We all know how easy it is to manage the state with Redux. It keeps a single source of truth(state tree or store) at the root of the app and it can be changed only by dispatching actions and you can subscribe to those changes to reflect any changes in UI.
I mainly use Redux with React where any change in parent’s state or props makes the parent and its children to re-render unless we provide some solution to stop those unwanted re-rendering.
Now if I subscribe to changes in the store at the parent level, it will make the whole app re-render even if just one child component actually needed to re-render.
So here comes the react-redux library in picture. It’s helps us connect react and redux in an efficient way using the connect method.
Connect method lets you connect your component to redux store and extract the props you need for your component.
Here’s an example of how you use connect.
From here on whenever I’ll use the word “connect” I’ll mean connect to redux store.
While working with this library I came across a situation where I wanted to connect a child component of an already connected component. And I was like “is this a good idea?”, “what about the performance and those extra re-renderings, if any?”.
So after searching through the issues of redux and react-redux libraries on their github repo and lots of googling, I came to a conclusion that it’s perfectly fine to use connected components inside an already connected component. Also it actually boosts the performance of your app.
Connecting a child component of an already connected component has several advantages.
I’m currently working on some cool stuff with React. You can reach me on twitter.
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