Listen to this story
MÆ C E N A S, you, beneath the myrtle shade, Read o'er what poets sung, and shepherds play'd.
I'll put up the product's millionth serve.
With unique flairs of careful innovation,
which models stored credibility,
seated near the second seat.
Like dignity's coin cup filled,
by the categories where it becomes a prediction lens.
To inquisitive nodes; optimists born of cryptography.
Not without praise, pride and pieces passed down to some wallet's hardware; past bankrupt terrains— broken bits flat on the ground's provisioned rail.
And owners too, the 3rd downside guards a stake of the same value—
Taken over, the mainlines shaken up like gaps unnoticed or the misery
Of fat-bellied services— but no more!
As settled by the tokenized,
the gift of elderly ears;
laid therein; absorbs the bigger picture— money & cash aside.
A passionate one, far better than minted beards. Soon survives the new, the good, the bad, the bold, the planned, the unusual functioning as debt.
Soon clad calm & circumnavigated corners, cases, deep nets in cruise.
As satellites asked; the icing on the chaincake?
An extra mile through the rise and fall, through communities moderating themselves in all the story's electronic anonymity— Moves the experience's legal tender, now on feets' doubled own. And in sharding hundreds, here to stay.
Cryptographically, the brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.