Korea won’t insure until exchanges improve; India to release crypto ruling in July; EOS block producer drama continues
What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.
Next week, I will be at the Techcrunch’s Blockchain conference in Zug from Wednesday to Friday. Guests will include Vitalik and CZ. If you happen to be there too, I would love to meet! And if you haven’t known about this before, definitely consider going now :)
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Top News
The Zcash foundation developer conference that started today is on YouTube stream playlist. Lineup is quite good. http://bit.ly/2tFhC9r
Insurance companies to Korea exchanges: emphasize a stronger internal control system and security or else we cannot trust and insure you. http://bit.ly/2tGCBsc
The new Indian regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies is likely to be presented in the first half of July. http://bit.ly/2yILhEa
Lots of EOS discussions and noise on Twitter. 2 standouts are thisEOS producer who gets threatened with a lawsuit for not updating his config and a redditor identifying the EOS community pays $10k per day to 21 block producers each when they are hosting primarily on AWS.
Coin and Exchange News
In light of all the media coverage of Bitmain’s mining pools controling nearly 51% bitcoin hashrate, I urge you to read Jimmy Song from Blockchain Capital’s Mining Centralization Scenarios to get a complete picture of what the risk entails. Bitmain is now also delivering the first batch of 8000 units of Antminer Z9s.
CEOs of bitFlyer and Bitbank stepped down from Japan’s self regulatory cryptocurrency exchange body after they received business improvement orders. http://bit.ly/2yLHdTM
Delhi-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinsecure that had 438 bitcoins stolen will begin processing customer claims for compensation in rupees. http://bit.ly/2yKQVFP
Business and Regulation News
It appears that outright bans aren’t exactly helping governments fight cryptocurrency scams. Or, at least, that is what frequent reports coming from India and China would suggest. http://bit.ly/2yHhETZ
South Korean official: BTC “Kimchi premium” is controlled after South Korea has prohibited anonymous transactions. http://bit.ly/2yIUTyH
Alibaba signs agreement with telecom company 3 Hong Kong to deepen cooperation in blockchain. http://bit.ly/2yITHvd
Check our past 3 weekly pieces on Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners