString()logger.debug(“my long list is “ + veryLongList.toString());
logger.debug(“my extra long list is %s”, veryLongList.toString());
// implicit invoke object's toString()logger.debug(“my long list is “ + veryLongList);
All three of these versions are inefficient and error prone and should be avoided.
The reason is the call to toString(). it forces the creation of a possibly expensive String object that is then passed to the LogWrapper.debug() method.
To understand the problem with this, look at how the debug method is implemented:
public void debug(Object message) {if (ThreadedLogLevelManager.isDebugEnabled(m_logger)) {m_logger.log(s_className, Level.DEBUG, message, null);}}
public void debug(Object message, Object arg) {if (ThreadedLogLevelManager.isDebugEnabled(m_logger)) {m_logger.log(s_className, Level.DEBUG, message, arg);}}
public void debug(Object message, Object... args) {if (ThreadedLogLevelManager.isDebugEnabled(m_logger)) {m_logger.log(s_className, Level.DEBUG, message, args);}}
You can see that we first check and see the debug mode is enabled for this piece of code and only then goes to call the m_logger that does the logging.
Usually the m_logger won’t even be called since debug logging is generally disabled in production.
The m_logger itself then goes and turn the message into a string.You can see below that the way it converts it into string is also an important check that we as developers sometime forget to do:
protected final String convertToString(Object message) {return message == null ? (String)message : message.toString();}
This protects you from getting a NullPointerException.
The way to do such logs is simply:
logger.debug(“my long list is %s”, veryLongList);
This has 3 benefits:
This may sound obvious but that are about 100 such cases in the code.
On a personal note, be minded in what you log. don’t log just for the sake of logging.
No better then Winston Churchill to sum it up most accurately:
“This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.”
P.S. my good friend elad shmidov, while giving me notes on the post mentioned that:
Python has something similar about this in it’s logging best practice under the optimization section
P.S. 2 Another good friend/Editor/critic Guy Cepelevich, shared how they are doing it in Ruby:
// define the log methoddef loglogger.debug yield if Environment.type == DEVELOPMENTend
// use itlog {"this is what i want to log: " + String(element_list)}
The content of the curly brackets will be evaluated only when Environment.type == DEVELOPMENT