Unlock $15,000 for Your Web3 Project: Compete in Upland's 2024 Genesis Hackathonby@ishanpandey
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Unlock $15,000 for Your Web3 Project: Compete in Upland's 2024 Genesis Hackathon

by Ishan PandeyMay 1st, 2024
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Join the Genesis 2024 Hackathon and compete for a chance to win $15,000! Unleash your creativity in blockchain gaming and Web3 innovations.
featured image - Unlock $15,000 for Your Web3 Project: Compete in Upland's 2024 Genesis Hackathon
Ishan Pandey HackerNoon profile picture

This year's Upland’s Genesis Hackathon intends to set new standards in the Web3 and blockchain gaming sectors. Upland is organising the Upland’s Genesis Week event, which will shift away from its conventional methodology in favour of a more idea-centric competition. In an exciting change, the 2024 iteration will no longer need participants to present a functional prototype, allowing for a greater emphasis on developing company ideas and planning methods.

Main Features of the Hackathon

Upland is introducing SPARKLET, a solution designed to facilitate the integration of blockchain applications with blockchain technology. This new information comes at a time when the Web3 domain is seeing resuscitation, with blockchain gaming at the forefront of this trend. The Genesis Hackathon aims to capitalise on these successes by providing participants with a platform that allows them to establish and enhance the capabilities of their own digital communities.

The hackathon challenges participants to use the Upland platform and its developer tools to build a new service, game, or experience. Participants will have ten days to prepare a business strategy that defines their aims and techniques. Because they are focused on clarity, originality, and practicality, these plans are critical in determining which teams will advance to the final round.

Entries must be submitted by May 10th, 9 AM PT, with finalists notified by May 13th, 2024. Those who make it to the final round will submit detailed presentations, aiming for a spot to pitch live at the Genesis Week event.

Form Submission for Hackathon.

Prizes and Incentives

The hackathon offers substantial incentives, with prizes structured across multiple phases:


Award Type



Kickoff Grant



MVP Deployment Bonus

$15,000 upon successful integration


Sparklet Grant Program

Opportunity to pitch for additional support

Finalists will compete for these prizes during the Upland Awards Show on June 7th, where the top projects will be showcased.

Logistics and Additional Benefits

Finalists will travel to Las Vegas, with Upland covering hotel expenses and providing travel stipends of up to $500 for domestic and $1,000 for international flights. This arrangement not only alleviates financial burdens but also enhances the overall experience, allowing participants to focus fully on their presentations.

The Genesis 2024 Hackathon is a launchpad for tomorrow's innovators in the Web3 space. With significant prizes, strategic opportunities, and the chance to influence the burgeoning blockchain gaming market, this event is a cornerstone for technological advancement. Don’t miss out—mark your calendar, prepare your submission, and take part in shaping the future of the digital world.

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Vested Interest Disclosure: This author is an independent contributor publishing via our business blogging program. HackerNoon has reviewed the report for quality, but the claims herein belong to the author. #DYOR.