Ok, so maybe I might be a little biased, because I’m in love. But as a college student that has for the past 6 years tried (and failed) to start a startup, my discovery of the richness and general awesomeness of Quora and Medium has left me reeling.
As a young man, experience isn’t my forte, although most of what I’ve learned is from experience (failing, for the most part). Of course, information was out there to be had, and I searched for it frantically, but still, mostly I’d find scraps here or there and would find myself with a giant jigsaw puzzle on my hands.
As a tech guy, I like to follow a few blogs and websites that are about technology (mainly TechCrunch and TheNextWeb, as well as a few local ones), and I had read about Medium, but never really visited the site.
What took me here eventually was, in fact, sheer boredom. I felt like writing a bit, and heard that Medium was a great platform for it, so I joined the community.
Of course, writing here is amazing, but I never expected the amount of great, helpful content (especially about the startup life). It became a daily must read website (and/or app) immediately.
Last week I read a piece about an update that Quora rolled out, and being a stack exchange fan, decided to check it out.
Although there are people who really don’t know how to ask questions, in less than a week I’ve learned more practical information about startups (especially about my country, Brazil, which is nearly impossible to find) then I had in the previous 6 years.
There really is nothing as informative as a good answer to a targeted question.
All this to say, if you have a question about your startup (or future one), or just want to learn more about it, these are the places to go.
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