Top 6 Corporate Video Trends for 2023by@fewstones
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Top 6 Corporate Video Trends for 2023

by fewStonesNovember 25th, 2023
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Short-form videos have revolutionized customer engagement, especially as attention spans continue to shrink. Livestreaming corporate events lets you share important moments with your audience in real-time. Aerial cinematography has revolutionized the way companies capture unique visuals and perspectives. Educational video content is a valuable way to share knowledge with your customers.
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Just like food and fashion, trends in the corporate video production landscape are constantly changing. That’s why staying updated with the latest trends is essential to maintain an edge. In this article, we've compiled six dynamic corporate video trends for 2023 that you need to know about.

Short-Form Videos for Social Media

Have you seen the hype around short videos on TikTok and Instagram? They've become a hit because they offer a quick and enjoyable way to showcase your products or services. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where simplicity is key, these bite-sized videos are vital for grabbing and keeping your viewers' attention.

The rise of these short-form videos has revolutionized customer engagement, especially as attention spans continue to shrink. Short videos enable you to efficiently convey your messages, ensuring you remain relevant and compelling for your audience.

Strategies for Crafting Effective Short-Form Videos:

  • Focus on a single, clear message or call to action.

  • Optimize for mobile viewing and ensure high-quality visuals.

  • To convey the message, utilize captivating visuals, text overlays, and concise captions.

  • Incorporate trending hashtags and popular social media challenges to enhance visibility.

  • Experiment with different video formats and styles to maintain audience interest.

Interactive Video Experiences

Have you ever tried clicking on things in a video and feeling like you're part of it? That's what interactive videos do. They let you join in, making the experience more fun. You can use these videos to get people interested in what you're showing.

Adding these interactive parts to your corporate videos lets you reach your audience's attention. This helps you create a stronger bond with your viewers and makes it more likely they'll do what you want, like buying something, subscribing, or discovering more about your company.

Tips for Creating Interactive Video Content:

  • Incorporate clickable elements or quizzes to encourage user interaction.

  • Use storytelling techniques that prompt viewers to make choices and affect the storyline.

  • Integrate personalized experiences based on viewer preferences or behavior.

  • Ensure seamless compatibility across different devices and platforms.

  • Track and analyze user engagement data to refine future interactive video strategies.

Educational Video Content

Educational video content is a valuable way to share knowledge with your audience. By offering tutorials, how-to guides, and industry insights through educational videos, you can establish yourself as an industry authority and provide essential insights to your customers.

These videos not only help in building trust and credibility but also contribute to your overall brand authority and customer loyalty.

Tips for Creating Educational Video Content:

  • Identify specific pain points or topics of interest for your target audience.

  • Structure content in a logical and easy-to-follow sequence for better comprehension.

  • Incorporate visuals, animations, and graphics to enhance understanding and retention.

  • Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate practical applications of the concepts.

  • Encourage viewer participation through interactive elements such as quizzes or knowledge checks.

Livestreaming Corporate Events

Livestreaming your corporate events lets you share important moments with your audience in real-time. It's a transparent way to let viewers participate in the experience as it unfolds. By using live streams, you can directly connect with your audience, creating a sense of community and reliability.

This encourages viewers to participate, ask questions, and build a more authentic relationship with your customers, enabling you to address their concerns promptly.

Tips for Hosting Successful Livestream Events:

  • Ensure a stable internet connection, and test the streaming setup in advance.

  • Promote the event beforehand to generate anticipation and maximize viewership.

  • To encourage audience participation, incorporate interactive elements such as Q&A sessions or live polls.

  • Make the content accessible post-event for those who couldn't attend the live session.

  • Analyze viewership data and feedback to improve future livestream events and enhance engagement.

Drones and Aerial Cinematography

Drones and aerial cinematography have revolutionized the way companies capture visuals, offering unique perspectives and stunning visuals that were once only possible with expensive equipment.

They allow businesses to showcase their products, services, or facilities from captivating aerial viewpoints, adding a dynamic and engaging element to corporate storytelling.

Tips for Implementing Drones in Corporate Video Production:

  • Ensure compliance with local regulations, and obtain necessary permits for drone usage.

  • Plan shots to capture the most compelling and relevant aerial footage.

  • Invest in skilled drone operators to ensure smooth and professional aerial cinematography.

  • Integrate drone footage seamlessly with ground-level shots for a comprehensive visual narrative.

  • Use drones to highlight scale and dimensions, adding depth and grandeur to your corporate videos.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Corporate Videos

AR (Augmented Reality) adds digital elements like images or sounds to a live view, enhancing what you see—for example, pointing your phone at a room and seeing how furniture might look.

VR (Virtual Reality) creates a whole new world, blocking out the real one and immersing you in a completely digital experience, like exploring a virtual game or environment.

These technologies have transformed corporate video experiences, offering immersive and interactive elements that redefine how audiences engage with content.

By integrating AR and VR into corporate videos, businesses can create captivating simulations, enabling customers to visualize products or services in real-world contexts, leading to enhanced decision-making and a more personalized brand experience.

Practical Applications of AR & VR in Corporate Video Production:

  • Develop virtual product demonstrations to showcase offerings in a lifelike environment.

  • Create virtual tours of facilities or showrooms to provide customers with an immersive exploration experience.

  • Implement AR features in instructional videos to offer step-by-step guidance for product usage.

  • Utilize VR for employee training programs, offering realistic simulations for practical skill development.

  • Integrate interactive AR elements within promotional videos to encourage customer engagement and enhance brand recognition.


Using these cool video trends for 2023 can help your business stay ahead online. Try them out, and see how much better your customers connect with your brand. Don't wait. Start making your awesome videos today!