The seven graphics below summarize the state of the token sale market as of 31-March-2018.
The history of token sales visualized, Jan 2014 — Mar 2018 (interactive version)
The first quarter of 2018 saw $14.2 billion raised via token sales vs. $9 billion raised in of 2017.
4 of the 5 largest token fundraising efforts of all time took place last quarter (the EOS ICO has been ongoing since June, 2017).
Token sales, Jan 2014 — Mar 2018
Fundraising amounts were sourced via the Elementus Protocol, an expert system that extracts and interprets on-chain transaction data. In contrast, most token sale statistics available online rely strictly on third-party reported amounts, which may be outdated and incomplete.
Fundraising amounts were converted into USD at the prevailing crypto exchange rate at the time the sale closed. Contributions to the EOS ICO, which has been ongoing since June, 2017, were converted daily at the ETH-USD exchange rate.
Funds raised through SAFTs and other token-convertible securities were sourced from SEC filings. The Petro figures are those reported by Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro.
Originally published at