This Slogging thread occurred in hackernoon's official #only-at-hackernoon channel. If you'd like to learn more about the contents of the pitch deck, go here. The pitch deck was created by Utsav Jaiswal and Natasha, Natasha, Limarc, Linh, and yours truly. The Slogging post was made on the official channel #only at Hackernoon, the official version of this article is published by Linh and Natasha. The full pitch deck is available to download here.
People Mentioned
Company Mentioned
This Slogging thread by Utsav Jaiswal, Natasha, Limarc, Linh, and yours truly occurred in hackernoon's official #only-at-hackernoon channel.
Commercial about X product that treats minor condition such as headaches...Ending disclaimer: MAY CAUSE HEART ATTACKS, DEPRESSION, AND IN RARE CASES DEATH.